"It's useless, Gu Yi, I have long been integrated with the dark dimension, this is my territory, the dark dimension, all the power can be used by me, here I can recover infinitely, it is immortal, you No matter how much damage you do to me, it's useless."

Dormammu roared angrily, a cloud of black air emerged from the wound on his body, and he recovered in a blink of an eye. Then, with his hands hard, the two ancient mages were thrown out by him. After the spear came out, it turned into a mage Xianggu with streaks of black light.

Brush brush! ! !

The avatar of the ancient sorcerer was pierced instantly, turning into energy and disappearing. Only the main body reacted in time to block the spear of darkness with a magic shield, and was not harmed.

However, Dormammu regained his freedom and immediately launched an attack, spitting out dark energy from his mouth, chasing the ancient one mage and attacking fiercely, the ancient one mage could only dodge around, and the situation was precarious

On this side of the earth, Yang Jian used magic to condense into a water mirror, which showed the situation of the ancient one mage being hunted down by Domamu. Seeing that the ancient one mage was in danger, Slantqi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said eagerly: " We have to save Master Gu Yi, she won't last long in this situation."

Slantky looked at the Mage King and Casillas with a look of hope, obviously hoping that they could stand up at this critical moment.

Casillas and the Mage King smiled awkwardly, and the Mage King said with some embarrassment: "Well, I'm sorry, we can't fly with the magic shield like the Ancient One, and the space around the dark dimension channel becomes It's extremely chaotic, and I can't open the space door to enter. I'm really powerless and I can't help you."

"Can't fly?" Slantchi was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, took off the levitation cloak on his body, and said: "I can lend you the levitation cloak, so that you can fly, and go to the dark dimension to help the ancients. A mage."

Slant had a good idea, but it was a pity that Yang Jian soon shattered his fantasy, "It's too late, the levitation cloak has already recognized you as the master, and no one else can use it except you. Your idea cannot be successful."

"This..." Slantqi's heart was full of remorse, and he knew that he should not have accepted the cloak.

"What about you, you can also fly, you flew over from the kebab side before." Slantqi had another idea after a brainstorm.

"I can indeed fly, and I can also enter the dark dimension, but it's too dangerous there. I probably have to explain where Dormammu's territory is. I didn't see that the ancient one was beaten and fled in embarrassment. I don't want to take risks. "

"You, you! You coward! Master Ancient One is in danger to save the world, and you are desperate to save him. Well, you don't go to me." Kaslantchi said, and directly put the levitation Putting on the cloak, it soared into the sky, flying like a dark dimension passage.

What Slantchi didn't know was that after he left, Yang Jian, Casillas, and Mage King glanced at each other with satisfied smiles on their faces.

"This kid is not bad. Although he is still a little immature, he didn't back down in the face of danger. He knew that he would die, but he still caught him without hesitation. It shows that he has the belief in taking responsibility. I recognize him and I will do my best to help him. He, let him become a competent supreme mage." Casillas was somewhat dissatisfied with Gu passing the position of supreme mage to Slantchi before, but now that dissatisfaction has completely disappeared.

The Mage King also nodded and said: "Yes, the strength is a bit weak, and it takes a long time to hone, but it doesn't matter. As the successor of Kamathai, the most important thing is time. Use the Eye of Agamotto to reincarnate a few more times. , isn’t there time? I believe he will grow up soon.”

Little did Slantage know that he had been duped by the three bastards, and that his future miserable life was sealed.

Yang Jian looked at Slantage who had plunged into the dimension channel and said: "Okay, it's time for me to play next. We can't let our future supreme mage be killed by Dormammu, and I will leave this to you."

"Don't worry, we know what to do."

Yang Jian nodded, and a pair of golden bat wings appeared behind her, flapping lightly.Turned into a golden light to chase Slantage.

After Yang Jian left, the mage king and Casillas called all the mages of Karma Taj to gather together, through the space door to the top of the tallest building in Hong Kong, and worked together to cast magic together to form a face with a diameter of several hundred Mi's super shield, in front of the dark dimension channel, blocks the energy that radiates from it from time to time.

Slantchi entered the dark dimension, saw the ancient mage Dormammu chasing him, struggling to hold on, without thinking about it, he condensed his own little magic power into a red belt, wrapped around one of Dormammu's legs, and forcefully pull back.

Dormammu felt the abnormality coming from his leg, looked down, and naturally found Sislantqi, and tore off the red belt with a light force.

"I didn't expect that there was another little bug that dared to come to my territory. Well, let me kill you together, let you..."

Dormammu suddenly froze in the middle of speaking, staring at Slantage, to be precise, at the Eye of Agamotto hanging on Slantage's neck.

