At this moment, the Yang family had an urge to vomit blood. They didn't wake up early in the morning or late at night, but they woke up at this time. I was ready to run for my life, but you gave me a break. Why did you go? What can you do?

It's not that Yang Jian escapes now, it's not that if he doesn't escape, Master Gu Yi has prepared a big move, as long as he leads Domamu to him, and then gives him a ruthless blow, he will definitely be able to severely damage him, tens of thousands I didn't dare to think about the earth during the year, but I didn't expect such an accident at a critical moment.

Yang Jianjian left without hesitation, and Domamu would be suspicious. After all, if such a good opportunity is not taken, anyone can think of a conspiracy.

In the end, Yang Jian gritted his teeth and decided to give Domamu a shot, and try his best without using the last hole card.

Yang Jian raised his hands, and quickly formed a golden spear above his head. As the energy gathered, the spear became bigger and bigger. In order to act like a little bit, Yang Jian did not hesitate to gather the energy that made up his body together In the past, the huge body began to shrink smaller and smaller, and finally returned to its normal form, and the spear had become thousands of meters long.

Domamu also felt the power of Yang Jian's move. Because his hands were banned, he could only open his mouth to spit out a cloud of dark energy. Endless darkness engulfed him. Come, the void that was completely corroded by darkness, the black mist rolled out, exuding a powerful and decadent aura, which was extremely strange.

"Go to hell, Dormammu! Bright Spear!"

Yang Jian yelled, and with the movement in his hand, the spear turned into a stream of light and shot out. The white light shot up into the sky, and the surging energy swept all the way, making the dark void shine brightly, the dark dimension trembled violently, and the light spear hit A big hole was opened in Dormammu's chest, and black energy scattered.

"Ah!" Domamu let out a scream, "Yang Jian, I'm not done with you!"

Dormammu's roar was full of anger and killing intent. This time he was injured by Yang Jian. Although it was not serious, it took thousands of years of cultivation to recover.

"I'm going to kill you all, you're all going to die!" Dormammu went completely mad, and the vast and boundless dark energy gathered from all directions, filling up the big hole in his chest again, and gathering more original power, becoming become more massive.

As the strength increased again, Slantage could no longer effectively restrain Dormammu. Dormammu clenched his fist, violent energy erupted instantly, those red belts broke instantly, and the densely packed clones gathered together again, becoming Back to the only body.

At this time, Yang Jian felt that the magic bead used for communication in his bosom jumped twice again, and it was very fast, which indicated that the ancient mage on the earth had reached the limit and had to implement the plan as soon as possible.

Yang Jian looked at the ground through the dark dimension channel. If there was no super magic shield blocking it, Yang Jian believed that it would definitely be a shocking scene.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The diameter of the sphere formed by the solar energy gathered by the magic circle formed by the ancient one mage with the roots of the sacred tree under the magic shield has exceeded a kilometer, and it is still expanding. Every time this pure energy increases, The required control strength has to be increased by one point, and the required overall strength and solid control strength have to be increased by one point. Even if the ancient one mage fuses his soul with the sacred tree and uses the magic circle to enhance the control power, such a huge amount of energy I was also a little powerless, and my heart was terribly anxious, because just a little leak of these powers would be enough to destroy Hong Kong, and now I am about to lose control.

After Slantage was repelled, he still refused to give up and wanted to continue to attack. Yang Jian was taken aback. If he continued, the plan would fail. He rushed over, grabbed Slantage and turned around. Run, and shouted at the same time: "Let's stop here for today, I just received the news that Casillas and the others have repaired the super magic circle, as long as we go back, they will immediately activate the magic circle and close the dark dimension channel , Dormammu can no longer invade Earth."

Slant, who wanted to do his best, heard what Yang Jian said, and immediately gave up his plan to continue to attack. He escaped with Yang Jian, and did not forget to condense a red belt to wrap around the body of the ancient one. The respected teacher was humiliated after death.

"You don't want to escape, the earth will belong to me soon." Domamu naturally heard Yang Jian's words, and chased after him without hesitation. After waiting for so many years for a chance to invade the earth, how could it be so easy? give up?

Chapter 633

Yang Jian and Slantchi fled desperately, and Dormammu was chasing after them. In terms of size, Dormammu was much bigger than Yang Jian and Slantqi. It stands to reason that they could catch up with one step, but in reality But that's not the case. No matter how he chased him, he was still close, because at this time Slantage had opened the Eye of Agamotto on his chest, and the green light enveloped Yang Jian and Slantage, and the time around them accelerated. , always keep a distance from Dormammu?

Soon Yang Jian and Slater came to the passage of the dark dimension, and without hesitation, they got out and landed on the super shield. The shield automatically opened a gap for the two to grab in.

Following behind, Dormammu was still unable to pass through the passage, so he could only stretch out a hand to grab the shield fiercely.

"It's just a dream to stop me with just a magic shield!" Dormammu roared and hit the magic shield with a huge claw, only to hear a bang, and the magic shield was directly torn.

It's just that when Dormammu saw the situation behind the magic shield, he was stunned, and then there was a trace of fear in his eyes, because behind the magic shield was not the panicked mage he imagined, but a super magic circle. The top of the magic shield has condensed into a huge ball of light, with a diameter of more than a kilometer. Dormammu felt the boundless energy from it, and he was afraid of it.

