Due to the appearance of Yang Jian, the butterfly effect was triggered, and many changes have taken place on the earth and Asgard. Although the ancient one "died", Yang Jian can completely top the class of the ancient one, and the earth has a new Xeon. Asgard also has Thor, a powerful heir, and Hela also chooses to stay in Asgard. As a result, Thanos does not dare to attack the earth and Asgard easily. But the infinite gems are very important to him. Only by collecting all six infinite gems can he snap the fingers of fate.

Thanos is also a person with firm beliefs. In order to achieve his goals, he is willing to pay more. Since he is not sure in a head-to-head confrontation, then use some conspiracy. Thanos knows that Heimdall in Asgard is always watching the universe. Change, for this reason, he first grabbed the Reality Gem, and then used the Reality Gem to create an illusion, which fooled Heimdall's eyes, and then let him go. He got the Soul Gem and the Power Gem successively, which led his The space fleet rushed to Asgard.

It was only when Thanos' fleet arrived that Heimdall discovered the other party. Heimdall almost committed suicide in shame, which was obviously his negligence.

"Even if Thanos has three gems, with your strength in Asgard, it's not so easy to be defeated, right? You and Hela both have the strength of a heavenly father, plus Loki, Jane, Xi Fu, Fandral and the others should also be able to resist it, could it be that Hela betrayed her?"

"No, my sister didn't betray." Sol showed a worried look on his face, "Actually, when Thanos came, my sister was the first to rush up to fight him, but she was defeated with just one move. "

Yang Jian was a little dumbfounded, and said in disbelief: "Are you sure you're not joking? One trick! How is this possible, Hela is a master at the level of the heavenly father."

"I don't want to believe it, but in fact it is true. The strength of Thanos is unbelievable. Even in the heyday of my father, I am afraid that it is nothing more than that. However, there is indeed another reason why Hela lost so badly. , Later I also fought against Thanos, although I was defeated, I resisted it for a while."

"Another reason? Tell me, what's going on?"

"According to Hella, she is the authority of death, but there is another authority of death in Thanos, and it is more complete and more profound, but it does not belong to Thanos himself, it should be lent to him by others, Hela's power of death was directly suppressed by the opponent, and [-]% of her power could not be used even [-]% of it, so she was defeated by one move."

Yang Jian was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Thanos' authority must have been given to him by the death of one of the five creation gods. Similarly, the reason why Thanos is stronger than in the original plot is mostly because of death. .

As for why Thanos and Death get together, Yang Jian is not surprised at all. In the comics, there are many descriptions about the relationship between Thanos and Death. Many people say that Thanos is obsessed with death. Half of the life in the universe is pleasing death. Although the reason why Thanos destroys half of life in this time and space is to maintain the balance of the universe, it also shows that he has the same interests as death, because the more dead lives are, the stronger death itself will be. With the same interests, it is normal for them to get together.

Yang Jian lowered his head and thought for a while, then asked: "You have fought against Thanos, so you should know his strength. What do you think the chances of all of us joining forces to win?"

Sol smiled wryly, shook his head and said: "I'm really not sure about this, because when he fought with me, he didn't use his full strength at all. No matter how I attacked, he easily blocked me. I didn't know his attack at all. Where is the limit."

"Then the others didn't make a move? Even if Hella loses, what about Jane, Loki, and others?"

"They were blocked by the black obsidian five-star generals under Thanos' subordinates. For some reason, the strength of the obsidian five-star generals under Thanos has also increased significantly. Jane can't break through the line of defense with Thor's Hammer. In a one-on-one fight with Thanos, strength, speed, agility, endurance, and Thanos are all above me. I was suppressed in all aspects. In addition, he was wearing an infinite gauntlet. Inlaid with three gems, soul, reality, and power, he can perfectly use the ability of the infinite gem, and even directly use the power of the power gem to cover the entire Asgard. If he did it at that time, even the entire Asgard would be destroyed. It was destroyed, so although Loki handed over the Rubik's Cube without my permission, I don't blame him, because I also know that it was the only way to protect Asgard at that time."

"The Infinity Gauntlet, did the dwarves help him build it?"

"Yes, but not the dwarves. We, Asgard, didn't fulfill our obligations. Asgard should protect them, but I didn't expect Thanos to send people to capture Nidavi and imprison all the dwarves. Get up, prevent them from sending out a distress signal, and set up illusions to deceive Heimdall's eyes. In order to protect his people, the dwarf king agreed to Thanos to help him create the Infinity Gauntlet."

"Well, there are three gems, plus the Rubik's Cube, which means that he already has four gems, and the remaining two are on the earth, and they will come here sooner or later. We must gather people as soon as possible.

Not only is Thanos powerful, but he also has masters such as black obsidian five-star generals, plus countless alien fleets. To deal with them, we also need a strong team. You don’t have Asgard How many people can gather? "

Yang Jian couldn't help but see the scene of the final battle of the Avengers, the densely packed satellite troops under Thanos, all the troops from Wakanda, and all the mages of Kama Taj, all from the alien force team , and a group of superheroes, this barely has a chance of winning. It may be difficult for Yang Jian to gather so many people this time.

"We in Asgard can mobilize [-] gold-armored warriors through the Rainbow Bridge, plus Loki, Heimdall, Sif and the others are already the limit." Perhaps it was because Sol felt that he had lost the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. , I wanted to make up for something, so I really did my best this time.

