"I'm still a princess now, but when Thor becomes king, I..." Hela froze in the middle of her speech, turned her head to look in a certain direction, her eyes kept changing, there were sadness, hatred, and relief.

"What's the matter, is there something wrong?" Loki couldn't help asking when he saw Hela's expression.

After a while, Hela sighed, and said with a look of reminiscence: Odin is gone! "

Loki was stunned for a moment, and then asked impatiently: "How is it possible! Didn't he say that he still has to wait for us to go back and tell him the result of the battle? Why didn't he wait for us to say goodbye? Just left?"

Loki's eyes were a little red. Don't look at how much he hates Odin, but he has always regarded Odin as an idol. The actions he did before have been together for a long time in order to get Odin's approval. For thousands of years, even a cat or a dog can have feelings, let alone a father.

"Why else? He said that on purpose, just to cheer up Sol, a guy with a brain full of muscles, and also to prevent him from worrying. Don't forget Odin's two crows, they must have been paying attention here. Now that the battle is over, he should know the result."

"Are you gone, really gone, hehe! Either way, it's okay to go, it's a relief." Loki said so, but tears flowed down his face.

Time goes back a little bit, the earth, the Norwegian seaside, Odin and Frigga sit on the rocks and cuddle up to each other, looking at the calm sea.No one said anything, quietly enjoying the warmth of this moment

But soon this warmth was destroyed by the sound of flapping wings. Two crows flew over and landed beside him. Odin sighed and said, "Sol has finally grown up, and he can walk on his own in the future. I The time has come."

"Yes, your time is up. Take a good rest. After so many years of hard work, you haven't been able to sleep well. You can put it down now." Friggie gently stroked Odin's old face, tears were not enough At this moment, she is no longer a high-ranking queen, but a woman who sees her husband off.

Odin looked at his wife who had been with him for many years, and there were thousands of words in his heart, but he couldn't say it in the end, leaving only one sentence, "Thank you for always being with me!"

Odin's body flashed a golden light, and the body turned into a group of particles and dispersed, slowly drifting towards the sea, and soon disappeared.

Chapter 639 Yang Jian Meets Eddie

After Sol defeated Hela, he was already the rightful heir to the God King of Asgard, and no one could shake his position. It was originally a happy event, and he planned to go to Norway to tell his father after accepting everyone's congratulations. King, but before leaving, the Queen of God, Frigga, came back and told everyone the sad news that their beloved God King had fallen.

Thor was confused by the news. He knew that his father was already old, but he felt that he would at least wait until he was truly crowned as the God King before leaving. He didn't expect to leave so happily, because Odin With the news of the fall, everyone's joy disappeared immediately, and when the weddings and funerals came together, everyone didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, in the end, God Queen Frigga claimed that before the fall of God King Odin, he said that his funeral was handled in a low-key manner, and that the country should not be left alone for a day, so the coronation ceremony of God King Sol was held first.

In this way, after a set of procedures, Sol was officially crowned as God King on the day God King Odin fell, and Yang Jian also brought Wanda and Skye to Sol's coronation ceremony.

The goddess of death, Hela, also stayed in Asgard. Although during the ceremony, Hela kept a gloomy face and looked unhappy at everyone, as if everyone owed her money, but it was okay, she didn't make a fuss. No matter what happened, he finally recognized the positions of all the god kings.

Originally, according to the original plot, shortly after the fall of Odin, Thanos would lead his fleet to Asgard, but because of the appearance of Yang Jian, Yang Jian deliberately stayed in Asgard for a few days, But Thanos never showed up, so Yang Jian had no choice but to bid farewell to Sol, after all, there is still a lot of trouble on the earth.

In Yang Jian's mind, Asgard now has Thor and Hela, two heavenly father-level masters, who are no weaker than when Odin was alive, and even if Thanos comes, he may not lose.

Of course, Yang Jian did not forget the treasure that Odin had promised before his death. He picked and picked in the treasure house. Looking at the countless treasures, he was almost dazzled, and finally chose a star core the size of a human head.

This star core is quite special. It is said that Odin once planned to make this core into a weapon. If it can be successful, it will definitely be stronger than Thor's Hammer. Unfortunately, it failed in the end because the star core is difficult to melt. Even star energy is not enough, so it stays.

A few days later, in Yang Jian's private laboratory, a star core the size of a human head was placed on a table made of gold, surrounded by extremely sophisticated equipment for continuous detection, and various data were displayed on a computer next to it.

After a few days of experiments, Yang Jian determined that the core of this star is beyond imagination, even the temperature of the core inside the star cannot be melted, and it is difficult for the Marvel world to find a way to make it into a weapon.

However, behind Yang Jian, there are technical support from countless worlds. Since the Marvel world is not good, then try another method in other worlds. Using Taishang Laojun's gossip furnace to refine, can it be turned into a super magic weapon?