Dormammu panicked completely. This kind of light attribute energy has a natural restraint effect on him. It is so pure and huge. If he is hit, even if he has the entire dark dimension as his backing, he will be severely injured. Even if you are unlucky, you might die here.

At this time, no matter how stupid Dormammu was, he knew that he had been tricked. He didn't care about continuing to invade the earth, and quickly backed away, "No, you can't do this, let me go, I promise I won't come to Earth again in the future."

Dormammu still wanted to close the passage, but everyone expended so much energy and set up this trap, how could they let him go easily.

"I want to leave now! It's too late, Domamu, die!" The voice of the Ancient One suddenly sounded.The huge ball of light energy shrank suddenly, and then a white light shot out, like a divine sword that opened up the world, cutting through the darkness covering the entire Hong Kong in an instant, hitting Dormammu right on the head.

Ow! ! !

There was a shrill scream. This time Dormammu was miserable. After the body was pierced, the lightsaber continued to extend, the entire dark dimension was cut off, and then exploded loudly. The light area, which is fatal to the dark dimension, directly damages the origin.

Dormammu felt pain all over his body, as if it was about to shatter. He knew it was because of the serious damage to the dark dimension, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Gu Yi, you wait for me, my revenge is terrible, there will always be One day I will come to the earth again, and then I will wipe out all life on the earth, and you, Gu Yi, I will burn your soul with dark flames for a thousand years, not ten thousand years, just wait .”

Dormammu said the most cruel words, but did the most embarrassing thing, retreating quickly, and at the same time, the passage of the dark dimension shrank rapidly, and soon disappeared, and the world regained its light.

However, ordinary people in Hong Kong saw the reappearance of the light, and each of them had a lucky expression of escape from death. Many people also saw the terrifying eyes at the other end of the passage, and their souls seemed to be frozen. It's to pay attention to the terrible existence that destroys the world, but it's okay.Judging from the current situation, the danger should have passed.

The fat body of the Mage King trembled, and he looked up at the sky, seemingly unbelievable, "Is this the end?"

Casillas nodded and said: "Yes, it's over. Although it's unbelievable, it's too easy, but when you think about it, it's normal. How much time did you spend preparing for the demolition? How much effort you put in, so Doma Mu was defeated by us."

"We won. I didn't expect Dormammu to be as scary as I imagined." This was a mage apprentice in a white robe.

"Yeah, we won, we saved the planet."


The discussion became louder and louder, and the last type of mage couldn't help cheering. This was an unprecedented victory. It didn't rely on super magic to barely resist, but it really defeated Dormammu.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet, now that the battle is over, it's time to deal with post-war matters."

At this time, Master Gu Yi's voice came from the roots of those big trees, comforting everyone.

It’s just that Slantqi was a little dumbfounded. Looking at the corpse of the ancient one mage that he had snatched back desperately, he was a little unclear, so he looked at those huge roots in disbelief and asked: “Ancient one mage, is it really you? Still alive, what's going on?"

"I did die, but now that you have comprehended the true meaning of magic, I think you should understand that death is not the end, but just the beginning, and my luck is good, I have a chance to live again, and now my soul and God The trees can be fused together, so they can survive in another way, and it is more convenient to protect the earth." Master Gu Yi briefly introduced his situation.

"I see, that's great, teacher, I'm very happy to see you alive." Slantage shouted excitedly. Originally, he was still sad about the death of Master Ancient One, but now he doesn't need it anymore, but then he Thinking of the problem of disposing of the corpse, he asked, "Then what should I do with this corpse?"

"Destroy it. My body is already damaged by the erosion of dark energy. Even if I use light energy to expel the dark energy, it has already damaged the source of life and it is impossible to recover. It is not bad to be able to persist until now."

Slantky nodded, put the body aside, then got another bucket of gasoline and poured it on it, lit a fire, and burned it completely.

And Casillas took this opportunity to come to lie beside the unconscious Mage Mordo, put his hand on his forehead, white light flickered, the dark energy in Master Mordo's body was cleared little by little, and then recovered with magic his memory.

After waking up, looking at the situation in front of him, Modu couldn't help being a little embarrassed. He remembered clearly what he had done before. Thinking of his brazen desire to challenge Master Ancient One, he kept declaring that Dormammu was the only true god. To lead everyone to obtain eternal life is to be ashamed, even if these things happened because of Master Gu Yi's deliberate guidance, it is still embarrassing, and he quickly stood up and apologized to everyone.

A group of mages learned that all this was arranged by the ancient one, and mage Modu did not hesitate to feed a tiger with his body, risking his life to play a trick, in order to deal with Domamu, and naturally no one would blame him anymore, everything Back to normal.

After everyone quieted down, Master Gu Yi announced again: "Because I fused with the sacred tree with my soul, I will fall into a deep sleep most of the time in the future, and I will no longer be able to continue to be the supreme mage. From today onwards, Slantqi is The new supreme mage, I hope that you will assist him in managing Kama Taj’s affairs and protect the earth together as you have assisted me in the past.”

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