Because Yang Jian's avatar in the third world has a son of Neptune, in order to train his son, Yang Jian has painstakingly studied the law of crossing water. Dc is completely connected with many powers in the two worlds of Marvel, so it is very easy to use it. The law of water.

"Sol wakes up, if you continue, the whole of Asgard will be destroyed by you."

The loud voice made Sol wake up, and broke out in a cold sweat. The two hairs restrained their strength, and the Thunder Giant, the Thunder Spear immediately dissipated, revealing Thor and the Storm Axe, and slowly fell to the ground.

"Yang Jian, thank you, I almost became a sinner for destroying Asgard, alas! This kind of power is too strong, and I can't always control it. Every time I become a thunder giant, I always have a strong desire to destroy."

"This is because your mental strength is not enough. It is better to use this move sparingly in the future. Well, no matter what, get your sister out first, and this duel should come to an end. Needless to say, the result You also won, I don't think he would object."

Yang Jian looked at the bottomless hole that was pierced by the Thunder Spear just now, stretched out his hand to grab it in the void, and an invisible suction force was born. Not long after, the Goddess of Death floated out of the bucket of Hela, and there was a big hole on his chest. Fully recovered, his eyes were a little dull at this time.

"Then Hela, Goddess of Death, I ruled that Thor won this duel. Do you have any objections to this?"

"I..." Hela moved her eyes, and finally realized that when she heard Yang Jian's words, she instinctively wanted to object, but she couldn't continue after she only said one word.

Hela knew very well that if Thor continued to attack with the blow just now, she would definitely be able to destroy her and the whole of Asgard. She did lose,

Haila's complexion changed for a while, and she felt an urge to repent, but when she met Yang Jian's half-smiling gaze, she forcibly swallowed back the words that came to her lips.

Although he sank into the ground just now, because of the unique connection between her and Asgard, she still understands what happened on the ground.

Sol's powerful attack in the form of Thunder Giant has already made her unable to resist, but such a powerful force was easily blocked by Yang Jian. This shows that Yang Jian's strength is still higher than Sol. If she repents, she must Will be backlashed by the power of the contract.

According to the stipulations of the contract, those who violate the agreement will be obliterated by the duel parties, the adjudicator and the three forces. If Yang Jian is not counted, Hela may still be sure. With her immortality, there is one more Yang Jane is completely different, and has no certainty at all.

"I lost!"

After Hela finished speaking, she seemed to have lost all her strength. She sat down on the ground, looked up at the sky and the earth, her eyes were in a daze.

Hela has been sealed by Odin for countless years, and she is supported by a belief that after Odin's death, she can break out, regain control of Asgard, and conquer the entire universe. Suffering multiple blows, encountering masters one after another, and finally losing to her younger brother, she felt that the world had become a little unfamiliar.

Yang Jian looked at the people of Asgard who were slowly surrounding them, and flew into the sky and said loudly: "I declare that the sacred duel for the throne of Asgard is over, and the final winner is Prince Sol. Cheers!"

"Long live Prince Sol!"

"Great, I knew Saul would win!"

"Yes, I think we'll have to call him His Majesty Sol soon enough."

Cheers kept coming, everyone gathered around Sol, congratulations continued, like a dazzling star, everyone went to the palace together, and there were still things to deal with.

As the loser's goddess of death, Hela was almost ignored, but Loki noticed it and took the initiative to stay. After everyone left, he came to sit next to Hela, "Why are you going to sit here forever?"

Hela looked at Loki and said indifferently: "Why, are you here to mock me, a loser?"

"Loser? Sarcasm? Rocky shook his head and said: "You think too much. To be honest, I am also a loser. What right do I have to laugh at you? I am even more of a failure than you. The spoils of Odin's adoption. "

Hela was stunned for a moment, and looked at Loki carefully. Although Loki was transformed into an Asgardian by Odin and disguised with illusion, but with the strength of Hela's heavenly father, he quickly discovered that Loki The extremely cold aura hidden in the matrix.

"You are a frost giant!"

"That's right, it's very strange, the third prince of Asgard is actually a frost giant!"

"It's really strange. That guy Odin would adopt you. I thought he would chop up the frost giant and feed it to the beast."

"But it's actually so strange. I've been living under Thor's shadow for many years. No matter how hard I try, I want to get the approval of my father, but in the end there is only despair, and even everyone in Asgard rejects me. If it weren't for my mother being by my side, always taking care of me and encouraging me, I'm afraid I can't help but destroy the whole of Asgard."

