Nezha continued: "The monkey king's martial arts are even more superb. It has reached the point of simplifying the complex and making it easy. When I fought against him that day, the monkey king relied on all kinds of magic weapons. He is blocked by a golden cudgel, and his fighting talent is extremely terrifying. When we first fought, I could temporarily suppress him with many means at first, but after he got used to my attack, he immediately turned from defense to offense, and the offensive became more and more intensified. The more violent it is, the stronger it is every moment, and after a hundred moves, it figured out the number of my attack, and took advantage of the situation to injure me."

"Wait a minute!" Yang Jian couldn't help interrupting Nezha, "You mean that Na Zha and Wang can absorb experience and become stronger in battle."

"That's right, now that I think about it, that monkey obviously took advantage of my pressure to hone its martial arts, because that monkey obviously also possessed many supernatural powers, with three heads and six arms, an incarnation outside the body, and a king kong that is not bad, but when it was handed over to me I have never used it before, and I only use a golden cudgel to deal with it. Even though I was forced to panic at the beginning, I still persisted, and I can’t think of other reasons other than honing my martial arts.” The more Nezha said, the more serious he was, and he also felt that the Monkey King There was a feeling of admiration. It is reasonable to say that monkeys are naturally evasive, and they like to show off and be majestic, but this monkey appears unusually stable.

"It's really getting more and more interesting." There seemed to be a flame burning in Erlangshen's eyes. Regardless of his handsome appearance, in fact, which one of the people who practice the profound art of the body is not a battle madman?Erlang Shen Yang Jian hadn't been able to have a quick fight for a long time, and today he finally met an opponent worthy of his full strength.

"Then, does the Monkey King have any powerful supernatural powers?"

Nezha thought for a while, and said: "Everyone knows that there are three heads and six arms, an incarnation outside the body, somersaults riding clouds, seventy-two transformations, and an indestructible body of King Kong. Besides, according to reports from my subordinates, it is rumored among monsters that this monkey The king also has supernatural powers, but I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

"The supernatural powers of heaven and earth? This monkey is not simple. I don't know how far his cultivation has reached?" Then Yang Jian shook his head and said, "No matter what his cultivation is, he has to fight first. My Erlang God is so powerful For many years, I have never been afraid of anyone. I must fight him to win or lose, "

At this moment, Li Tianwang said: "Even so, I will let people open the heaven and earth nets, just surround Huaguo Mountain, so as to make room for the real king to use his means, what else does the real king want? You might as well say it together, I’ll wait and prepare early.”

"Heavenly King is being polite, but I have something to ask for your help. Hold the Demon Mirror in the air, so that the Monkey King will not flee to other places after his defeat, but he will not be able to explain to the Jade Emperor."

"This matter is easy, and it is on us."

Chapter 619

After everything was ready, Erlangshen was about to lead his troops to battle, but at this time Nezha came up to him and said quietly: "Second brother, there is one thing I want to explain to you. Although I don't know if it is true or not, but second brother must Take precautions."

Erlangshen was stunned for a moment, not understanding where Nezha was singing, and replied with a straight face: "Brother, just say it, is there any need for us to be so polite?"

"Okay, I'm hypocritical, but I'm just hearing it. It's rumored that besides that Monkey King, there is a second king on Huaguo Mountain. I don't know his name yet. It's just that the strength of this second king is still there. Above Monkey King, I don’t know why it rarely appears.”

"Is this really true? If the Second Great King is so powerful, why has he never heard of it?"

"This is exactly where I am strange. I sent people to sneak into the Huaguo Mountain. The second king who inquired has always been mysterious. It is said that he has been living in the valley behind the Huaguo Mountain. It is mysterious. According to some monsters who know , This is the joint effort of the two great kings who once defeated the Sun Wukong and Jiao Demon King with their own strength. Now that we are besieging Huaguo Mountain, I am afraid that I will not sit idly by. I don’t know when he will show up. Second brother must be careful. "

Speaking of this, Nezha couldn't help but look to the back of Huaguo Mountain. At this time, he was shrouded in a mist, which made him feel inexplicable palpitations.