"The Time Stone! Hahaha!! God helped me. I didn't expect this kind of treasure to be on a little mage. If that's the case, then I'm not welcome. The Time Stone is mine. With the Time Stone, who else is it?" My opponent? Those dimensions that have bullied me before, the Demon God, I will take revenge." Dormammu laughed and reached out to grab Slantage.

"I said, buddy, you are too arrogant. I promised to keep him safe. Now I want to arrest him. Have you asked me for my opinion?"

Domamu's arm was stretched halfway, and a voice suddenly sounded. Domamomu turned his head to look, and found that another person had entered the dark dimension, holding a spear made of condensed energy, more than three meters long, and only a person was seen. With a strong flick, the spear turned into white light and shot out, rapidly expanding and becoming bigger and bigger.

In the end, the handle turned into more than [-] meters in length, piercing Dormam's arm in an instant, and the severe pain was transmitted to Dom's brain. Dormam didn't know how long he hadn't endured this kind of pain.

"Ah!" Dormammu couldn't help screaming, and roared in his mouth: "Damn bastard, you hurt me, I will kill you!"

Dormammu pulled out the spear stuck in his arm, slammed a fist at Yang Jian with one hand, and continued to grab Slantage with the other hand. Obviously, he did not lose his mind because of the pain. It is clear that the most important thing now is to The most important thing is to grab the time gem. Having the time gem will definitely increase his strength and become the top existence among the dimension demon gods. Isn't it easy to take revenge in the future?

Yang Jian didn't expect this either. He wanted to save Slantky, but was blocked by a huge fist. It was too late. Seeing that Slantkey was about to fall into Dormammu's hands, he Seeing a flash of yellow light, at the critical moment, Mage Gu Yi stood in front of him, instantly condensing a super shield to resist Dormammu's big hand.

"Gu Yi, you dare to spoil my good deeds, die for me!" Mam was blocked by the super shield of Mage Gu Yi, furious in her heart, let out a roar in her mouth, and directly grabbed the back shield and pinched it hard.

Click click click!Cracks began to appear on the shield and spread rapidly. Master Gu Yi was startled when he saw this scene, and quickly backed away. When he passed by Slantqi, he did not forget to grab it and try to keep the distance away.


At this time, the shield was completely shattered, and the ancient mage opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. In the case of Dormammu, he also paid a big price. Three of his five fingers were cut off directly, but even so, he still did not give up. I intend to continue the pursuit.

It stands to reason that although the ancient mage is not as good as Dormammu, he will not be defeated in an instant. Didn't he still persist in the previous fight for so long?Even though this is the dark dimension and belongs to Dormammu's territory, if the ancient mage wants to escape, Dormammu can't stop him.

It's just that the fighting style that the ancient one is good at is not this kind of frontal confrontation. Dormammu is backed by the entire dark dimension, which is much stronger than her. Except for the first hard fight, the others are almost dodging and then looking for opportunities to fight back , but this time in order to save Slantage, he had to fight head-on, that's why he lost so badly.

"Damn it! Brother Dormammu! You don't take me seriously. It seems that I can't hide it anymore. If that's the case, let's have a bloody battle."

Yang Jian took a deep breath, and the energy in his whole body exploded instantly, directly pushing away the dark energy around him, and shouted loudly: "Look at my law!"

Countless white lights emanated from Yang Jian's body, as if a sun appeared in the dark dimension, getting bigger and bigger, and soon a white light giant who was about the same level as Dormammu appeared on the battlefield.

In fact, this is not the real Fatianxiangdi, and the white light giant is not a body of flesh and blood, but a condensed form of pure energy. It is the magic created by Yang Jian by referring to the Fatianxiangdi, and it also incorporates the magic of the Naruto world Susanoo Combining certain characteristics of the two with the strengths of the two, there is a huge figure in front of you.

The radiant giant transformed by Yang Jian stretched out his hand to grab it, and a white light sword that was about the same height as himself was condensed into shape, and he slashed at Domamu fiercely.

Of course, Dormammu was not to be outdone, and also condensed a dark sword to meet them, clanging together and fighting together. With the collision of the two behemoths, berserk energy raged in all directions.

Slant was stunned, he didn't expect that Master Yang, who seemed timid and fearful, would be so powerful.

The ancient mage reluctantly sent Slantage to a safe area, and then spit out another mouthful of blood, his life was greatly reduced, and he looked like he was in a hurry.

"Mage Gu Yi, how are you?" Slantqi looked guilty, if it wasn't for him, Mage Gu Yi wouldn't have suffered such a serious injury.

"My life has reached its limit, so from now on, you are the new supreme mage, and Kama Taj will be handed over to you in the future. Don't let me down."

"What?" It happened so suddenly that Slantage couldn't react.

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