The venom's sharper claws hit the walls of the building, and ran along the building quickly, and soon reached the top of the building, and then shuttled continuously between the tall buildings.

It’s just that at some point, an unmanned aircraft appeared behind the venom, staring at the venom all the time, so that the venom could not get out of the enemy’s sight, and failed to shoot down the unmanned aircraft several times.

"Stupid! Fly!"

Yang Jian's voice that made the venom frightened and somewhat expectant sounded. The venom froze for a moment, then thought of something, his body arched slightly, and his shoulder blades squirmed for a while. With a swipe, a pair of black with golden patterns really appeared. Wings come.

Venom tried to control the flapping of its wings, and immediately flew up, and with the flapping of Venom's wings, the speed became faster and faster. When he looked at the drone in the sky again, a sneer appeared on his face, and it instantly turned into a streamer. The man-machine rushed away.

The drone wanted to escape, but unfortunately it was too late. It was soon overtaken by Venom, smashed through with a punch, and the drone turned into a ball of fireworks and fell from the sky.

After doing all of this, Venom quickly left the city, and in a forest outside the city, he was relieved after making sure that there was no one around, and regained his appearance as Eddie.

Chapter 641 Venom and Riot

At the headquarters of the Life Fund, Drakes, as the boss, was furious because his men failed to catch Eddie, and then asked people to investigate why someone could easily break into their laboratory without noticing, but he arranged a lot Guards, are you blind?

Dr. Dora was found out very soon, and he learned that he was the son of two or five children. Drake directly ordered people to lock Dr. Dora into the laboratory, prepare for waste utilization, use Dr. Dora for experiments, and let her Become the object of symbiote possession.

"Help, who will save me!" Dr. Dora looked at the symbiote that kept wriggling towards him, with despair in his eyes.

Did he just die like this?At this moment, Dr. Dora thought of her own children, and thought of those who died after being possessed by the symbiote. If she gave herself another chance, would she find someone to block the exposure of the Life Fund from doing human experiments? Maybe Well, what's the point of thinking about it now?

Seeing that Dr. Dora was about to be possessed by the symbiote, suddenly, a rush of sirens came.

"Alert! Alert! Someone has invaded!"

Drake immediately had someone call the monitor over, and soon a 3-meter-high monster with black lines on its body was rampaging, beating the guards to pieces, and heading straight for the building.

"It's him! Damn it, let me catch him at all costs, hurry up!" Drake was surprised and happy when he saw the surveillance screen. He was worried that the other party would not reappear after he ran away, but now he Hey, the other party actually came to the door on his own initiative. As long as he catches him and finds out why he can perfectly combine with the symbiont, he can make full use of the other symbionts in the laboratory, and then he will be sure to obtain extraordinary powers. strength.

The invasion of venom seems to be very targeted. After knocking down the guards blocking the way, he approached the building, used force directly, and inserted his claws into the wall of the building. He galloped along the outer wall and came directly to the laboratory floor. Crashing in, because this is the second time I have come here, I found the laboratory with ease, and saw Dr. Dora who was about to be possessed by the passive symbiote from a distance through the glass.

Venom didn't hesitate, kicked his feet, speeded up, smashed the glass with a punch, reached out and grabbed the symbiote in his hands.

"Brother, I'm sorry, your current situation is terrible. Even if you are really possessed, you can't be compatible, and you will all die in the end. In this case, it's better to give me a cheap price and let me replenish my energy." Venom said directly Throw the ball of symbiote into his mouth, chew it twice and swallow it.

"Beauty, we should go." After Venom devoured a symbiote, he turned his head to look at Dr. Dora, trying to show a smile, but his hideous face made his smile even more terrifying.Face

"You, you... who are you? What do you want to do?" It felt like the other party was here to take care of me, but seeing the vicious look of the other party, Dr. Dora was too scared and felt that he should ask clearly first.

At this time, half of Venom's face split open to reveal half of Eddie's face, "Dr. Dora, it's me, Eddie, I'm here to save you."

"Eddie!" Dora couldn't help but screamed, with an indescribable excitement in her heart, she didn't expect that Eddie would come to save her like a god descending at such a critical moment.

"How did you become like this? Is it a symbiosis?"

"Okay, don't talk too much, I will take you out of here first, and we will talk about it in a safe place." Venom covered his face again, and then gave Dr. Dora a princess hug, and rushed back and forth Going out, a large number of guards kept shooting along the way, Venom blocked all the bullets with his body, and jumped out from upstairs.


Dr. Dora couldn't help screaming, she closed her eyes and didn't dare to look down, but it was very fast, and she didn't feel right, she didn't seem to be falling, she slowly opened a gap, looked around, and found that she was still trapped by the The monster was hugged in his arms, but at this moment a pair of wings appeared behind the monster, flapping them gently, flying in the sky.