Hela nodded, "It's normal for you to have this kind of thinking. What you can't get will be destroyed, but I will definitely not let your eternal Asgard have an extraordinary meaning to me."

"Don't worry, I've thought about it now. Some things can't be forced, and I'm no longer obsessed with getting Odin's approval. It's enough to live according to my own will. I think you should try it too and set yourself a goal." Don’t even think about the new goal, the God King of Asgard, you can form a new force, maybe in the future I will need to call you Queen Hela.”

"Queen Hela? Seems pretty good." After Hela finished speaking, she looked at Loki and asked with a half-smile: "Then what's the purpose of telling me this?"

Although Hela was bellicose, she was not as brainless as Thor. Everyone else ignored her as a loser. At this time, Loki came here to comfort her.

"If I say that I just feel that we are in the same sympathy, let me comfort you, you will not believe it. Of course, it is true. My purpose is very simple. There will be a life-and-death disaster in Asgard next. I hope you can Help." Loki paused and decided to tell the truth.

"The catastrophe of Asgard, is it the legendary Ragnarok, is Surtur going to be reborn?" Hela heard Loki's words, of course, the first thing Hela thought of was the flame giant Surtur. The prophecy of Twilight was told in Asgard long ago.

Loki shook his head and said: "It's not Surtur, in fact the prophecy of Ragnarok has been broken, and the eternal flame was also given to Master Yang Jian by the king, Surtur can't destroy Asgard. "

Hela couldn't help but asked curiously: "That guy named Yang Jian was able to break the prophecy. It's amazing! But since even Surtur has been solved, who else can make you so cautious?"

"His name is Thanos Thanos! He is the only survivor of the Eternal Titan family. He is an absolute lunatic. His ideas are too crazy."

"How crazy? I'm getting more and more interested."

"Thanos believes that the resources in the universe are limited. If it continues, the resources in the universe will be exhausted soon, and all life will end. Therefore, half of the lives need to be wiped out to maintain the balance of the universe. Originally, the Titan star he was on was It was destroyed because of the exhaustion of resources. At that time, it was also proposed to randomly kill half of the lives. No matter how high or low, everyone had a chance to choose one of the two, but of course it was rejected in the end.

After Thanos survived, he considered himself the defender of the universe. In order to prevent the tragedy from happening again, he formed the Dark Order, with countless masters. His fleet, star after star, killed half of them randomly. Life, but this speed is too slow, so he plans to collect infinite gems to achieve his goal, and the space gems are in Asgard. "

Hela couldn't help but licked her lower lip after hearing Loki's words. Although she had never seen Thanos, she had traveled across the universe for many years, killed lives, and was still alive and well. Want to know his thoughts.

"Kill the ordinary life in the universe? It's really like you said, a complete lunatic, but it seems that you care about him very much from your tone. Is there any intersection between you?"

A bitter smile appeared on Loki's face, "I did have an intersection with him. I made a deal with him back then. He sent me an army to help me conquer a planet and become king. As a price, I want Help him get the Rubik's Cube, which is the space gem. At that time, I didn't know what kind of person he was, so I foolishly agreed. As a result, you can guess that I failed, and I also lost him a very important thing. I am afraid that he has hated his treasures now. In the past, it didn’t matter if he had his father on his back. Even if Odin was old, the power still remained. As long as he was still alive, no one would dare to act presumptuously, but now his father Life is coming to an end, Thanos will definitely come."

Although Hela hated her father, she also admitted that Odin was powerful at the peak, even she had to avoid it, don't look like he was about to die at any time, but as long as he was alive for a day, he wouldn't die. People dare to underestimate it. There is a saying that Jiang is still old and spicy. No one knows what kind of trump card Odin has. It is because Odin's original record was too strong, almost conquering the entire universe. How did the endless treasure come from?It was not obtained by destroying countless civilizations. No one dared to risk their lives to become a tiger that was about to die of old age.

"So you want me to deal with that Thanos guy?"

"Yes, this is also a win-win situation. After all, you also need the help of Asgard to enhance your strength. You shouldn't just watch Asgard being destroyed."

"Although I feel uncomfortable being used by you, you are right. Asgard means a lot to me. Anyone who wants to harm and destroy Asgard is my enemy."

Hearing Hela's promise, Loki finally breathed a sigh of relief. With Hela as a super expert, the chances of winning against Thanos are a few percent higher. If they can cooperate sincerely, Sol, Hela and himself will join forces. Thanos cannot be defeated.

"Let's go, I'll arrange a place for you. You are the princess of Asgard, so you still have to get the treatment you deserve."

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