"I know it's too sudden, but there's nothing I can do about it, but I believe you will be an excellent supreme mage, and I have seen the future."

"But my strength is low, how can I be worthy of the title of supreme mage?"

"It doesn't matter, I can help you reincarnate in time. You have enough time to increase your strength. When you feel that you can take on the responsibility of the supreme mage, you can relieve yourself. There, you can learn the magic you like at will. , to what extent you can do it is up to you.”

After the ancient master finished speaking, without waiting for Slantage to say anything, he directly reached out to touch the Eye of Agamotto on his chest. Suddenly Slantage was enveloped by a ball of green light and fell into the cycle of time.

Chapter 632 Escape

Master Gu Yi looked at Slantqi, then at Yang Jian who was fighting Domamu, with a relieved smile on his face, and slowly closed his eyes, completely losing his vitality.

And Domamu was relieved when he saw the death of Master Gu Yi. Although Domamu said it was easy and didn't take Master Gu Yi seriously, he actually didn't care about this old opponent who had been entangled with him for many years. He didn't dare to relax, especially now that there is Yang Jian, an enemy who can confront him head-on. Although he is sure that with the support of the endless power of the dark dimension, he will slowly grind Yang Jian to death, but in case the ancient master takes the opportunity With the sneak attack from behind and Yang Jian's cooperation, he was not sure that he would be able to withstand it.

Domamu concentrated all his energy on dealing with Yang Jian, and the pressure on Yang Jian suddenly doubled, but Yang Jian didn't mean to back down at all, and he was completely confronting him head-on, not seeking to win the opponent, just trying to defeat him. hold off for now.

Dormammu didn't notice that there was a gleam of white light on the body of the ancient mage, and a soul flew out, passing through the dark dimension channel in an instant, and returning to the earth.

"Master Gu Yi, how are you?" Casillas noticed the moment Master Gu Yi returned, and hurried forward to say hello.

Normally, even masters like Casillas or the Mage King can't see the soul, but they already knew that the Ancient One Mage would abandon the body in this battle, and they can see it in a short time by using spells in advance. to the soul.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Don't worry about following the plan. You must maintain the magic circle. Don't be discovered by Dormammu until I'm ready."

"Don't worry, teacher, you just need to do it, we will arrange it here."

The ancient one mage nodded, and then looked at the fat man next to him. The mage king immediately understood what the ancient one mage meant. One hand continued to maintain the super magic shield with other mages, and the other hand was free to lightly stroke to open a space Door.

The soul of the ancient mage immediately went through, and in a blink of an eye, he had come to an open space behind the Himalayas. Looking at a towering tree with a diameter of tens of meters and a height of several meters, there was a trace of determination in his eyes, and he no longer hesitated Drilled in.

With the integration of the soul of the ancient mage, the towering tree came alive, and immediately countless deafening roars came from under the earth, and the undulating vibrations seemed to be surging all over the world, and countless huge roots came from the ground. Creeping out, crisscrossing and spreading out of the ground.

Oceans, rivers, mountains, plains, basins, cities, villages... In every corner of the world, thick and thick tree vines spread out, and countless branches were scattered on the tree vines. They were reorganized on the basis of the original three magic circles. The three defensive super magic circles turned into offensive magic covers, began to absorb solar energy, and quickly approached the magic circle on the Hong Kong side.

This movement naturally attracted the attention of all countries in the world. The leaders of all countries immediately issued orders to investigate the truth of the matter at all costs, and agents all over the world took action.

As more and more energy is transmitted, a mass of energy began to appear on the remaining ruins of Hong Kong, exuding the light of the naked eye, like a small sun, and getting bigger and bigger, from tens of meters to hundreds of meters meters, and then began to increase toward a diameter of [-] meters. From the perspective of energy fluctuations, it was already equivalent to thousands of nuclear bombs, and it continued to increase.

The dark dimension channel is just above Hong Kong, and it has already been opened. Dormammu should be aware of such a powerful energy fluctuation, but because there is a super magic shield jointly arranged by a group of Kama Taj mages above, it effectively isolates the energy. Fluctuated so much that Dormammu has been kept in the dark until now.

The battle between Yang Jian and Dormammu in the Dark Dimension is still going on, and Yang Jian holds a big sword in both hands and cuts down vigorously.

Dormammu immediately put up the black flame sword with both arms to resist, and the black light shot up all over his body.


Yang Jian's two-handed sword chopped off the black flame sword, split Dormammu's head in half, but Dormammu's headless body took a step back, the dark energy gathered, and soon a new head grow out.