Obviously not out of danger yet, but at this moment, Dr. Dora felt an indescribable sense of security in her heart, enjoying the feeling of the breeze blowing over her face, and even relaxed her mind and looked down at the beautiful scenery of the city below.

The flying speed of Venom was very fast, it only took a few minutes to leave the city and land in a mountain forest.

Put Dr. Dora down, the venom retracted into the body, hey, Eddie reappeared, "Dr. Dora, are you okay?"

Dora narrowly escaped death and had just experienced an unbelievable flight. It was inevitable that she was a little upset and dazed. After hearing Eddie's words, she realized, "Uh! I'm fine, thank you, Eddie, but you What's the situation now?"

Eddie thinks about what happened today, and now he is a little unbelievable, "Simply speaking, I have merged with the symbiosis, but it just so happens that this symbiosis is very compatible with me, and it will not cause damage to the host like other symbiotes. , the phenomenon of cell failure occurs, and you can even use him to gain powerful power, by the way, I haven’t introduced it to you yet, his name is Venom.”

Soon a cloud of liquid emerged from Eddie's neck and transformed into the face of Venom, saying hello, "Hi chick, you look delicious, especially your internal organs."

Dr. Dora couldn't help taking a step back, staring at the venom with a wary face. After all, no matter who it is, it's delicious as soon as they meet, and everyone will be afraid of eating themselves.

"Venom, don't scare her." Eddie couldn't help but reprimanded Venom, then looked at Dr. Dora and said, "Don't worry, Venom is actually easy to get along with, he doesn't need to eat people to maintain his energy consumption anymore , I can provide him with enough energy."

Eddie has been with Venom for a while, and he has discovered that Venom is not that difficult to get along with. Of course, this is mostly because he was intimidated by Yang Jian in advance, and Eddie also went from being scared to accepting it at the beginning. , finally recognized the existence of venom, and the two also reached some consensus.

"Dr. Dora, please don't worry, Venom is still very easy to get along with, but it's just a bit aggressive, don't worry about it."

"Well, it seems that you do get along well, but I'm a little scared when I see him."

Venom couldn't help but sarcastically said: "The aesthetics of you people on Earth is really bad. When we were on other planets, the life forms we possessed usually tried to make themselves look strong and vicious, so as not to be bullied. Your earth People care about these useless things, no matter how beautiful they are, what is the use.”

"Ahem! Dr. Dora, don't worry, venom is just like this, let's talk about business."

Dr. Dora nodded and said: "Now the Life Fund will definitely arrest us everywhere. I'm afraid we will become wanted criminals in a short time. With Drake's temperament, we will definitely be killed. Do you have any plans?"

Eddie waved his hands confidently and said: "Don't worry, the Life Fund will be overwhelmed soon. I have already handed over the evidence I took to the newspaper staff, and I also made a copy and sent it to the police station. This will happen very soon." It will be exposed, Drake will be brought to justice soon, and we will be safe."

Dr. Dora couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Although he would lose his job because of this, it doesn't matter. With her doctorate, it is very easy to find a high-paying job again. Just get through these few days. Eddie and Dora After the two disguised themselves, they secretly returned to the city to wait and see the changes in the situation.

It’s just that Eddie always feels uncomfortable when he gets along with Dr. Dora, because Dr. Dora looks like Eddie’s interested eyes, as if he wants to dissect it. Obviously, Dr. Dora is also very interested. Curious, why Eddie can perfectly fit with venom, and wants to study the mystery of it. As a researcher, Dr. Dora's curiosity is completely stimulated. Let's do it.

Originally, Dr. Dora and Eddie thought that Drake would be arrested soon, but they didn't expect that the development of the following things was different from what they imagined. They underestimated the ability of capitalists.

, Drake knew the seriousness of the matter when the laboratory was destroyed, and once it was revealed, he might spend the rest of his life in prison.

Drake was planning to flee, but he didn't expect a little girl to come to him at this time. This situation is extremely strange. Even though the Life Fund has just been invaded, the most basic defense measures are still there. Why can a little girl Breaking in here?

At this moment, the little girl's eyes turned white, and the last symbiote emerged from his body, pounced on him, and instantly attached to Derek.

Soon Drake knew the identity of the other party, the leader of the symbiote, Riot, after some communication, agreed to the other party's conditions, pretending to conduct outer space exploration again, taking over all the symbiotes, and letting them invade the earth , and this is what Drake thinks is the only chance of survival.

As a capitalist, Drake's most powerful weapon is his money. Under the influence of money, the news that the newspaper was supposed to publish was delayed, and the so-called evidence received by the police station was also temporarily suppressed. In that time, Drake spent a lot of money, and soon, the new spaceship was ready.

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