"Ten thousand gold-armored warriors? Yes, Wakanda also has an elite force on our side of the earth. In addition, we are notifying all superheroes on the earth that they should be able to fight against Thanos and his army. It's time for us to act. , Dabai immediately activates the emergency plan and informs everyone."

"Yes, sir."

Dabai's efficiency was very fast, and he immediately sent out the message. Thor, the god of thunder, was not idle, and directly used the storm battle ax to summon the Rainbow Bridge to leave to meet other people.

Not long after Sol left, a donut-shaped spaceship entered the atmosphere and landed in New York. As a tractor beam fell, five figures appeared on the street.

Originally, the street was crowded with people and bustling. Seeing the arrival of the aliens, some daring ones wanted to see what the aliens looked like, but one of the five aliens stared at a beautiful woman with blue skin. An invisible fear spread out, scaring everyone to flee, and soon the streets became empty.

Needless to say, the five people who descended suddenly were naturally Thanos's capable subordinate Obsidian Five-Star General.

"Finally arrived on Earth. Back then we five joined hands but were defeated by an Earthling. I have always kept this shame in my heart. I finally have a chance to get it back today." Said.

The gray and white old skin looks like a chicken leg, and the ebony throat looked at the fantasy science and technology building in front of him, and said: "It's really unimaginable, such a remote planet, there are many strong people, first the ancient one, and now there are many more. I found a Yang Jian, and there are actually two Infinity Stones on this planet."

The giant planet, a blue-skinned beauty, couldn't help but interrupted: "Okay, don't talk nonsense! According to the coordinates, the Soul Gem is in this building. Let's do it quickly. Your lord has already gone to get the time gem. Wait."

The Obsidian Five Stars strode towards the fantasy science and technology building, but was stopped by Yang Jian before walking too far, "Wow, it's you five freaks again, long time no see, when the Chitauris invaded last time, I have taught you a lesson, why are you itching again, are you coming to Earth for a beating?"

Seeing Yang Jian, the five-star generals looked very unhappy. After all, they did suffer a big loss in Yang Jian's hands.

Proxima Centauri snorted coldly, and said: "We are completely different now from before, this time we will definitely defeat you and give you back all the shame of the past."

"Different! What's the difference? Could it be that you have taken hormones and grown three heads and six arms? There is no change." Yang Jian deliberately looked at the five-star general and said very viciously.

Ebony Throat could hear the sarcasm in Yang Jian's tone, and couldn't help cursing: "Inferior creature, you should be grateful and honestly hand over the Soul Gem, the great Thanos will descend on this savage planet with glory, And you..."

"Shut up, you! I always have the urge to laugh when I look at you like a chicken leg. Now I give you a chance to surrender honestly. I will arrange a small private room for you until your purple sweet potato Daddy is coming."

Ebony Throat's face twitched for a while, and Yang Jian's words made him lose his temper, "It seems that the negotiations have failed, so let's talk based on our strength, do it, and grab the soul gem."

The black dwarf immediately rushed towards Yang Jian with big strides, the speed became faster and faster, and finally the whole person ran on a rampage. The speed of his huge body was not slow at all, and with the rumbling vibration of the ground, he quickly rushed in front of Yang Jian.

Yang Jian was about to make a move, but at this time two other figures came out from the fantasy technology building, the Scarlet Witch Wanda, Shockwave Skye, and a kitten sitting on Skye's shoulder.

Seeing that someone was going to attack Yang Jian, Skye became angry immediately. He grabbed the kitten on his shoulder and threw it out forcefully, shouting, "Meow! Kill him!"

At this time, the black dwarf jumped up high with one foot on the ground, and slashed at Yang Jian with the huge mechanical sickle in his hand. A kitten landed in front of it, and then its body swelled instantly, turning into a two-meter-high behemoth. It opened its mouth and fired an energy cannon.


The black dwarf was hit on the chest, as if hit by a high-speed train, and flew out like a cannonball.

It’s just that the black dwarf’s racial physical fitness is extremely strong, so it’s not easy to be selected by Thanos as the general of Obsidian Five among thousands of people. Although he has no special ability, he has super strength and extremely dense The body, as well as the indestructible skin, were not injured at all even though they were blown away, and quickly stood up again.Holding a heavy hammer transformed from a mechanical sickle, the behind-the-scenes slashed at Meow.

Meow Meow kept jumping with her flexible body, while avoiding the attack of the black dwarf, she kept spitting out energy cannons to fight back.On the contrary, Miaomiao's energy cannon can always hit him precisely. If the black dwarf's body defense is not strong, he would have fallen down by now.

Black Dwarf was completely enraged, and when Miaomiao jumped into the air, he let out a roar, manipulated the mechanical weapon, formed a hook lock, swung it hard, inserted it into one of Miaomiao's hind legs, and kept tightening it.

Miaomiao also felt something was wrong at this time, and kept adjusting her body shape. After landing, she twisted her neck and fired an energy cannon in an instant.


Black Dwarf's face was smeared, even if his thick-skinned face was attacked, he couldn't help letting out a scream, the chain in his hand was loosened, and Miao Miao took the opportunity to escape, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Then they regrouped, and there were black dwarfs fighting together, one was thick and fleshy, not afraid of beating, the other was flexible and could not be touched, and no one could do anything for a while.

Seeing that the black dwarf was entangled by a cat, Ebony Throat was very dissatisfied. After thinking for a while, with a move of his hand, countless gravels flew up from the ground, densely packed, and shot at Yang Jian like a hidden weapon.

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