The young Taoist immediately knew that it was not easy to come. Although he was only a Taiyi Golden Immortal, he had been listening to the Taoism under the Zhenyuan Great Immortal all the year round, and he was well-informed. It can be said that the other party's cultivation base is far above his own.

He just heard that the other party wanted to pay a visit to his teacher, and the young Taoist was a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should report it. The status of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan is so honorable. Luo Jinxian is considered number one in the Three Realms, but he doesn't think he can make his teacher look up to him.

"Forgive me, Fellow Daoist. My mentor is currently practicing. If there is no important matter, I dare not disturb you. It is inconvenient to see guests. You should come later."

The young Taoist was of course polite, but he didn't say it too harshly, because the Great Immortal Zhenyuan was gentle and mellow by nature, the young Taoist was also affected, he tried his best to be kind to others and persuade him with kind words.

"Great Immortal Zhenyuan is in the process of cultivation. I shouldn't bother you. It's just that I have something important to do here. I hope the Taoist priest will inform me. If I didn't guess wrong, Immortal Zhenyuan should be willing to see me. " Yang Jian was not angry because of the other party's evasion, but said confidently.

The young Taoist originally wanted to refuse, but when he met Yang Jian's gaze, he couldn't say the words of refusal. Obviously the other party's gaze was very kind, but there was an indescribable deterrence.

"This... well, fellow daoist, please wait a moment, I will report to my benefactor."

The young Taoist came back to his senses after walking a long distance, and he was unknowingly affected. This situation can only show that the other party's realm is too much beyond his own. Finally, he thought that he hadn't noticed the other party's state until now. No matter how cultivated, the other party is completely like an ordinary person, but when facing him, there is always a kind of inexplicable palpitation.

Yang Jian watched the young Taoist leave, and then waited so quietly. Yang Jian was not worried that Immortal Zhenyuan would not see him, even if Yang Jian was willing, he could let Immortal Zhenyuan come out to greet him now, but in order to show respect, he still It is better to follow the etiquette.

Sure enough, Yang Jian didn't let Yang Jian stay for long, when he heard a rush of footsteps, the young Taoist came quickly and said to Yang Jian: "Senior, please follow me, my teacher ordered me to come and greet him."

At this time, the young Taoist no longer had the casual and respectful face he had before, and he did not underestimate Yang Jian at all because he is a monkey.

"Thank you so much, Daoist."

"Don't dare, dare not, senior is serious."

The young Taoist secretly wiped off his cold sweat. He was glad that he hadn't acted impolitely before. When he remembered the serious look on his teacher's face just now when he reported to his teacher, he was horrified. When he was asked to invite someone, he specifically told him to be more polite. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation. From this, he could guess that the identity of the visitor was not simple, and he must be a powerful person.

Great Immortal Zhenyuan has a noble status, and even Sanqing is only his peer, and the Taoist temple only enshrines the word "heaven and earth". Although he has a gentle personality and no arrogance, it does not mean that he has no arrogance.

The Queen Mother convened the Peach Blossom Festival, and Zhenyuan Daxian just sent someone to send two kinds of ginseng fruit as a celebration, and didn't even go, but no one thought it was disrespectful, on the contrary, they took it for granted, but now they are so cautious about a monkey To be more polite, the young Taoist had to think more.

Soon, under the guidance of the young Taoist, Yang Jian strode into the main hall. From a distance, he saw the two characters "Ye Tian Di" enshrined in the center of the hall. The old Taoist, holding a whisk in his hand, saw Yang Jian coming, and immediately greeted him: "Your guest is coming to Wuzhuang Temple. The old Taoist welcomes you if you are far away. I hope you will forgive me."

"Where is the Great Immortal Zhenyuan talking? It should be that I ask the Immortal not to blame me, and take the liberty to visit me." Yang Jian hurriedly cupped his hands, saying polite words in his mouth.

"No wonder, no wonder! An expert is here to visit, and my five villages are full of flowers and plants. I have not yet asked your Excellency, Gao's name, where is the person? What is the so-called coming to my Armed View?" Zhenyuan Daxian asked with a laugh.

"My lord, Yang Jian, a person from Huaguo Mountain, who has not been named a Great Immortal for a long time, is here to visit."