Erlang God Yang Jian also showed a solemn look on his face. Since there are such sayings inside Huaguo Mountain, I am afraid it is not groundless, because this kind of thing will obviously affect their king's prestige, but the Monkey King did not refute it. If it is not true, then why? can bear.

"About the Second Great King, do you have anything else to say? Do you have any more detailed news?"

Nezha shook his head with a wry smile and said: "No, but at this time, I have no choice but to send two one-horned ghost kings to Huaguo Mountain to inquire about news, but their lives are not good. There was a mistake in the previous battle, and they were killed by the heavenly soldiers." The Heavenly General was besieged to death, and a lot of news could not be delivered in time, and the Second Great King is too mysterious, even the monkeys on Huaguo Mountain have not been seen a few times."

Erlangshen frowned when facing an unknown enemy, he was the most prone to accidents, especially this time, he felt palpitations in his heart from time to time, which was a bad feeling.

Nezha paused for a moment, then continued: "Besides, in the previous battle, when we were chasing the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, we were blocked by a vicious blood mist from the opponent. The blood mist is very strange and can corrupt immortals Body, ordinary heavenly soldiers and generals will die if they touch it, it feels a bit like a blood-melting demon knife."

"Blood-turning demon knife!" Erlang God Yang Jian was startled, he knew how powerful this magic knife was. During the Conferred God War, Yu Hua, whose mana was not high, used this magic knife to overwhelm Xi Qi. Come on, Nezha almost died under the magic knife. In the end, he transformed into Yu Hua and tricked Yu Yuan to get the antidote to save Nezha.

Yang Jian, the God of Erlang, asked carefully about the situation of the food, and his expression became more and more serious, "It seems that I have to remind Big Brother Kang and the others not to be hurt by the blood mist. Retreat first, and save your life as the most important thing."

"Second brother can't do better if he thinks this way. Also, you can't go too far with the monkey in Huaguo Mountain. You also know that the monkey's identity is not simple. If you form a deep hatred because of this, you may die forever in the future. .”

"Hey, this task is really not easy. Unfortunately, I am already in the game, and it is impossible to quit. Anyway, thank you brother for reminding me, I will pay attention."

Erlang Shen Yang Jian said a few words to the six brothers of Meishan, Ah Gong, to let them lead the army, and shouted: "Brothers, follow me to challenge."

God Erlang led the army away from Yunzhai, rose to the mid-air and lined up to set up a camp. He ordered the six brothers of Meishan to guard the camp, and ordered the thousand and two hundred Caotou gods under his command to prepare for the ambush, and wait for him to win. Under the leadership of the six brothers, they entered the water curtain cave.

After the preparations, Zhenjun raised his head and watched. At this time, the Monkey King also had a rest overnight and recovered his spirit. The Chinese army is the most elite, and there is a faint vigor on it. Among the Chinese army stands a large banner with four gold-plated characters "Monkey King" waving in the wind, which is very eye-catching.

Erlang God Yang Jian couldn't help but said: "It's a bit of a skill to be able to train a group of monkeys to be so elite! No wonder he can defeat Nezha, but he is too arrogant. The monster monkey is ignorant, what ability does he have, dare to call it Known as the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, how can the Jade Emperor tolerate him if he is like this?"

"Second brother, I'll go meet the monstrous monkey first. Other things are trivial and irrelevant. You just need to challenge and win the reward!" I can't bear it, after all, they are all impatient people.

Erlang Shen thought for a while and nodded, "Alright, be careful in everything, don't be careless!"

It's just that before they could make a move, the Monkey King had already rushed forward, because he had already noticed the movement of the heavenly soldiers on the opposite side, especially the seven fierce gods in front of the explosion. Opening the dragon formation, his face showed a look of joy, and he said from a distance: "I think you are the reinforcements of the heavens again, Lao Sun's hands are itching, they came at the right time, Lao Sun's subordinates did not kill Wuming Seniors, report your name!"

"You monster monkey has eyes but no pearls. I am Guanjiangkou Xiansheng Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian. What are your abilities and how dare you speak so boldly?" Yang Jian was annoyed after hearing my words, and said in a cold voice with a three-pointed and two-edged knife.

