Without Yang Jian's troubles, the duel between Sol and Hela became normal. Sol avoided Hela's sharp blade and flew into the sky with the power of the storm battle axe. With a strong swing, the sky suddenly flashed Thunder, following Sol's will, lightning gathered together.

Boom! !

The frenzied thunder plasma erupted, merged into the storm battle axe, and then erupted, hitting Hela hard.

Hela was slashed straight, and her whole body was wrapped in the thunder ball, like a bright and dazzling light bulb, her body was shaking and her bones were clearly visible.

boom! !

Hela smashed into the ground, destroying most of the arena directly, and the plasma melted the surroundings into red mud. Hela's whole body was soaked in the scorching heat, and she even smelled a faint smell of barbecue.

It's just that the thunder attack that was enough to destroy the world for others failed to kill Hela. Hela walked out of the big pit, and the plasma was still swimming on her body, but Hela calmly He patted the dust on his body, twisted his neck, and walked out of the lava. The black death magic power surged, and he recovered from his injuries in a blink of an eye. Even because he absorbed more Sgard's power, his strength improved.

"It's a good attack, but unfortunately it's useless to me." Hela said and stretched her hands. , entangled with magic power, a sharp long blade appeared, more in number, tighter, and harder, and shot at Sol again.


Seeing that there were too many sharp blades and there was nowhere to hide, Thor simply roared, his whole body burst into lightning, and his whole body turned into a thunder ball with a diameter of three meters. Just under the ball there was a huge pile of debris.

At this time, Lei Qiu shrank suddenly, revealing Sol's figure, and saw Sol standing out of nowhere, the storm battle ax in his hand was wrapped with purple lightning bolts, Sol raised his forward strength with both hands, and suddenly threw the storm out of his hand, The battle ax spun, and the purple thunder flashed, slashing towards Hela.

Hela felt a palpitation in his heart. He felt a destructive power from the purple lightning. His intuition told him that this purple lightning was very dangerous and might really kill him.

Hela immediately bent down, pressed both hands on the ground, and there was a booming sound, and a huge sharp blade like a mountain peak rose from the ground, entwined with a strong black power of death, and it kept rising, getting bigger and bigger. Big, finally collided with the storm battle ax wrapped in purple lightning.

boom! !

The entanglement of purple and black, the collision of the power of death and the power of thunder, the violent power erupted, and the huge sharp blade like a mountain peak began to collapse, but the lower half of the sharp knife has not fully protruded from the ground, and it is still rising. One side is destroying and the other is generating.

"Damn it! You two bastards, you play so big, it's terrible!" Yang Jian was startled, stood up quickly, put his hands together, and a huge bowl-shaped barrier enveloped the ring, resisting the loose With the energy released, the barrier fluctuated violently, and it seemed that it might shatter at any time. Yang Jian hurriedly shouted: "Quick! Everyone leave here immediately, the farther the better."

The people watching the battle also found that the situation was not good, so they turned around and fled immediately. Fortunately, the body density of the Asgardians is three times that of the Earth people, and each of them is flexible. It can be said that each of them is a super fighter, and their movements are very fast. Evacuate quickly to a safe location.

At this time, the confrontation between Sol and Hela had also reached the stage of incandescence. Sol raised his hands high, and thunderbolts fell from the sky, striking on the Storm Axe to increase its power. Hela was covered in black mist, The power of his own death merged into the giant sharp blade, and finally the two reached their limits at the same time.

boom! ! !

This explosion was more than ten times stronger than before, and Yang Jian's barrier shattered instantly, but at the last moment, Yang Jian directly opened a space door and got in, avoiding the catastrophe, but Hela and Sol were not like this Fortunately, at the same time, it was blasted out by the explosive force.

Those who fled to a safe place in a hurry saw this thrilling scene and couldn't help but rejoice in their hearts. Fortunately, they ran fast. If they were involved in this violent energy, they would definitely die.

Of course they don't know that if there is a real danger, Yang Jian will definitely not sit idly by and will definitely save them, but Yang Jian doesn't want to waste his energy for nothing, after all, who will do something that is not beneficial, the agreement with Odin is just to do it. A referee, not a firefighter, is enough for now.

Chapter 637 Sol's Hole Card

After a while, the berserk energy in the arena gradually dissipated, and only those standing thousands of meters away could see the situation in the battle clearly. At this time, the ring had completely disappeared, and a large pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared at the original position. Saul and Hela stood at the bottom of the pit and confronted each other.

