"Your opponent is me!" This time it was the Scarlet Witch who stood up, raised her hand to the void, red energy appeared, and the dense rubble was immediately blocked.

Ebony Throat looked at the opponent's red energy, which was somewhat similar to his own telekinetic power, but this red energy level seemed to be higher, so he dared not be careless, and when he closed his hands, the dense rubble around him quickly gathered towards Wanda, as if to Bury her alive in it.

Wanda divided her hands, and the red energy formed a barrier in Zhoushan, blocking the gathered gravel outside, and then pushed hard, and the gravel was shaken to pieces, and then Scarlet Witch pressed down with one hand, the red The energy appeared on Ebony Maw's shoulders.

Ebony Maw felt as if there was a force that wanted to push himself into the ground, he hurriedly raised his hands, counteracted this force with telekinetic power, and then used telekinetic power to pull up a lamppost next to him, and shot at Scarlet Witch.

The Scarlet Witch blocked with one hand, and the red energy covered the lamppost, forcibly stopping it in mid-air. Ebony Maw and Scarlet Witch continued to increase their strength, trying to overwhelm each other. The lamppost came and went, sometimes Close to Ebony Maw, sometimes by Scarlet Witch, momentarily stalemate.

The battle between Black Dwarf and Meow is a dispute of strength and speed, open and close, while Ebony Maw and Scarlet Witch are similar to the dispute of mind power, which is weird and changeable.

Chapter 644 The Sad Iron Man

Seeing that Wanda and Miaomiao were already fighting with the enemy, Skye didn't intend to stand aside and watch the big show, and rushed out directly, raising his hand to send a shock wave.

Proxima Centauri in the five-star general immediately shot out the sharp gun in his hand, which turned into three black lights and collided with the shock wave in an instant.

boom! !

With a strange roar, the space shattered, and circles of ripples scattered in all directions. The black light and the shock wave stalemate for a while, and then the shock wave dissipated, and the three black lights also flew back to the hands of Proxima Centauri in the dark night. Zoned for sharpshooter.

"There are two strikes, come again!" This time, Proxima Centauri made the first move, and once again shot the sharp gun into three black lights, one divided into three, one attacked head-on, and the other two made a detour, making a sneak attack on the left and right sides respectively!

Skye has experienced many battles, and his experience is getting richer and richer. When he sensed the crisis, his body shook slightly, and his whole body released shock waves in all directions.

bang bang bang! ! !

The three black lights stopped only a few meters away from Shi Kai, unable to advance any further, then Skye raised his hands, concentrated the vibration waves into a beam, first blasted down the black lights on the left and right sides, opened his mouth , let out a roar, sending out a power of vibration wave and sound fusion.

The three black lights were immediately repulsed, but they did not return to the hands of Proxima Centauri, but were condensed together by her remote control, directly attacking from behind Skye.

After the fusion of the three black lights, the attack power was obviously several times stronger. The vibration waves released from Skye's body could not be stopped, but the speed of the black light was slightly reduced, but this was enough. Skye clenched his fists, emitting a slight white light, Suddenly turned around and punched out.

boom! ! !

There was a roar, louder than before. The white light and the black light were in a stalemate for a while, but it was evenly divided. Skye withdrew his fist, and the black light flew back into the hands of Proxima Centauri.

Skye and Proxima Centauri glanced at each other, and at the same time felt that the other was troublesome, but they were not afraid, and they fought at each other again, you come and I stand together, the more the battle becomes more intense.It was hard to tell the winner for a while.

Three of the five-star generals have already started fighting, and only two are left to confront Yang Jian. General Death Blade and Giant Planet have ugly faces. They come to Earth with great confidence this time because of their strength. They all have grown in an all-round way, and feel that they can completely defeat Yang Jian and wash away the shame they once had.

But now Yang Jian has not done it himself, and his three subordinates alone have held back most of the people. As for Yang Jian himself, even if the opponent's strength is still at the level of the last fight, the two of them alone have little chance of winning. .

Originally, Yang Jian took the opportunity to attack at this time, and he should be able to easily defeat the General of the Dead Sword and the giant planet, but Yang Jian was a little suspicious at this time, and he was observing the five-star general.

Yang Jian found that the strength of the five-star general had indeed increased a lot, and that Ebony Throat could hold back the Scarlet Witch. He is a person who doesn't care about the damage of his own people, directly shoots, and only barely defeats him with the method of losing both sides.

Although the current Scarlet Witch is not as painful as in the original plot, and broke out with all her might, but normally speaking, an ebony throat cannot hold her back.

And Black Dwarf already loves Meow Meow's dozens of energy cannons, but it didn't suffer much damage, and Proxima Centauri is not bad, controlling the three black lights to attack flexibly without losing the wind, and has been stalemate with Si.

