When Sol was presented by the contract, without hesitation, Sol directly cut his finger with his axe, and a few drops of blood flowed out. Under the contract, there was a miracle that the name had a trace of lightning.

Then Sol handed the contract to Hela beside him, and Hela did the same. She condensed a dagger in her hand, cut her finger and signed her name, her name Nima, a black force of death.

Finally, the contract was delivered to Yang Jian. Yang Jian took a closer look, and after confirming that there was no problem, he shook it lightly, and the contract turned into a ball of flame. After it disappeared, a mysterious symbol appeared on Yang Jian's hand. The seal of the contract, through which a judgment can be made for both parties.

"Very well, it's getting late, and there are quite a few people. Let's get straight to the point. Now, let's invite two duelists to play. First of all, Miss Hela that everyone saw. Look at her proud figure, sexy catwalk .Although he is dressed in black from top to bottom, and he is dressed like a villain, but we don’t need to care about it. The key is to look beautiful, and let us feast our eyes. Come, let us welcome with warm applause.”

It's a pity that there are very few people applauding. It's not that they don't want to, but that Yang Jian's words just now sound like a mockery, making them wonder whether they should welcome them. If they really applaud, what if Miss Hela really becomes God King, I hate myself because of this, what should I do if I wear small shoes for myself in the future?

Hela was trembling with anger, wishing to explode on the spot and tear Yang Jian into pieces. Can you speak? You want to piss me off and let Sol win without a fight, right?

Hold back!Hold back!Must hold back!Don't let his plot succeed.Hela managed to bear it with great difficulty. The most important thing now is to fight, and she will settle accounts with him after she ascends to the position of God King.

"Next is Thor, the god of thunder that everyone is familiar with, your dear prince, look at his golden hair, look at his tall and straight figure, no matter what kind of enemy he faces, he will not be afraid, he will only scream Go up and fight the enemy for 300 rounds, although the muscles are so developed that uh, the brain may show off, but it doesn't matter, he will always be you, the most valiant fighter, let us warmly welcome the muscular Prince Sol."

Thor, the God of Thunder, walked up to the ring with an ax in hand. Hearing Yang Jian's words on the way, he had the urge to chop Yang Jian with an axe. Similarly, those around who wanted to cheer did not dare to make any noise. In case everyone thinks that they are deliberately sarcastic, although according to their understanding, Prince Sol is not such a stingy person, but what if?It's better to be careful.

Chapter 636 Thor VS Hela

"Damn bastard, if this is not in the ring, if he is not the adjudicator, I will definitely chop him." Thunder God Saul squinted, looked at Yang Jian and said through gritted teeth.

"Although I don't like you, I hate him even more. If you really want to do something, call me and I'll help you." After hearing Sol's words, Hela suddenly felt that the person she met for the first time The younger brother is a little pleasing to the eye.

"Hmph, I don't need your help. I can do it myself." Sol quickly realized that he said, how could he really do anything to Yang Jian? It seemed that he couldn't beat Yang Jian at all.

Hela snorted coldly, and she didn't appreciate it when she wanted to help. She must teach this bastard brother a lesson later. There was a hint of chill in his eyes. How could Sol be afraid of her, and immediately stared back, his eyes flashing with lightning, It's like a light bulb.

Before the formal confrontation, the two of them have already launched a competitive competition, but both of them belong to the existence of the heavenly father, so it is definitely impossible to tell the winner.

"Now that the actors are in place, let's watch a wonderful show, and I announce the official start of the showdown." Yang Jian floated in the air, and a ball of light appeared in the palm of his hand. He tossed it lightly, and exploded. Like fireworks.

It's a pity that no one cared about such a festive scene, and the eyes looking at Yang Jian became more and more disgusted. This is a duel, not an act. What do you think of this?If it wasn't for Yang Jian's status as the judge, some people might not be able to resist beating him.

Hila and Saul endured the unhappiness in their hearts at the same time, and took a few steps back. Hila wiped his head with his hand, and the loose hair turned into long horns, which was a symbol of death.

"Look! Look! What is this? Our Princess Hela has changed a lot. She looks like a queen, but she's more like a villain. Let's applaud together."

clap clap clap! ! !

Yang Jian's applause was so ear-piercing, because he was the only one from the beginning to the end, and the Asgardian people who watched had only one thought in their minds: where did this tease come from, why did His Majesty choose such a guy as the adjudicator, It's just here to make trouble.

Hela fantasized about Yang Yangjian being torn apart by herself in her mind, and persuaded herself with the spiritual victory method, and suppressed the anger in her heart. This was the way she thought of to vent after being sealed by Odin for countless years. He made up his mind that after he ascended to the God King, the first thing to do was to act according to the thoughts in his mind, and then he calmed down.

After Sol retreated a certain distance, he took a deep breath, the storm in his hand, and with a wave of the tomahawk, his whole body flashed with lightning, and thunder after wave swam around his body, expanding outward, then shrinking, and soon spread on the surface of his body. Formed a set of thunder armor, and then roared, like a bull, rushed over like Hela.

