Hela rarely showed a smile, "Good eyes, but not enough, far from enough, if you only have this strength, you must be the one who loses in the end."

"Of course my strength is not that low. I wanted to keep my strength at first, but now it seems that I can't do it. I can only show a little bit of my hole card. Next, let's start a new round of duel."

Hela couldn't help being stunned for a while when she heard the words, thinking in her heart, whether Sol really had the hole card to turn defeat into victory, or was it a bluff, but no matter what, there is no big mistake in being careful, so Hela couldn't help but become cautious.

Sol took a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes, a strange electromagnetic wave spread out, everything around him seemed to be presented in his mind, a kind of energy similar to the domineering power of the world of pirates, just using Thor The force of electromagnetic perception.

In fact, Sol doesn't like these fancy tricks. He prefers the kind of head-to-head, punch-to-hand combat, but this time in order to win, he has to make changes.

Hela was a little strange seeing Sol standing there with his eyes closed. What do you mean, look down on me, and fight with me with your eyes closed?Hela thought about it and decided to try it out.


Hela stayed put, condensed a sharp blade with magic power as before, and carried out a covering strike in the direction of Sol.

It’s just that Sol’s performance this time was surprising. Sol’s figure was swaying strangely, shuttling through the dense rain of swords. Even though his eyes were closed, he was clearer than when he was open. None of those sharp blades could touch him. Seeing him, dodging easily?

"What... what's going on here? How did you do it?" Hela looked at Sol seriously and asked.

"Don't be surprised, this is just the use of electromagnetic induction ability. In this state, most of the attacks are ineffective to me. It is a combination of mental power and thunder power, followed by the thunder power on the body. Use, by stimulating certain parts of the body, enhance physical strength, reflexes and speed, be careful!"

As Sol said, a ball of lightning flashed from his body, and Sol's body seemed to swell, and his aura began to increase continuously.

Hela couldn't let him go on any longer, Hela held her breath, and suddenly burst out the majestic magic power in her body, and rushed forward, the huge magic power created a towering mountain of sword blades under her feet, and she stepped on the top of the sword edge , the countless sharp blades behind her showed their sharpness, shining with a piercing chill, and followed her toppled down.

At this time, Sol controlled the current transfer to his legs. After being stimulated, Sol kicked his feet and turned into a flash of lightning and rushed out. Facing the densely packed sharp blades, Sol did not panic at all, and his speed was several times faster than before. times, easily dodged most of the attacks, and directly smashed with the storm battle ax in his hand if he couldn't dodge.

Without much resistance, Sol had already approached Hela, and the storm ax in his hand slashed lightly. In fact, Hela dodged in time and still showed one of her arms.

Seeing this scene in the distance, the people of Asgard couldn't help being a little dazed. When did their prince become so powerful?The two of them stood at a dead end before, why did His Highness Prince Sol suddenly increase in strength and cut off Princess Hela's arm in just a moment, is this going to determine the winner?

It's just that everyone soon realized that they thought too much. The duel was not so easy to end. Huge magic power gathered around Hela. Soon, a brand new arm grew out, and even the clothes on his body were restored.

"It's useless. No matter how serious the injury is, I can recover in an instant. Even if I die, I can be resurrected, because I am the god in charge of death." Hela looked at Sol and said word by word.

"Really, regarding this point, I would like to verify and see if you really will never die."

Thor came again with super speed, avoiding Hela's densely packed sharp blade attack, and after getting close to him, he slashed the storm battle ax in his hand, intending to cut him in half.

Although Hela had experienced many battles, her reaction speed was fast enough, and she took a step back in time, but she still couldn't avoid it completely. A huge wound was cut on her abdomen and her stomach was disembowelled.

But how does Thor have little combat experience?Seeing that his ax failed to have the desired effect, the controlling hand immediately clenched his fist and smashed it out, without any sympathy, and slammed hard on Hela's chest.


Hela flew out in the air, spitting out a big mouthful of blood. Before she could land, she was caught up by Sol again. She grabbed her ankle and threw it vigorously. Sol exhausted all her strength and smashed her hard. to the ground.

boom! !

The ground trembled violently, and Hela lay down on the ground and came into close contact with the ground, directly smashing a human-shaped crater, suddenly dizzy, and there was a cracking sound, and the bones of the whole body were broken.