"You said you are Erlang God Yang Jian?!" Originally, the Monkey King planned to attack immediately, but when Erlang God declared his name, he was stunned and looked at Erlang God seriously, especially the sky eye on his forehead. Huicai nodded, "It's really you!"

God Erlang was baffled by the Monkey King's actions, especially the strange look in his eyes. He felt a little flustered, and asked suspiciously, "Have you heard of me?"

The Monkey King nodded, "I have indeed heard about it, and I have also specifically asked about you. Now I basically know about it. The one who knows your mother is the sister of the Jade Emperor. Back then, she was married to Yang Jun in private. Knowing that you still have a younger sister, knowing that you once hacked Peach Mountain to rescue your mother, and spent a lot of effort to find out about you, I almost couldn't resist going to Guanjiangkou to find you several times."

The more Erlang listened, the more strange he became. Why is this monkey so interested in him?

Seeming to have guessed what Erlang God Yang Jian was thinking, the monkey continued, "Isn't it strange why he is interested in you? Why is he specifically inquiring about you? The reason is very simple. I have a brother. His name is Yang Jian. Same name as you, but simply Jane."

"Yang Jian!?" Erlangshen was taken aback for a moment, then his heart moved, he thought of something, and immediately asked, "Could it be that mysterious second king of your Huaguo Mountain?"

"Yes, it is him, but after I heard the names of you two, I have a feeling that the two of you are born to be at odds, and sooner or later there will be a battle between dragons and tigers. I am looking forward to the scene when you meet, and I really want to see you The scene of being pressed to the ground and hammered fiercely by him."

"Hmph, what a joke!" Erlang snorted coldly, his face full of murderous intent, "I don't know who the Second Great King you are talking about is, but do you have too much confidence in him? Sure he can beat me."

"Yes, I'm very sure, because you never know how deep he hides. Even now, I don't know how strong he is. When I face him, I feel like an ordinary monkey. , without any mana fluctuations, but after the fight, he found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't beat him, and he beat him violently with one hand." The monkey king recalled his previous experience of sparring with Yang Jian, and he was full of tears Ah, every time I feel that my strength has improved, I will challenge it with confidence, and then I will be beaten up with a bruised nose and a swollen face. I hide in the hole and dare not see anyone, and dare not come out until the wound is healed.

The Monkey King purposely told about Yang Jian, just to plot against Erlang God, hoping that he would also be bruised and swollen by this one, which was the Monkey King's own little thought.

Erlangshen was terrified in his heart, and instinctively told him that what the Monkey King said was not a lie, and he couldn't help feeling a little flustered, but he didn't show it when he lost, so he said stiffly: "Really? I'm more interested in hearing you say that, I want to meet him and see how strong he is."

"Let's forget it. It's not easy for you to cultivate, so I advise you not to seek death. Although he has a good opinion of you, he won't show mercy because of it." The Monkey King said with a look of contempt.

"Why do I, Yang Jian, need others to be merciful, but I am very interested in his evaluation, can you tell me?"

"There is nothing to hide about this. According to him, you are both civil and military, and you are a rare general. It's just that you are a little vicious in your dealings with others, and you will use any means to achieve your goals. After hearing that Zhang Kui, the Seven Evil Star Lord of the Heavenly Court today, is He was killed by your design, and his mother was specifically killed before the attack, and his mind was disturbed, so he was able to succeed, but this is not a big deal, he is cruel to the enemy, and he is very good to his own people. He is a rare man of righteousness , so I advise you, don't look for it yourself, it will save your sister from being sad,

Erlang's expression kept changing, so he could hear the sarcasm in it, and the other party knew his own way well, and said angrily: "What a sharp-toothed and sharp-mouthed monkey, give me a knife."

The last sentence of the Monkey King was to expose Erlang God's reverse scales. Yang Jian was furious, his body moved, and disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared in front of the Monkey King, and pointed at the Monkey King with a three-pointed and two-edged knife Poke it, and the strike is merciless.

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