In terms of weight, this star core is countless times heavier than a monkey's golden cudgel. Even if it is made into a weapon, it may not be easy to use, but it is not impossible to train it into a treasure between magic weapon and weapon , or simply used to upgrade the Monkey King's golden cudgel, because sooner or later there will be a battle between him and Tathagata, which can also increase the monkey's chances of winning.

In this way, you need to make a good plan. First, you must send the star core to the Westward Journey World, put it in a place with sufficient aura, and accept the washing of the Westward Journey World's laws. system, this probably takes at least two or three hundred years.

After making a plan, Yang Jianjian put away the testimonial and sent it to the deity in a few days.

Yang Jian walked out of the laboratory, ready to relax, but as soon as he walked out of the door, Dabai's voice remembered, a beam of light projected from above spread out and turned into a screen, and at the same time, the artificial intelligence Dabai's voice sounded.

"Boss, I just discovered an interesting thing, I thought you might be interested in this. News."

At this time, the picture on the screen changed, and what appeared was a spaceship accident. Of course, what really caught Yang Jian's attention was the four unique containers in the picture, which were filled with liquid like living things, which were constantly wriggling. It is a news report: The spaceship of the Life Fund exploring outer space crashed, and the specific reason is unknown.

Seeing this news, Yang Jian immediately realized that this is the plot of venom, and now Yang Jian is really interested. Although Yang Jian also has a venom on his body, Yang Jian can be sure that the venom on his body has nothing to do with the world. His venom is definitely not in the same parallel space, and his strength is completely in the same dimension. Yang Jian's venom can easily beat the venom of this world.

Just thinking of the venom in this world being violently hanged and beaten, with no power to resist, Yang Jian felt uncomfortable in his heart, and quickly made a decision to step in, improve the strength of the venom in this world, and teach him a good lesson riot.

California, San Francisco, brightly lit at night, a slovenly man walked silently on the street, with disheveled clothes and unshaven beard, he looked like a homeless man, out of tune with the glamorous pedestrians around him.

Eddie Brock, once a famous reporter, but unfortunately not now, because he has just experienced the lowest period of his life, not long ago he lost his job and lost his girlfriend trying to report the scandal of the Life Foundation, from a decent The reporter turned into a homeless man with nothing, facing overdue bills every day, and even worrying about eating.

Eddie fumbled for what little money he had left in his pocket, walked into a small supermarket, and began picking out food for the next few days.

"Mr. Bullock."

While Eddie was busy, a female voice seemed hesitant. Eddie looked up and saw a thin and delicate woman with glasses appearing in front of him

"Who are you? What can I do for you?" The woman looked around, then nervously and carefully pulled him into a corner, and said in a low voice, "My name is Dora Scholes, from the Life Foundation." Scientist, I came to you this time to ask for your help, I..."

Hearing that the other person was from the Life Foundation, Eddie's expression changed immediately, and he turned around and left without thinking. He had nothing to talk to the people from the Life Foundation.

Dora quickly stepped forward and took Eddie's hand, "Wait, Mr. Bullock, listen to me! I'm not joking, the rumors you reported about the Life Foundation's human experiments are true, Drake is indeed in Doing illegal human experiments, and some people died because of it! The foundation found some people at the lowest level, made them sign an agreement that they didn't know what it meant, and then used them as guinea pigs to combine with the symbiote!"

"Symbiont? What is that?" Eddie looked at the face of the other party, feeling that he was not lying, and asked out of curiosity.

Dora hesitated for a moment. If she continued, it would be tantamount to leaking secrets. However, thinking of those who died, she explained: "The symbiont is a special kind of alien creature that must be combined with the host to survive normally. Afterwards, the host and symbionts can display some amazing physical strength, far exceeding that of ordinary people, and of course, there are even more terrifying side effects, those people's bodies will quickly fail, and they will die in a short time."

Eddie was silent for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Why did you tell me this? Why should I believe you?"

"Drake is killing people, I can't just sit idly by, but I don't have the ability, and I don't have enough courage, I still have children, so I think I can only ask you, so that I feel better." Dora said The more excited he was, these days he had been suffering from the condemnation of his conscience, especially when he thought of the faces of those dead people, he felt even more uncomfortable.

Eddie smiled wryly, "Please? What can I do? I've lost everything, and I won't even be one of the tramps in a long time. Maybe I'll be arrested for experiments. You're looking for the wrong person. .”

Dora thought for a while, and seemed to have made up her mind, "I will find a suitable time and sneak you to the Foundation's laboratory. Remember to bring your camera. You are an excellent reporter and know what to do next. .”

Eddie couldn't help being silent. Thinking of his current situation, he wanted to refuse, but then he thought that he had already reached this point, and there was nothing left to lose. It was better to fight, and finally nodded in agreement.

In the dead of night, Eddie sneaked into the laboratory of the Life Foundation under the leadership of Dora with his camera.

"It's here, hurry up and take pictures, I'll watch outside." Dora warned a few words, and then left in a hurry.

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