But even though Hela was so severely injured, she didn't care at all, and quickly walked out of the human-shaped pit, gently patting the dust on her body, the injury that was fatal to others was just a child's disease to him , but it took a few breaths to recover.

"I said it's useless. I'm immortal. No one can kill me. The only one who can end my life is myself. And I've already discovered your weakness. You're doomed."

Saul didn't panic because Hela said that he discovered his weakness, but asked with interest: "Really, have you discovered my weakness? Tell me what my weakness is, I want to know too .”

"Why do you think I'm bluffing to lie to you? Huh, I don't need to lie about such a trivial matter. If I'm not wrong, you use the power of thunder to strengthen your body. Although it can increase your strength in a short time, But the burden on the body should also be great, the longer the delay, the more serious the damage to the body, then how long can you last? I can recover indefinitely, but you can't, as long as you continue to delay, the person who wins in the end It must be me."

Hela looked confident. She knew very well that the more powerful she was, the greater the price she would pay. Sol's abnormal strength could never last for too long.

"It's so smart, I didn't expect you to see it so soon. Since this is the case, then I have a showdown. This is just one of my cards. Next, I will use the last resort. If you can catch it, I will Take the initiative to admit defeat, the position of God King belongs to you, but if you feel that you can't hold on, don't let it go, you will really die."

Hela's heart trembled when he heard it. Sol's words were so serious that he had to take it seriously. He gritted his teeth and insisted: "If you have any other tricks, just use them, and see if I can catch it."

"Be careful then."

Sol took a few steps back, then took a deep breath, and there was a sound of thud, thud, but it was the sound of Thor's heart beating violently.

If someone can see Sol's heart, they will find that Sol's heart is like a high-energy reactor at this time, and the thunder that contains the power of law spreads throughout the body with the flow of blood.

Endless thunder surged out of Thor's body crazily, enveloping Thor and becoming bigger and bigger, and soon formed a thunder giant.

Everyone found that the sky in Asgard had changed, with dark clouds, thunder bursts, endless thunder and lightning falling from the sky, and then absorbed by the thunder giant, and the thunder giant expanded again, rapidly expanding from the initial tens of meters to hundreds of meters, Then it continued to grow bigger, and finally turned into a thunder giant with a height of a thousand meters.

At this time, the Storm Tomahawk spun and landed on the Thunder Giant's palm, and a burst of thunder power also burst out, turning into a thunderball with a diameter of up to [-] meters. As the Thunder Giant gripped hard, the ball of light continued to explode. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a Thunder Spear more than a thousand meters long.

"Hella, die, take my last move, Thor's Spear!" After becoming the Thunder Giant, his consciousness still belongs to Sol, but the negative emotions in this state will also be magnified. Sol was a little proud at first, but now became arrogant.

"No, I won't lose, I won't lose, I'm the future of Asgard, I'm the God King of Asgard." Now Hela really panicked, biological instinct kept reminding her She ran away, but she was not reconciled and gave up. She felt that she still had hope that she might be able to withstand this blow with her immortal body. She gritted her teeth and stepped on the mountain of swords to go straight to the thunder giant. Clusters of giant sharp blades soared, Moving at high speed with afterimages inserted into the Thunder Giant,

But in the final analysis, the Thunder Giant was condensed by Sol using the power of Thunder. As long as Thor is not dead, before his divine power is exhausted, the Thunder Giant can recover even if he is seriously injured. Aiming at Hela with the Thunder Spear in his hand, he stabbed it instantly.

Hela barely condensed two giant sharp blades to resist, but it was so insignificant compared to the thousand-meter-long Thunder God Spear, and was defeated in an instant, and then the spear pierced Hela, directly stabbing her into the ground, like Ah The deepest part of Sgaard sank.

Chapter 638 The Death of Odin

"Damn, why did that old man Odin insist on letting me be the adjudicator? He was waiting for me here."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yang Jian finally understood that the old guy Odin knew that Sol would use this trick when he was in a hurry. One bad move might destroy the entire Asgard, and he was an insurance policy. .

Without thinking too much, Yang Jian started directly. The most important thing now is to keep Asgard from being destroyed.


The sound of the waves vibrated, the water surface not far away was boiling and rolling, the waves were monstrous, and endless sprays rose high.

A huge water elemental hand exposed the sea surface, the waves roared, and the boundless hurricane rolled up the shocking frenzy. With a light grasp, it held the arm of the thunder giant, and the half-inserted thunder spear could no longer fall.

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