Casillas nodded and said: "Teacher, please rest assured that Slantage's faith and character have been tested and deserve our assistance. I will do my best to help him. I believe that Slantage will become a qualified teacher." Supreme Mage."

"That's right, Mage Ancient One, I will help him too." Mage King also nodded in agreement.

Modu felt guilty because of the previous incident, and had no objection, so he nodded firmly.

Kama Taj, apart from Ancient One, Casillas, Wang and Modu, are the three with the highest status and status. Now the two agree with the other to acquiesce. Of course people would not object, and everything went very smoothly.

"That's good. With your help, I can rest assured, Slantky, first use the time gem to restore everything here to its original state, and then come to me. I still have some things to explain, and these things can only be mastered by the Supreme Sorcerer .”

After the words of Master Gu Yi fell, the surrounding roots suddenly came to life, gathered together, and slowly formed a portal. After opening, the other side of the portal was a snow mountain. big tree.

Seeing this scene, Yang Jian couldn't help sighing in his heart, the ancient one is the ancient one, and his research on magic has reached a superb level. He has just merged with the sacred tree, and he has already researched the method of using the sacred tree to open the space door.

Of course, Yang Jian would not miss this opportunity, took the opportunity to come to the side of the space door, touched it lightly, carefully sensed the space fluctuations in it, and soon gained something. Yang Jian thought about whether he could learn from this idea, Create some permanent space doors, but they are not used yet, so put them down for the time being, and talk about them later.

At this time, Slantchi has already moved, his hands are sealed, the Eye of Agamotto on his chest is opened again, the green light is emitted, time begins to reverse, and everything destroyed around him begins to return to its original state. He has just experienced a catastrophe Some people lost part of their memories. Although it was unfair, it was considered a good thing for them.

After finishing his work, Slantchi strode into the empty door formed by the root system, and arrived at the back mountain of the Himalayas in a blink of an eye. The face of the ancient mage slowly appeared on the trunk of the towering tree.

Seeing the end of the matter, Yang Jian saw that Karma Taj's mages were busy with their own affairs, and had no intention of staying here any longer. He opened the space door and returned to the fantasy technology building.

But after passing through the space door, Yang Jian felt a chill, and just met a few unkind eyes, Skye, Wanda Ci and Kexin stood there, Skye and Wanda looked malicious , Judging from the situation, it is clear that there is a plan to have three joint trials.

Seeing this scene, Yang Jian couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Fortunately, Kexin said that he has a gentle personality, even a little resigned. He always obeys distant things and rarely asks questions. Yang Jian is her God, what can she do? Just do whatever you want, a bit like the ancient woman who respected her husband.

But Wanda and Skye are different, both of them are very strong-tempered, proper strong women, if Yang Jian does something that makes them dissatisfied, she will never bear it, and may get mad at any time.

Yang Jian asked a little embarrassingly: "Well... what's wrong with you? You have such an ugly face, has anyone offended you?"

Skye said angrily: "Who else is there? Of course it is you. The one who disappeared without a sound made us find no one after waking up. Where did you go to fool around? Could it be that the three of us are still there?" Can't satisfy you?"

"Cough cough cough... I'm not fooling around, I'm going to save the world. You should have received the news. It's impossible for you not to know what happened in Hong Kong. The dark dimension demon god Dormammu invaded, but now he has been beaten back gone."

"In this case, why didn't you make it clear, just leave us a message, and then there was no news, and we couldn't get through on the phone, do you know how worried we are?" Wanda's eyes were red, and she looked like she was about to cry .

"No way, I didn't know exactly what was going on at the time, but a friend called to inform me, and I rushed there in a hurry."

Skye asked with some doubts: "You just said that your friend notified you, so is your friend male or female?"

"It's a woman, but don't think too much about it, she's already a woman of several hundred years old, and she has a bald head." Seeing Skye's appearance, Yang Jian knew what he was thinking, and quickly explained.

The Scarlet Witch Wanda said with some distrust: "It doesn't seem like a big deal to be older. Some people have lived hundreds or even thousands of years, but they still look like young girls. As for the bald head, it's nothing. The key It still depends on the figure and appearance."

Seeing that the more she said, the more crooked she was, Yang Jian became a little anxious. "Hey, hello! Don't let your imagination run wild. The one who asked me for help this time is Ancient One Master. The name of Kama Taj Supreme Master is guaranteed. I have paid too much to protect the earth. I don't know it for hundreds of years. How many times has she saved the earth, this time she directly sacrificed her life, she is a person worthy of respect, please don't slander her at will."