Yang Jian soon discovered the clues, the five-star general actually had an aura of infinite gems, which was very weak, and it should be the remnants of the power of the infinite gems. Yang Jian couldn't help guessing that this might be the reason Thanos used the infinite gems to help them strengthen , That's why he came to trouble Yang Jian so confidently.

"It's ridiculous. Do you think that you are qualified to be my opponent if you strengthen it with infinite gems? And it's obvious that you still can't completely control your own power. You should have just been strengthened, and you ran to the earth to die. I'm afraid today is your memorial day."

"Hmph, you're not ashamed, it's not certain who will live and who will die." General Deathblade put the weapon in his hand horizontally, and said coldly, even though he had no idea in his heart, he did not admit defeat at all.

"To be honest, I'm a little curious. Where is Thanos now? Knowing that the Soul Gem is in my hands, why didn't you come in person? Just send you a few small characters to die..."

"Hmph, if you need an adult to deal with you, we will naturally snatch the soul gem and present it to you."

"It seems that you don't want to tell the truth anymore, but it doesn't matter. When I catch you, I can get what I want to know directly from your minds."

As Yang Jian said, he raised his hand, and a ball of orange-red energy emerged in his palm, and General Deathblade and the giant planet were on guard at the same time.

Just when Yang Jian was about to make a move, a flash of fire suddenly flashed across the sky, and with a bang, a red and gold figure fell to the ground.

"Hey, you guys are having a party here, wow! I seem to have discovered a new species, and I have to name it after me, but now I should find a cage to lock you up so that you don't bite, by the way, It has to be cleaned, who knows if it will contain a virus..." Hearing this voice, people can't help but want to beat up, needless to say, the person who came is Iron Man, and there will be no one else besides him Such a poisonous tongue.

General Dead Knife's face darkened suddenly, he didn't want to talk to Iron Man, looked at Yang Jian coldly and asked: "Is this nagging animal your spokesperson? It's really annoying."

"He is not my spokesperson, and I hate him very much, but I agree with him on this point. I hate you guys who invaded the earth. Download to give you a chance to leave this planet."

The blue beauty giant planet who has been silent for a long time, his eyes lit up when Iron Man appeared, uh, the two eyes, slightly exuding a strange light, suddenly shouted, "Do it!"

Then a surprising scene happened, Iron Man suddenly attacked, but the target of his attack was not the two aliens, General Deathblade and the giant planet, but Yang Jian, who was also an Earthling.

Iron Man's armor has been upgraded to the MK50 Blood Edge armor, which is more powerful than in the original plot. The armor is separated behind him and becomes a ten-sided energy blaster, aiming at Yang Jian with full firepower, and ten energy beams are fired at the same time.

This turn of events was really beyond Yang Jian's expectations, but Yang Jian's reaction was fast enough, the ball of energy in his hand directly turned into an energy shield to resist it.


Yang Jian and the other energy shields were strong enough to block the bombardment of the energy cannon, but they were also pushed back by this force, and their legs drew two marks on the ground.

"Stark, what are you doing? I..." Yang Jian instinctively swept away with mental power, and soon found that Iron Man's brain was actually disturbed by a mental power. With a glance at the planet, he quickly understood what was going on.

Iron Man is controlled by the giant planet. Although the combat power of the giant planet is not the highest, she also has abilities that ordinary people can't match. This blue-skinned, graceful female alien has mind control, telepathy, and teleportation. , memory stealing and other super powers, Iron Man directly became her slave.

Speaking of which, the giant planets also tried to control Skye, Wanda, and Meow, but it was useless at all, because Yang Jian has always been generous to his own people, and they all have Yang Jian's special body, which is used to resist mind control and various other forces. This kind of evil magic props, the superstar's mental power can't invade their brains at all, which makes the superstar very discouraged, because most of his strength will be abolished in this way.

But she didn't expect a turnaround, and the appearance of Iron Man gave her hope again. After she discovered that her spiritual power could be invaded, she immediately activated her abilities with all her strength and took control of Iron Man.

In fact, it's also because Iron Man is too self-conscious. If he is willing to let go of his figure, ask Yang Jian for help. Yang Jian will definitely not mind helping him develop some equipment to defend against mind control, but Iron Man will suffer for his face and refuse to say anything. Subdued, the result is the situation in front of me.

Yang Jian had just stabilized his figure when General Dead Knife's attack arrived, and the sharp blade in his hand pierced Yang Jian's chest.

As soon as Yang Jian's gesture changed, the energy shield in front of him immediately changed shape, turning into a long spear and stabbing out instantly.

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