Hearing that he is from Huaguoshan, and his name is still Yang Jian, even Immortal Zhenyuan couldn't help being a little dazed.

Recently, Huaguo Mountain has been very noisy. Because of the Monkey King, the name of Monkey King has spread throughout the three realms, and Huaguo Mountain has also been affected. How could it be easy for the entire Heavenly Court and even a few masters to act together? I didn't expect that there was a more powerful monkey hidden in Huaguo Mountain, and it even came to visit him at Wuzhuang Temple, which was really unexpected.

Immortal Zhenyuan's cultivation is already at the pinnacle of quasi-sage. If you can go one step further, you will be able to prove the Tao and become a sage. Although you still can't take the last step, but your magical power is so profound that it can no longer be described with supernatural powers. The Longevity Mountain is managed by him For many years, every plant and every tree has been in his perception. It stands to reason that anyone who comes to Longevity Mountain can sense it. , Monkey King don't even think about harming the ginseng fruit tree in the slightest.

But what surprised Great Immortal Yuan of Wuzhen was that he didn't notice Yang Jian's arrival at all. He didn't know that an outsider had arrived until his disciples came to comment on the report. He planned to deduce the secret and figure out the identity of the person , but nothing can be counted. In this case, it can only be that someone comes to use Dafa to cover up his own secrets, so that he can't even count. This alone shows that the other party is at least a master at the reincarnation level.

That's not to mention, with the ability of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, the moment he saw Yang Jian, he immediately realized that the other party was just an incarnation, and this incarnation was made of a leaf, so he could do it, but There is no guarantee that he can do better than Yang Jian, so it can be guessed that the opponent's realm is at least the middle stage of quasi-sage, and may be higher, which makes him have to take it seriously.

Immortal Zhenyuan looked at Yang Jian with indescribable embarrassment. A monkey from Huaguo Mountain, with a frighteningly high cultivation level, and whose name was Yang Jian, appeared in Wuzhuang Temple at this time, which made him have to have some Lenovo.

"Hahaha, it's really a coincidence that Fellow Daoist Yang's title is the same as True Monarch Erlang."

"It's really a coincidence. At the time, my true spirit hadn't awakened yet. I was just an ordinary wild monkey on Huaguo Mountain. After hearing that all creatures have names, I also chose one for myself. Erlangshen is the same, but my Jane is a simple Jane, but there are differences."

At this time, Great Immortal Zhenyuan had already made up his own mind, and decided that Yang Jian was the reincarnation of the ancient great power, "So, it seems that fellow Taoist is the reincarnation of the ancient great power, but recently I heard that Huaguo Mountain is very lively, and it can be called a famous town in the Three Realms."

Yang Jian smiled bitterly, and said helplessly: "The Great Immortal is also a sensible person, so how can he not know that this is just a farce, although I have awakened the true spirit, but after all I have stayed in Huaguo Mountain for so many years, I practiced with the help of Huaguo Mountain's aura. , regain strength, still have feelings for the monkeys and grandchildren, and can't abandon them, so I sit in Huaguo Mountain, just use the avatar to travel, and see the changes in the Three Realms over the years."

"It turns out that this is the blessing of Huaguo Mountain. Otherwise, most of the monkeys in the mountain would be robbed, and their blood would flow like rivers." Immortal Zhenyuan was a real person, and he easily accepted Yang Jian's statement.

Chapter 624

Hearing Yang Jian's words, Zhenyuan Daxian sighed in his heart, lamenting that Huaguo Mountain is a place of outstanding people, not only a Monkey King, but also a great power like Yang Jian was reincarnated here.

Yang Jian continued to flicker: "After the awakening of the true spirit, I found that the Three Realms had changed drastically, and it was no longer the prehistoric world I knew. The witch clan governs the land, and the two clans have been fighting endlessly all year round, but now the monster clan has fallen and disappeared. The once prehistoric land has become four continents. Where did the six saints go? Although I also heard some rumors language, but I don’t know the details, so I came to the Great Immortal Treasure to find out.”

Great Immortal Zhenyuan made some calculations in his mind. According to what he said just now, this person in front of him should be a great power during the period of the Lich War, but he didn't know his footsteps. There are not a few quasi-sages, but unfortunately most of them fell during the Lich War.