At this time, Hela was also ready to wave her hands repeatedly, condensing a series of sharp blades and shooting them out, densely packed, covering all the vital points of Thor's body.

ding ding dong...

Thor swung the battle ax in his hand, spinning at a high speed, colliding with the sharp blades like a shield, knocking the sharp blades into the air.

"Wow! Look at it! Princess Hela's move is so powerful! And she specially greeted our muscular Prince Sol, wow, that hit just now almost hit Prince Sol between his legs It is possible that the important part is to make Prince Sol unable to be a man, and this sister is too cruel, this is to make our Asgardian royal family extinct, and we must not let it go."

Sol's hand softened, and he almost threw the storm ax in his hand, and suddenly showed his flaws, a sharp blade was shooting at his eyes, he jumped up quickly, his body spun in the air, and knocked it away with the tomahawk, Then endured the urge to complain in his heart, and with the force of his fall, the storm battle ax in his hand hit Hela's chest fiercely.

"Very well, that's it. Our Prince Saul immediately fought an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. His target is obviously Princess Hela. This is a real man, and he will not show mercy just because the other party is a woman. Guess everyone Will Princess Hela's balloon be chopped off?"

Now it was Hela's turn to be distracted, and the sharp blades floating around her were almost uncontrollable. Just for a while, seeing the battle ax approaching, she hurriedly grabbed a sharp blade with each hand and crossed her chest to greet her.

boom! !

The storm battle ax clashed with the two swords, and Hela was smashed half a meter into the ground, but she still firmly blocked Sol. That seemingly weak body possessed unimaginable strength.

"Wow! Princess Hela is mighty! What made her burst out with such a powerful force and resist the attack of the storm battle ax head-on, it should be the pair of big murderers. It seems that as a woman, I still care about it, but I am so afraid of being hurt. , can it be fake? It doesn’t matter, it’s fine as long as it looks good, but as a guy who dares to hurt a woman’s baby, he must not let it go, Princess Hela, I think you should give him a kick at this time .”

Hela pushed hard, forcing Sol back a few steps, and turned her head to look at Yang Jian in a hurry, full of murderous aura, almost anyone could see her thoughts: I want to kill this bastard right now!

I'll help you!When Hela finally suppressed the anger in her heart and was about to continue the duel, she found that Sol was also looking at Yang Jian angrily. decision.

After a while, Saul and Hela looked at each other again. At this moment, the two actually felt a sense of sympathy for each other. Why would this bastard be the arbiter of our duel?

"Go on, go on, don't just watch, go on with your performance, this is a great opportunity, your dedication... woo woo woo!"

Halfway through Yang Jian's speech, a ball of energy smeared his face, and he couldn't continue speaking. Immediately afterwards, Yang Jian felt that he was being torn by a ball of energy, and fell to the stands involuntarily. It was the Scarlet Witch Wanda shot!

here you go!At this moment, everyone felt that Wanda was so cute, and finally got rid of this soul.

Soon Yang Jian landed on a seat under the stands, next to Wanda, Skye, Rocky, Jane, and behind him stood Sif and the three warriors.

"Hey! Wanda, what are you doing? I'm the referee, why did you take me down? I have to go back to the ring."

"You are enough!" Wanda said immediately: "I have already asked Loki just now. According to the contract, you, the arbiter, will only come into play after the duel is over. In order to prevent someone from losing , now what you did in the ring is clearly nonsense, Sol and the others are almost collapsed by you, in short, now just stay honest and don't lose face!"

"You damn girl, you dare to talk to me like that. It seems that I haven't trained you enough! Just wait and see how I deal with you when I go back." Yang Jian purposely stared at Wanda's chest as she spoke.

Wanda blushed instantly with shame, but she refused to admit defeat, enduring the shyness in her heart, and stared back fiercely.

Yang Jian sighed, raised his head slightly, and looked helplessly at the two crows flying around in the sky. The two crows actually nodded humanely, with a hint of gratitude in their eyes.

Odin said that he would be notified after the result, but in fact, how could he not care? The two crows represent Odin's thoughts and memories, and they can directly pass on the situation here, and they have been watching this duel .

Yang Jian's actions just now appeared to be nonsense on the surface, but in fact they had other meanings. As the adjudicator, according to the contract, Yang Jian could not favor any party and must remain impartial, but it did not mean that he could not do something.

Yang Jian deliberately angered Hela and Sol just now, in fact, it aroused their hatred of the same enemy. You must know that Hela has been sealed for countless years, and she hates Odin in her heart. For Sol, the son who is deeply loved by Odin Of course, you have to hate it. No matter what the result of this duel is, Hela's hatred will definitely not dissipate. Who knows what irrational actions Yang Jian will make.

However, Yang Jian made some manipulations to fill up the hatred value and let Hela and Sol share the same hatred, which is tantamount to shifting the conflict and easing the relationship between the siblings. After the duel, the conflict may be eased.

Others can't see these things, but Odin, who is a ten-thousand-year-old fox, can see clearly. Naturally, he is very grateful to Yang Jian, but it's a pity that Wanda is so forceful to pull him down, and Yang Jian can't continue to attract hatred, otherwise If you do too much, you may be caught by others.

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