At this time, both of them were in a bit of a panic. On the surface, Sol's condition was better, but the battle armor on his body was broken, but there was no injury, while Hela had scorched black marks on his body, and the black armor on his body was broken in many places, revealing a white face. The skin is like a bloody rose on the battlefield.

However, Hela's injuries soon began to recover quickly. The wounds healed by themselves, and even the clothes could be repaired by themselves. However, the recovery speed was significantly slower than before. It seemed that the energy consumption was excessive and could not be replenished for a while.

Hela looked calm on the surface, but she was actually very surprised in her heart, because she found that when she fought against Sol just now, a ray of purple lightning penetrated into her body and could cause continuous damage, slowing down her recovery speed. It took a lot of effort to get rid of it. If there are more purple lightning, doesn't it mean that he can really kill himself?

Now Hela truly recognized the strength of Thor, the god of thunder. When she was Sol's age, she was far from reaching this level.

Thor recalled his Storm Axe again, and stared at Hela cautiously. He had already used the trick he had learned not long ago in that blow just now. He didn't expect the opponent to fall down so easily, and he couldn't help it. Admiring the opponent's strength, he thought to himself: If I didn't have a storm axe, I would probably not be my opponent. If my father hadn't told me about her temperament, it would be nice to let her be Sgarde's new god king.

At this moment, Sol and Hela agreed with each other a little bit more. This is the advantage of being a strong man. If they don't have enough strength, how can they be qualified to let people take a look?

Whether it is Thor or Hela, they are all warlike. The stronger the enemy, the more excited they are. Sol took a breath, grabbed the Storm Ax again, and rushed up screaming, the wounds wrapped around his body Lightning is more violent.

Boom! ! !

Surging magic power filled Hela's body, and the ground under his feet suddenly rose, and a mountain formed by a huge sword lifted it up. Hela's tight armor still had several holes, and his cloak was also tattered. Embarrassed, but at this time, he couldn't take care of it. With a wave of his hands, the mountain formed by the giant sword disintegrated, and the giant swords shot at Sol.

Sol's fighting style has always been reckless. The storm battle ax swings airtightly, like a giant sword smashing into pieces, but every time a giant sword is chopped, it will make the arm numb, and it will soon be broken. A new giant sword was generated, which seemed to be endless, making Sol in a hurry.

When Sol couldn't take care of both front and back, the giant sword mountain held Hela close to Sol, and suddenly punched it down.

Sol held a storm battle ax to block a giant sword in one hand, and swung a lightning-wrapped fist with the other, colliding with the fist that volleyed towards Hela.


In the competition of strength, Sol lost, and he punched Hela and flew out. Then Hela took advantage of the victory and chased after him. A wound.

Sol's storm battle ax is good at opening up the fighting style of the big close. This kind of short combat is obviously not suitable for it, and a violent thunder and lightning erupted immediately, wandering around Hela, but Hela actually resisted the power of thunder, Sol beat the life of doubt.

Seeing her beloved suffer such pain, Jane in the audience couldn't help but rushed to help, but was grabbed by Yang Jian, "What are you doing, this is a holy duel, and no one can interfere."

"But... Saul will be beaten to death if this goes on." Jane had a tearful tone when she spoke.

"Okay, you have a little confidence in Sol, okay, things haven't reached that point yet."

Rocky couldn't help asking: "You mean that my idiot brother still has the possibility of victory."

"If you want to know, just keep reading."


Sol finally couldn't bear the feeling of being beaten and roared angrily. A donkey rolled over, avoiding Hela's sword, and then jumped up, facing Hela's chest stabbing sword, Sol just slightly He turned his body to avoid the vital point, and then slashed at Hela's head with an axe regardless.

Facing Saul's tactic of losing both sides, Hela sneered in her heart. She wanted to risk her life, didn't she? The sword pierced Thor's shoulder.

The two sides were hit hard by the other side at the same time, and couldn't help but retreat. During the process of retreating, Hela quickly recovered from the wound on his chest, and a ball of lightning flashed from Sol's shoulder, sealing the wound. Big problem.

Hela stared at Sol with a serious face and said: "You are not my opponent, you will die if you continue to fight, but your strength has been recognized by me, so I will give you a chance, admit defeat, I can let you go way of life."

"Do you think it's possible? I carry the will of my father and the hope of the people of Asgard on my back. I will never let you ascend the throne and lead them to the abyss, so I must win." Sol He looked at Hela firmly and said.

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