"It's useless, I'm immortal here, no one can kill me." Domamu roared at Yang Jian.

"Then I'll keep killing you until the energy is exhausted." Yang Jian said as he swung the big sword in his hand, and a sword qi slashed out, attacking Domamu again.

Domamu also condensed into a big sword again, with black flames billowing, and he had already come to Yang Jian in a flash. He was obviously huge, but his speed was so fast that people couldn't react, and he slashed down fiercely.

Yang Jian's two-handed sword was burning with flames. This is the power of law that Yang Jian learned from the eternal fire. Through burning, part of the energy of the enemy can be converted into used energy. Although it is not much, it is better than nothing. With all the strength in his body, the big sword in his hand swept out.

boom! !

The flames on the sword gushed out, turned into a frenzied wave and submerged Dormammu's body, cut off the opponent's big knife for the second time, and then cut off half of the opponent's head.

"I said it's useless, you..."

boom! !

Dormammu hadn't finished speaking, Yang Jian had already attacked again, and before the opponent recovered, he punched the opponent in the chest, and Dormammu was blown away.

Yang Jian panted violently, feeling that most of the energy in his body had been consumed, and he was a little anxious, wondering what was going on with Master Gu Yi.

"There's so much nonsense, anyway, you are also the majestic master of the dark dimension, so you can't say a few words, can't everyone speak with their fists?"

Dormammu recovered his head again, and looked helpless at Yang Jian. The reason why he babbled so much nonsense was not to anger Yang Jian. Run away, because through the many fights just now, Mam has discovered that Yang Jian's strength is not inferior to him. If he leaves the dark dimension, Mam is really not sure that he can deal with it.

Of course, Dormammu must not say this kind of thing, otherwise his reputation as the master of the dark dimension will be ruined, "Report your name now, you are qualified for me to remember."

"Why do you want to play head-down with me? I'm not afraid. I'm telling you, I'm Yang Jian from Earth, and I've covered the Earth. If you're sensible, get out!" Seeing Domamu temporarily stop, Yang Jian couldn't wait for it. Take this opportunity to rest.

"You also want to protect the earth. The moment the dark dimension channel is opened, the earth already belongs to me. If you surrender, I can save your life." Domamu's voice was extremely cold, without any emotion, It's frightening.

"Really? I don't think so. I firmly believe that you will continue to be the same as before, driven away like a bereaved dog." How could Yang Jian be afraid of him.

"I'll tell you with facts, how naive and ridiculous your people's resistance on earth is! Go to hell!" Dormammu roared, the dark magic knife in his hand turned into dark energy and dissipated, and then his whole body burned into black flames. Flame, a pair of dark claws swelled up, becoming extremely huge, and suddenly stretched out, just a pair of claws surpassed Yang Jian's incarnate giant.

Yang Jian was taken aback. Even if Dormammu was in the dark dimension, if he wanted to use this power, he had to use the source of the dark dimension. Is it so ruthless?

Yang Jian was in a dilemma. He didn't know whether he should use his hole cards, or whether he could kill Dormammu after using his hole cards. After all, this was his territory, and he could be revived infinitely. He couldn't help scolding Master Gu Yi. Bloody head, why not ready yet?

Just when Yang Jian was in a dilemma, he suddenly felt a magic bead that he was carrying with him beating. Yang Jian's face showed a hint of joy. The secret signal finally came, which meant that the Ancient One mage was ready. It's time to start.

Yang Jian disappeared from the spot in a blink of an eye, avoiding the attack of the huge claw, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at Slantqi's side, reaching out to grab him, and was about to take him away.

But at this moment, Slantky, who was caught in the cycle of time, suddenly opened his eyes. Although his appearance remained unchanged, there was a sense of vicissitudes in his eyes.

At the same time, Dormammu's huge claws followed closely. If it was before, Slantage would have been scared to death and fled desperately. However, after time and reincarnation, he is already an absolute master of magic. Facing the pair of claws, there was no fear at all.

Slantky flew into the air with the help of the levitation cloak, his hands began to form seals quickly, the Eye of Agamotto on his body opened, and the green gemstone emitted a bright light.

Immediately after, arms emerged from behind Slantchi, like Avalokitesvara, and figures emerged from him. In a blink of an eye, countless Slantchi appeared, surrounding Domamom in the center, each of Slantchi A red belt appeared in Lantage's hand, which quickly grew in size like a flexible long snake, entwining the two claws, and then the densely packed Slantchi pulled the two claws apart and fixed them in the air.

"Master Yang Jian, hurry up and kill him." The densely packed Slantage shouted at the same time.

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