When Eddie saw the situation in the laboratory, he immediately regained his spirits, because he found a few tragically fashioned corpses. Based on these alone, it can be confirmed that Drake, the boss of the Life Foundation, is indeed doing brutal human experiments. , as long as these evidences can be exposed, Drake will definitely suffer a major blow, and may even be imprisoned, and he will be able to avenge the Life Foundation immediately, and become that high-spirited reporter again, Eddie immediately took out the camera Start taking pictures, the frequency is getting faster and faster, one after another.

Eddie was supposed to leave immediately after taking the photo, but an accident happened, and a voice shouted from behind, "Eddie!"

Eddie was startled, turned around and found that it was his old friend Maria, who was locked in a small glass compartment. Back then, this old friend often provided him with news clues.

"Maria! Why are you here?"

"Get me out, Eddie, get me out!" Maria slammed on the glass wall like crazy, shouting hoarsely, her messy hair flicking.

Eddie panicked for a moment, and hurriedly pressed the device on the door, but the method was wrong. Not only did it not open, but it triggered the alarm in the laboratory. Dangerous sounds sounded everywhere, and multiple red lights flashed.

Eddie cursed, but he didn't give up on rescuing Maria. He looked around and soon found a fire extinguisher not far away. He immediately picked it up and hit the glass with all his strength.


With Eddie's hard work, a crack appeared on the glass, which was quickly smashed open, but it was unexpected that Maria came over like a hungry wolf at this moment!The insurance amount was also low, and she fell to the ground. For some reason, Maria was so strong that Eddie couldn't resist. Maria seemed to be in great pain.

"Maria, wake up, what's the matter with you?" Eddie yelled in panic, and soon, a scene that surprised him even more happened.

As Maria screamed in pain, many black viscous objects poured out of her body, and then quickly melted into Eddie's body like a sponge into water.

"Oh, damn it, what is this? Could it be..." Eddie couldn't help but panic, recalling what Dora had said before, guessing that this is probably the so-called symbiosis.

When Eddie was going to find Dora and asked her to find a way to get the symbiote out, there was a rush of footsteps outside, "Hurry up, the intruder is over there, we can't let him escape."

Now Eddie didn't care about looking for Dora, and ran out along the way he came. Fortunately, this passage is relatively remote. No matter what hindered him, after running out of the life fund building, he returned to his hut as quickly as possible.

"Hi, Eddie, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as Eddie entered the door, he was frightened by a voice, and when he looked up, he saw a figure sitting on his chair with his legs crossed. The other party should be a young man, but for some reason, the other party was clearly sitting there without any help. Either way, but they couldn't see each other's appearance clearly.

"Who are you, are you a member of the Life Fund?" Eddie asked tremblingly, not to mention how regretful he was, why was he so obsessed with ghosts and meddled in the life fund's affairs?

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do with the people of the Life Fund. I'm here to find you, to be more precise, to find the guy in your body." Yang Jian looked at Eddie carefully, and finally came to the conclusion that this is a dick , no matter which version Eddie is in.

"The guy inside me? You mean the symbiote?"

"That's right, it's him. I think his name should be Venom. He is very similar to you. Among the symbiotes, he should be the most stupid and useless one."


An angry roar sounded, and a large amount of black viscous substance gushed out from Eddie's body, wrapped Eddie in it, and soon turned into a three-meter-high, muscular monster with long and narrow eyes and a mouth full of fangs.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!" Venom roared and punched Yang Jian. He was pissed off by Yang Jian's words. Earthlings taunted.

"What a grumpy little guy, let's be honest, I'm just telling the truth."

Yang Jian casually stretched out a finger, tapped lightly, and collided with the fist. The huge fist was actually blocked by a small finger. No matter how hard the venom was, it couldn't move an inch. It was really impressive. incredible.

"Looks like I need to teach you a lesson, lest you don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth." Then a little red light shot out from the fingertips, the venom screamed suddenly, the body shrank rapidly, and the black viscous substance re-integrated into the body, revealing Eddie's figure.