"It turns out that Taoist friend came from reincarnation, so congratulations. It is a great blessing to be able to escape the catastrophe. Alas! It is a pity that my friend Hongyun does not have such luck as Taoist friend. Elimination, not even reincarnation."

"Great Immortal Hongyun! I have heard his name for a long time, but unfortunately I have never seen him. I heard that Immortal Hongyun has always been friends with people, but it is a pity that he was plotted against by the demon master Kunpeng. It is really sad."

Originally, Great Immortal Zhenyuan had some doubts about whether Yang Jian was the reincarnation of the great power, but after hearing this, the doubt in his heart completely disappeared. Although this matter is not a secret, not many people know about it.

"I didn't expect Fellow Daoist to know my brother Hongyun. With your cultivation base, you must have been an unknown person in the prehistoric times. I don't know what your name is..."

Yang Jian waved his hand, looking like he couldn't bear to look back on the past, "The past, let him go with the wind. Now I am just Yang Jian, the second king of Huaguo Mountain. The old grievances have been wiped out. I don't want to mention it anymore. Now The next time I came here, apart from inquiring about news, I also wanted to have a discussion with the Great Immortal, and I hope the Great Immortal will not refuse."

"It's a great blessing to be able to sit down and discuss the Tao with a fellow Taoist. How can a poor Taoist refuse? I don't know what the Tao is cultivated by a friend?" For quasi-sages, it is almost impossible to go further, so they will think Try all kinds of methods to find inspiration, and discussing the Tao is the most commonly used. You can learn from the other party's practice and make up for your own shortcomings. It can be said to be a win-win thing.

"What I am practicing is the way of the world. With myself as the foundation, the heaven and the earth as the teacher, I evolve a world, the heaven and the earth are the universe, the past and the present are the universe, and the universe contains all things..."

Following Yang Jian's sound of the Great Dao, a cloud of air appeared above his head, holding a world above, slowly evolving into the sun, moon and stars, mountains and rivers, flowers, birds, fish and insects, and various phenomena manifested.

Immortal Zhenyuan's eyes lit up immediately, because he realized that Yang Jian's way of the world was against his own knowledge of the world. After all, Yang Jian has modern thinking and his understanding of the world is different from that of people who travel to the West, so Be able to understand the laws of the world from different angles.

If it was someone else, they would probably not be able to understand the vision evolved by Yang Jian. However, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan himself is good at the art of the universe in his sleeves. Coupled with the state of the quasi-sage peak, he can directly understand the artistic conception evolved by Yang Jian , to absorb the essence that helps itself.

Great Immortal Zhenyuan is a real person. Seeing that Yang Jian is so generous and evolved his own world knowledge and let him be enlightened, of course he can't be stingy, don't speak the truth: "The road of the earth is heavy and heavy, and it is good to do it." Soil! Soil grows all things, gathers water to reduce pollution, should be quiet and thick, and the soil is solid and deep, hiding the destination..."

There was a cloud of celebration above Immortal Zhenyuan's head, and there was a big khaki book on it. It should be the legendary book from the ground. It didn't have much attack power, but it had unparalleled defense. It was like an innate treasure. Turning into a continent, there is a towering tree growing on that continent, and there are fruit shaped like babies growing on the tree, needless to say, it is naturally the famous ginseng fruit.

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan and Yang Jian kept talking about their Dao, and the voice was transmitted outside. After some disciples in the Wuzhuang Temple heard it, some of them suddenly understood, as if they had understood something, while some were confused and found nothing. But no matter what, they temporarily put down their work and began to listen carefully.

While the Great Immortal Zhenyuan and Yang Jian were discussing the Dao, the "execution" of the Monkey King had already started on the Heavenly Court, and the Monkey King was escorted to the Demon Slaying Platform.

Normally, when a monster beheads here, it usually activates the ban on the monster-slaying platform, making the monster's mana useless, but this time it seems to have forgotten, and no one mentioned that the general in charge of the beheading is still holding an ordinary monster. The magical weapon used to kill the Monkey King, a Taiyi Jinxian realm, and it is also a melee race with powerful combat power that specializes in cultivating monster bodies, is simply a joke.

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