Yang Jian immediately explained the matter of Master Gu Yi in a simple way, and Skye and the others suddenly showed guilt on their faces. Indeed, Master Gu Yi paid too much for the earth, and what they said just now was indeed a bit too much.

"I'm sorry, we didn't know that Master Gu Yi is so great, and said something that shouldn't be said."

"Me too, I shouldn't doubt you."

Yang Jian was about to tell them that Master Gu Yi didn't die, but just changed his form of existence, but at this moment a voice sounded out of nowhere, "Master Yang Jian, I'm Gu Yi, I'm sorry for disturbing you just now, it's just this It's very important, please come here."

Yang Jian froze for a moment when he heard this voice, and couldn't help asking / "Master Gu Yi, how did you manage to transmit the voice directly here? I obviously set up defensive magic around it. It stands to reason that your voice It can’t be passed on.”

"This is the ability I just discovered. After merging with the sacred tree, the roots spread all over the world, connecting the roots to high-rise buildings, and can transmit sound through magic waves."

A look of surprise appeared on Yang Jian's face, "So that's the case. I didn't expect you to develop a new method of using it so quickly. It's very powerful, but can I ask what's the matter?"

"Actually, it's not me who is looking for you, but someone else. It's just not convenient to contact directly, so please ask me to be the middleman. Come here first. I'll give you the space coordinates. When you see someone, you'll know and understand." gone."

"Okay, I'll go right there."

Chapter 634 Odin's Request

After finishing the conversation, Yang Jian was planning to rush over according to the space coordinates left by Master Gu Yi, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a murderous aura, and when he raised his head, he met Skye's cold eyes, and felt a chill in his heart.

"Didn't you just say that Master Gu Yi died, then who are you talking to, don't tell me you're talking to a ghost." Skye said through gritted teeth.

Wanda added fuel to the flames again at this time, and said: "That's right, you just said that the Ancient One Master is dead, but you are talking to you here again, so you said that the Ancient One Master died was a lie." Human, other things must be false, so deliberately concealing it, it is clear that there is a ghost in the heart."

Yang Jian's face twitched, and she missed Wanda and Skye, who were once simple-minded, "Don't think wildly, okay, I didn't lie, but I was interrupted by you before I finished speaking."

Skye took two steps back, and sat on the sofa in a dainty manner, "Okay, go on, I'll see what tricks you can come up with."

Yang Jian sighed secretly in his heart, and then said: "Mage Gu Yi was indeed killed in battle, but as a supreme mage who has lived for hundreds of years or even longer, her strength has reached an appalling level, and her soul is immortal , merged with the sacred tree, and became another life form. Even so, he still did not give up the responsibility of protecting the earth. This kind of belief is admirable, but you are thinking wildly here, am I that kind of person? Forget it, Come with me, listen to Master Gu Yi's tone just now, I am afraid it will not be easy for people to see me, you should get to know Master Gu Yi by the way, some things will be known by seeing with your own eyes."

The three of Skye glanced at each other, and finally Skye said first: "I'll go with you to see if you're talking."

"I'll go too!" Quanta was the second to express his attitude.

In the end, there was only one Kexin left. After hesitating for a while, he finally said: "I'd better stay here, you just go, I'm fine."

"Really, if you listen to one side and believe it like this, it's easy to suffer, and you've wronged yourself too much." Skye said with some dissatisfaction.

"That is, we women should also be independent, and we can't just be bullied like this."

Listening to Skye and Wanda talking to each other, Yang Jian could not help but sigh in her heart, why a girl turned into a tigress after she turned into a woman, it was so unlovable.

But fortunately, Kexin hasn't changed at all, she is still so gentle and absolutely trusts herself.

Regardless of what Skye and Wanda said, Kexin still chose to stay. Yang Jian heaved a sigh of relief, opened the space door according to the coordinates left by Master Gu Yi, and took Skye and Wanda into it.

After passing through the space gate, Yang Jian found himself at the seaside. According to the location on the mobile phone, Yang Jian is now in Norway.

Yang Jian looked around, and soon, he saw a few figures not far away. The first person was wearing a golden armor, with white hair, only one eye, and holding a long gun. He just stood there quietly, but there was a kind of The unspeakable majesty is Odin, the king of Asgard.

Beside Odin is a woman dressed in luxurious attire, graceful and majestic, but with a gentle temperament, the goddess Frigg.

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