After setting up the instruments of torture, seeing that the time had come, the four heavenly kings stood in front of the execution platform. Zengzhang Heavenly King looked at it, and without fear, the Monkey King, who was still grinning, threw a token on the execution platform down. He shouted loudly: "Execution!"

Seeing this, a celestial general drew out his personal torture knife, poured mana into the blade, held up the magic knife, and chanted a mantra in his mouth. The punishment knife trembled in the air, flew towards the demon-slaying platform, and slashed on the monkey king's neck. superior.


With a crisp sound, the Xing Dao was directly bounced back, and the Monkey King didn't even hurt a single hair, the Xing Dao kept turning in the air, and everyone was speechless for a while.

Under the eyes of everyone, the heavenly general seemed to be ashamed as if he waved his hand, and brought back the torture knife, held it in his hand, turned around and cupped his hands at the execution platform, and said: "The humble minister is incompetent, please punish the king of heaven, this monkey head The body is too hard, the subordinates can't do anything to him."

"You step back first, since the punishment knife is useless, change to the punishment ax and go forward."

Soon another Heavenly General came out, threw the torture ax in his hand, and cut it on the Monkey King's neck, the result was the same, he admitted that he could not help the Monkey King, and retreated.

Next, the thunder general stepped forward to perform thunder punishment, and suddenly the sky filled with thunder and lightning formed a sea of ​​thunder, completely enveloping the monkey king, but it seemed that the thunder and lightning were useless, and it seemed that it would be too light to tickle the monkey king.

Originally, the Monkey King was still a little worried. Don't look at him as a tough guy, but he was still a little scared in the face of death, but now that he realized that the other party didn't want to kill him at all, there was nothing to be afraid of. The Monkey King acted recklessly. Laughing loudly, shouting in his mouth, he didn't feel any pain at all, his whole body felt refreshed, he kept asking Lei Jiang to push harder, so that he could take this opportunity to move his sore and numb muscles.

When the thunder punishment was over, the Monkey King was not damaged at all. Not only was he not injured, but his spirit was even better. He shouted loudly: "Old man Jade Emperor, you are not considered a good man if you wait for a sneak attack from behind. If you have the ability, let the old grandson go out , fight again, Erlangshen, dare I fight for another three hundred rounds..."

After confirming that his life was not in danger, the monkey king let go of it completely, yelling and cursing all kinds of things, scolding all the people in the heaven and earth all over his life.

The four heavenly kings didn't care about the monkey king's yelling. Seeing that the thunder and punishment were useless, they removed the thunder general and sent Vulcan to play. burnt.

It can be said that this is an execution to make the Monkey King famous. It doesn't matter to those who know the inside story, but it is extremely shocking to ordinary heavenly soldiers and generals, thinking that the Heavenly Court really can't do anything to the Monkey King!Make the name of Monkey King more prosperous.

The four heavenly kings left the demon-slaying platform, went straight to the Lingxiao hall, met the Jade Emperor, talked about their execution experience, and finally said: "Long live, this great holy monster has a strong body. Fa, chopping with knives and axes, and burning with thunder and fire are all useless, and they cannot be damaged at all. Now that the great sage is more energetic, he is swearing there, and the ministers have no choice but to report to His Majesty."

"There is such a thing? This guy still has such a means. It's really amazing. Does the family have a good plan?" The Jade Emperor immediately showed a surprised look, and then asked his highness first.

The Taishang Laojun came out and said: "Long live, that Hericium's body is a diamond because he ate flat peaches, drank the imperial wine, and ate the golden elixir of the old way, so he couldn't hurt him in a hurry."

"What should I do? I don't want to try my best to catch him, but in the end I ended up like this. Is it okay to just let him go? Does Laojun have a good plan?" Jade Emperor pretended to be eager to ask Taishang Laojun asked.

The old gentleman looked at the anxious expression of the Jade Emperor, sighed in his heart that the Jade Emperor had great acting skills, and then said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the old man has his own good plan. This monkey has devoured countless treasures and trained it into a vajra body. Use ordinary methods Fearing that it will be difficult to subdue, it is better to let the old Taoist take it, put it in the Bagua furnace, and exercise it with the fire of civil and martial arts. After seventy-seven forty-nine days, practice the immortal golden elixir, destroy his vajra indestructible body, and naturally become Ashes."

"It's so good!" The Jade Emperor made a gesture of great joy when he heard the words, recruited Liuding Liujia, and issued an order: "Go quickly to kill the demon platform, take down the monkey king, and send it to Laojun's palace. Be careful on the way, don't let that monkey king slip away, or I will punish you severely."

Liu Ding Liujia took the order to go, Laojun also made preparations, and soon left Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor then looked at Erlang God Yang Jian and said: "Erlang God, you have made great contributions this time, so I will make you the Marshal of the Heavenly Court Army and Horses, and lead the Eighteenth Tianding of the Heavenly Court to suppress one side for my Heavenly Court. , There are always no one to disobey, the empress is alone and weak, and can't supervise, Erlang God, I will give you the post of judicial god, and you will directly obey the orders of the empress, assist the Queen Mother to clear the heavenly rules, so as to make the world clear, if there is anyone who violates the heavenly rules , that is to capture and bring to justice, and I know that there are still a few brothers in your family, but it is hard to let go for a while. The capture of the Monkey King this time, those few people have contributed a lot. You can recruit them from the lower realm to go to heaven, and they will belong to you. Jurisdiction."

The Jade Emperor gave the order, and everyone was shocked. The so-called Marshal of the Heavenly Court was just a vain post. The Judiciary God is its real position.