Chapter 640 Venom Evolution

"What happened just now, I feel very strange." Eddie asked in shock.

"Don't worry, it's just that there is a little guy parasitic in your body, just treat it as a parasite!" Yang Jian comforted without sincerity.

"Asshole, I'm not a parasite." Suddenly, a wisp of black liquid emerged from Eddie's neck, stretching continuously, like a long snake, with a venomous face condensed at the front end.

"If I say you are a parasite, then you are a parasite. Be honest with me." Yang Jian flicked it with his fingers, and a little red light fell on Venom's head, burning like a flame.

"Ah!" Venom screamed again, shaking his head as if he wanted to throw out the ray of flames on his head. He also tried to retract into Eddie's body, but found that he couldn't do it, and wanted to get away from Eddie. That's right and wrong.

It lasted for half a minute before the ray of flame gradually disappeared. Venom raised his head feebly, looked at Yang Jian and asked, "Who are you? What's the purpose of looking for me?"

Yang Jian stood up and twisted his neck. A golden sticky substance gushed out of his body instantly, turning into a 3-meter-high golden monster. Except for the color, it was almost exactly the same as the venom.

"You also have a monster in your body!!" Eddie couldn't help but screamed when he saw Yang Jian's changes.

Venom was even more shocked. It was certain that there were only four symbionts that came to Earth through the Life Fund spacecraft, and there was absolutely no such guy in front of him. Where did he come from?And apart from the color, it really looks like me.

"So you're the same as me, so do you know how to get rid of the monster in your body?" Eddie felt relieved seeing Yang Jian's changes, feeling that Yang Jian was in the same illness as him, and was also an unlucky guy who was possessed by a monster. .

Yang Jian took the venom back into his body again and said: "Okay, Eddie, don't worry, the symbiote is not as scary as you imagined, they and the host interact with each other, the symbiote needs the help of the host to survive, and The host can gain powerful power through the symbiont, and the two complement each other. You can treat him as your partner. In ten minutes, the people from the Life Fund will chase after us. We don’t have much time, so let’s talk about business. .”

Eddie became anxious immediately, "People from the Life Fund are coming after us, let's run away quickly."

Yang Jian patted Eddie on the shoulder and comforted him: "Eddie, you still haven't figured out the situation. Now that you have the help of venom, you have obtained super strength. Ordinary people are no match for you at all. You can easily beat everyone. Those who pursue, it is they who should flee."

"But, but..."

"No but!" Eddie wanted to say something more, but unfortunately, he was interrupted roughly by Yang Jian, "The people of the Life Fund are not troublesome, the real trouble is that there may be more symbiosis coaches in the future, You must stop the earth."

"More life forms?"

"Yes, you can ask Venom."

Eddie immediately turned his head to look at the venomous face protruding from his neck.

Venom glanced at Yang Jian, feeling that the other party already knew about it, and he didn't intend to hide it, nodded and said: "I'm just one of them, and there are other symbiotes who have also come to the earth, including a guy named Riot, He is our leader, an unscrupulous war madman, very dangerous, and he is planning to lead his men to invade the earth. If you don't want the earth to fall into disaster, you'd better find him and kill him."

Eddie was dumbfounded, "You mean let me save the earth? How is this possible, are you kidding? I can't even save myself, let me save the world? This is the time for the Avengers to work! I'm just A reporter!"

Yang Jian couldn't help but interjected: "Unfortunately, the Avengers Alliance has split. Some of the Avengers led by the captain are being wanted. They dare not show up in this city at all. The Avengers led by Iron Man signed the agreement. Letting them intervene in this matter must be approved by the Security Council, and I don’t know how long it will take to complete a set of procedures, and by then the symbiote army may have arrived.”

"Then what should we do? By the way, isn't there you? You can stop it!" Eddie looked at Yang Jian expectantly and said.

"Unfortunately, I can't intervene because of special reasons, otherwise it will cause a lot of disputes, so you can only come."

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