"No, they must not be allowed to launch, otherwise countless symbiotes will descend, and it will be a disaster for the earth." Eddie stood up excitedly after listening to the news that Dr. Dora had just inquired about. .

"But what should we do now, can we stop it?" Dr. Dora looked sad, and now they are hiding like sewer rats, there is nothing they can do.

"Now it seems that we can only solve it with violence. I will destroy their spaceship tonight." Eddie had a look of determination on his face. At this moment, he really had the consciousness of a superhero.

In the evening, Eddie secretly came to the headquarters of the Life Fund and found the place where the spacecraft was launched. At first, he planned to avoid the eyes of everyone, so as not to cause panic, but soon he found that there was no need for such trouble, because the place was already in chaos up.

Following a series of explosions and screams, a 3-meter figure came out of the control room. Except for the white color, it was very similar to Venom in other aspects.

The figure looked around, jumped tens of meters high, and quickly galloped towards the spaceship.

"It's Riot. He's going to get on the spaceship. We can't delay any longer. Stop him quickly, or it will be too late." Venom recognized Riot's figure at a glance, and reminded immediately.

"Well, you said that we have an [-]% chance of winning. If so, I have nothing to be afraid of. Come on, let's save the earth together."

In an instant, the viscous black liquid covered Eddie and turned into a 3-meter-high monster. After a few jumps, he immediately caught up with Riot and stood in front of him.

When Riot saw someone blocking the way, he stopped immediately. Seeing that it was venom, he was a little surprised at the golden lines on the other person's body, because the venom at this time made him faintly feel dangerous.

If there is time, Riot would really like to ask what happened to the golden lines on Venom's body, but now there is not much time before the launch of the spaceship, and he must act as soon as possible.

Riot pointed at Venom and ordered: "Venom, follow me, and join me as the symbiote army arrives. This planet is very suitable for our race. As long as you bring the army over, there are countless hosts for us to parasitize. We can rule the planet."

"I won't let you do this. The earth is far more mysterious than you imagined. You don't even know how terrible there is here. If you really let you bring the symbiote army here, maybe the earth will suffer heavy losses. But our species is in danger of extinction."

"Useless things, how powerful can the people on earth be? At best, they are just a few superheroes. They are only a few people. Is there any need to be afraid? As long as our army comes, can't we solve a few superheroes?"

The figure of Yang Jian appeared in Venom's mind, especially if the other party gave him a little power at will to strengthen himself to such a degree, then how strong is his own strength?Or maybe not a class creature at all.

"Greed confuses your eyes and prevents you from seeing the danger of the earth. What you do will only lead our family to the abyss."

"No, I have already seen the future of our family. This planet is the most suitable breeding ground for our family. The humans here are too suitable for our family."

"Forget it, I know I can't convince you, but I will never let you later, I will stop you."

"Traitor, if this is the case, then you go to die!" Riot was furious and didn't want to continue to entangle with Venom, so he decided to solve it as soon as possible, so that he could board the spaceship to meet his symbiote army, and rushed towards Venom aggressively .

"Come on, let us speak with our strength."

Venom also wanted to try his strengthened strength, so he immediately went up to him, and the battle was imminent.

Chapter 642


Two huge figures collided together.If it was before, the venom would definitely be knocked out, but after being strengthened by Yang Jian, the venom has grown in all aspects, especially in terms of strength, which has increased several times compared to before. stopped.

On the contrary, the riot was miserable. It flew upside down, rolled continuously, made a rumbling sound, and rolled away tens of meters before stopping.

It took a while for Riot to get up, looking at Venom in shock, "This is impossible, how can you have such a powerful force?"

"Nothing is impossible. I said that the mystery of the earth is beyond your imagination. This is the new power I got on the earth. You are no longer my opponent. Turn back and give up your unrealistic ideas .”

Hearing Venom's words, Riot became even more angry. Venom, who was once looked down upon by him, possessed such a powerful power, and after having this power, he did not fight for his own race, but became a traitor instead, which is unforgivable.

"go to hell!"

Riot let out a roar, and sharp spikes emerged from his body, turning into streamers of light and shooting out, intending to give Venom a thousand swords to pierce his heart.

When Venom raised his left arm, the black viscous liquid squirmed and instantly turned into a shield. Those spikes were blocked by the shield, and densely inserted.

After this wave of spikes passed, Venom retracted his shield and was about to fight back, but saw that Riot's arm seemed to soften, and the part hanging on the ground swelled and turned into a mace. With a spin, he picked up the mace and smashed it down to the venom with inertia.

Venom did not back down, but took a deep breath and clenched his fist. The golden lines spread rapidly and covered the surface of the fist, which looked like he was wearing a golden glove.


Venom let out a roar, and the fist smashed out fiercely, facing the falling mace with a fierce momentum of no return.

boom! !

With a loud noise, the golden fist collided with the mace, and under the terrified eyes of everyone, the mace cracked like glass, and countless fragments shot out, some of which flew upside down and inserted back into Riot's body.


Riot couldn't help but let out a scream. After landing, he quickly backed away and pulled out the fragments on his body. The wound squirmed and quickly recovered.

"No, it's impossible. I'm not reconciled. I'm the leader. I'm the strongest. No one can defeat me."

The fact is before his eyes, Venom has surpassed Riot, but Riot is unwilling to admit it, almost driving him crazy.

"Have you still not recognized the situation? If so, let me personally tell you what is the real reality."

This time Venom took the lead, rushing out like a black lightning bolt, Riot instinctively sensed the crisis and wanted to avoid it, but at this moment, one of Venom's arms stretched out, grabbed Riot's head, dragged it over forcefully, and then Knock to the ground.

boom! !

Riot's head directly came into close contact with the ground, and the reinforced concrete ground was smashed into a large human-shaped pit. This is not over, and then Venom lifted it up again, and flung it to the other side forcefully.


As the venom continued to beat, there was a continuous roar. Riot tried to resist several times, but failed. The venom's hand was grasping very tightly, and he couldn't break free at all.

After falling down a dozen times, Venom seemed to get bored, so he threw the riot out, knocking down a wall in the distance.

Riot was in pain all over his body, but he still struggled to stand up, looking at the venom, his heart was full of shame. He used to look down on the venom from above. In his eyes, the venom was the shame of the symbiote family, and he never took it seriously. But now he is being beaten by a guy who used to look down on him, the gap is too big.

However, Riot can become the leader of the symbiosis not only because of his strength, but also because he has a shrewd mind. He knows that anger is useless at this time, and the more critical it is, the more calm he must be, so that it is easier to come up with a solution.

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