God Erlang seemed to have known this would happen a long time ago, and he didn't show too much surprise. He just came out of the crowd and kowtowed: "I thank you, Your Majesty, Yang Jian, and I will take my leave for the time being. I'm going down to call all the brothers and arrange the matter of Guanjiangkou."

God Erlang led the decree to leave, and the monkey king on the other side was also sent to Tushita Palace at the same time. After Laojun came back, he opened the palace gate, Liuding Liujia and [-] stars sent the monkey king to the alchemy room .

Along the way, the Monkey King also thought about running away, but the rope tied to him didn't know it was a magic weapon, so the Monkey King couldn't break free from the shackles.

Taishang Laojun glanced at them, first ordered the two boys to open the door of the gossip furnace, then pointed to the ground and grinned, the struggling monkey king ordered: "You wait to untie the rope on him quickly. , and also take off the sleepy god lock on his lute bone, so as to save the trouble of practicing during the festival."

Liu Ding Liujia and Twenty Eight Stars gulped their saliva, sweating profusely in fright, and finally one Xing Jun bit the bullet and whispered: "Old Monarch, this monkey has great powers and a violent temper, if it resists , I can't wait to stop you, I've broken your treasure in Tushita Palace."

"No defense, even if you measure him in my palace, you won't be able to make any waves. You just need to do it."

"This, this..." The Xingjun looked embarrassed, but he still didn't dare to untie the rope on the Monkey King.

Laojun looked at the alchemy furnace, it was already opened, and the fire was burning hotter and hotter, but the rope on Monkey King's body had not been untied, Laojun couldn't help frowning, walked over a few steps, and shouted angrily: "Stand back, I'll do it myself, you can see how promising you are."

"Yes, yes, yes, damn the little one!" He said so, but as if he was amnesty, he quickly stepped back and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, for fear that if he walked too slowly, he would be slapped by the monkey king later. kill.

Laojun took a few steps forward and untied the monkey king's rope casually. A gleam of light flashed in the monkey king's eyes, and he jumped up from the ground, took out the golden cudgel from his ear, and said with a smile: "Hey, old officer! , thank you for letting my grandson go, but I still have to eat my grandson!

The Monkey King took the golden cudgel in his hand and pointed it at the top of the Taishang Laojun's head. He wanted to strike down, but he recognized the Taishang Laojun. His being captured now gave him a chance, and of course he wanted to take the opportunity to take revenge.

Liu Ding Liu Jia and the twenty-eight stars looked terrified, and they were about to step forward to arrest the Monkey King, but at this moment, Yin saw the Taishang Laojun casually pointing at the Monkey King, and a blue light appeared out of thin air , directly enveloped the Monkey King, and even the monkey belt was fixed in the air. The Monkey King struggled hard, but didn't even arouse a ripple.

Immediately afterwards, Taishang Laojun shook his hand.In the Monkey King's exclamation, his body was thrown into the gossip furnace in the blink of an eye. Before he could react, Monkey King only felt his eyes light up, and the whole world changed, appearing in a crimson In the world, Laojun took a few steps and closed the furnace door with his own hands.

"Okay, you have nothing to do here, go back." Taishang Laojun waved his hand casually, and said to Liu Ding Liu Jia and Twenty Eight Stars.

"Ugh! Well...Okay!"

Six Ding Liujia and twenty-eight constellations stayed there stupidly. It took a while to react, and turned around stiffly to leave. It was still alchemy, this time they knew for the first time that the Taishang Laojun was so powerful.

Although there are many Jiejiao disciples among the twenty-eight constellations, and Taishang Laojun is still the clone of their uncle Taiqing sage, they don't know about it. Although Taishang Laojun didn't deliberately conceal it, it's just that their identities are too different Damn, no one mentioned the twenty-eight constellations at all, and they don't know what kind of existence the Taishang Laojun in front of them is.

Chapter 625 Discussing Dao Zhenyuan Great Immortal

"Old officer, if you let me out, if you have the ability to fight my old grandson, what kind of a hero is this kind of sneak attack?"

The Monkey King was in the gossip furnace and began to curse. Looking at the blazing flames around him, the Monkey King's heart trembled for a while. He could see that these flames were not the prosperity that was used to burn it before, but real divine fires. Make sure if your demon body can resist it.

"Hehe, old Taoists don't know how to fight, kill and kill. There is no way out now. It's better to be honest and be refined into golden pills by old people." Taishang Laojun didn't get angry after hearing the monkey king's words, so he cast a spell tactic.


The gossip furnace started to turn, the flames in it started to ignite, Laojun’s formulas began to be recited, and the monkey king’s screams began to resound. No matter how he resisted, no matter where he hid, he could not get rid of the furnace. In the raging fire.

As the flames burned hotter and hotter, the Monkey King began to feel a little unbearable. Just when he felt hopeless, he suddenly felt a chill coming from his stomach, and his pain of being burned by the fire suddenly eased a lot.

The Monkey King was also taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that it was the Xue Pozhu in his body that was working. Looking at the burning flames around him, his heart skipped a beat. Isn't this exactly what Yang Jian said about burning his body?

The Monkey King remembered very clearly that Yang Jian specifically explained that the burning fire was a catastrophe, but also an opportunity, the key is how to grasp it.

The Monkey King took a deep breath, crossed his legs and floated in mid-air, let the flames burn his body, no longer resisted but took the initiative to absorb the power in the flames, and at the same time stimulated the snow pods in his body to create the most yin and cold air Distribute from the inside out.

There is a raging sky fire outside, and the most yin to cold qi in the body, which continuously circulates in the body, and finally gathers at the Dantian, forming the trend of yin and yang. Continuously tempered.

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