General Dead Blade didn't even hide, allowing Yang Jian to pierce his abdomen with a spear, and the sharp blade in his hand continued to stab.

At this time, Yang Jian remembered the immortal body of General Dead Blade. His soul had been sealed in the weapon. Unless the weapon was destroyed, he would never die. Immediately, he stretched out his other hand and grasped it firmly. General Wang Ren's weapon, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move any further.

In terms of body size, General Dead Blade is much taller than Yang Jian, but in terms of strength, Yang Jian firmly suppressed the opponent. When he dragged hard, General Dead Blade's figure flickered, and Yang Jian took the opportunity to kick General Dead Blade. on the stomach.


General Deathblade fell out and rolled twice after landing, but he was not injured. Even the original wound on his abdomen had recovered, and he was struggling to get up from the ground.

Yang Jian did not take the opportunity to attack General Deathblade, but turned his target to the giant planet, and rushed out in a flash. As long as the giant planet was killed, Iron Man's mind control would naturally be released.

It's just that the giant planet seems to have been prepared for a long time. Iron Man has blocked Yang Jian's way forward. The nanomaterials of the two arms are decomposed and reassembled, and turned into two daggers. Obviously, he wanted to die with Yang Jian.

"Bastard, when you wake up, I must teach you a lesson." Although she knew that the other party was being controlled, Yang Jian couldn't help but curse, forcibly stopped her figure, and prepared to turn around and continue to attack the giant planet .

But at this time, General Dead Blade had recovered, and once again held up his bayonet to kill him.

Yang Jian shook his hand, condensed a beam of energy and flicked it hard, and with a snap, it wrapped around the weapon in General Deathblade's hand, and then pulled it hard.

General Deathblade instinctively pulled back forcefully, Yang Jian took the opportunity to stomp his feet, a force spread to General Deathblade's feet, and exploded with a bang, General Deathblade was directly blown out.

Yang Jian took this opportunity to wrap up the weapon, put it in his hand, grabbed it with both hands, and was about to break the weapon, but before he could do it, he felt a bang in his head, as if he had been hit hard by a stick, and immediately understood This is a mental attack from a giant planet, so he stabilized his mind in time and recovered quickly.

Yang Jian turned her head to look at the giant planet, and found that the situation of the giant planet was terrible at this time, and it seemed that it might fall at any time. Obviously, the mental attack just now was also a great burden for her.

However, Yang Jian failed to seize this opportunity and took the opportunity to kill the giant planet, because Iron Man rushed over desperately, grabbing General Deathblade's weapon with both hands, and at the same time squirmed from behind and shot several small missiles.

Yang Jian was so angry that he almost vomited blood. In fact, these missiles could not hurt Yang Jian at all. Similarly, if Iron Man was protected by a nano-suit, it would not be too dangerous. But the key is that Iron Man's mask was opened at this time. , Yang Jian will be fine, but Iron Man is absolutely dead and cannot die again. The giant planet clearly sees that Yang Jian does not want to hurt Iron Man's life, and deliberately uses this disgusting method to deal with Yang Jian.

What else could Yang Jian do in this situation? In order to ensure Iron Man's safety, he could only let go of his weapon and retreat, and at the same time set up a spherical barrier to protect himself.


Following the explosion of a car, Yang Jian's spherical barrier moved slightly, but it still blocked all the missiles.

Just before Yang Jian could heave a sigh of relief, Iron Man and General Deathblade had come over desperately again. The giant star was hiding behind, constantly interfering with mental power. General Deathblade was used as a meat shield. , distracted Yang Jian, missed great opportunities again and again, and was dragged here, not to mention how aggrieved she was.

Yang Jian couldn't help being a little depressed. If he knew this, he should have brought Kuaiyin and Ivan back as soon as possible. Unfortunately, Kuaiyin has recently become obsessed with racing cars and spends all day on the racing track. know when.

As for Ivan, it was because he went to Russia with his father, because his father, Anton Vanke, was getting worse and worse, and wanted to go back to his hometown to see him before he died. He regained his youth and extended his life, but Anton himself refused. In his own words, he had lived for such a long time. Howard, the opponent he was thinking of, was dead. What's the point of living without an opponent? end.

The more Yang Jian fought, the more upset he became. This kind of hands-on battle was really uncomfortable. At the same time, he also had a doubt in his heart, why did Thanos never show up?Could it be that he was really so relieved to let his five men come down to snatch the gems?He should know that just relying on five-star generals has little chance of winning. Did Thanos really not come to Earth?

What Yang Jian didn't know was that Thanos had actually descended on the earth. It was just because he was too confident that the five-star general could defeat Yang Jian. At the same time, in order to save time, the troops were divided into two groups. The five-star general came here to seize the soul gem. And he went directly to the Himalayas. His goal was another time gem. At this time, Karma Taj, the holy place of the Master's Monastery, was already in an unprecedented crisis.

Chapter 645 Karma Taj Disaster


Thanos stretched out his left hand, wearing a golden glove with four gems embedded in it, one of the purple gems shone with light, breaking through a layer of magic shield, and the surrounding area was in ruins.

Kama Taj is the sanctuary of the monastery, with countless magical protections, but these magical defenses have no effect in front of Thanos who has space gems and power gems, and Thanos is like walking in the garden Usually, easily broke through all the guardian magic and entered Karma Taj.

Dr. Strange Slantage was already waiting for him there, with Mordo, Casillas and the Mage King standing behind him, looking at Thanos' eyes almost bursting into flames, Thanos' behavior simply put their Kama Taj His dignity was under his feet, if Doctor Strange hadn't stopped him, he would have gone up to fight Thanos desperately.

Thanos looked Doctor Strange up and down, and asked, "You are the supreme mage of this term? You look like a brat, do you think you are qualified? Will the ancient one choose you as her successor?"

Doctor Strange was not angry because of Thanos' words. Although the other party's words were full of disdain for him, it seemed that he was not worthy of the title of Supreme Sorcerer. However, after countless time reincarnations, he looked young on the surface, but actually had a mentality. Very mature and able to keep calm in the face of any situation.

"Whether you are qualified or not, don't you know if you try it yourself?" Doctor Strange said, his hands formed seals, a beam of bloody light appeared in his hands, condensed into a sword, and turned directly towards Thanos.

Thanos raised his right hand, grabbed it, squeezed it hard, and shattered it, and at the same time mocked: "You only have this kind of strength?"

"Of course not, this is just an appetizer." Following Doctor Strange's words, diamond-shaped refractions appeared in the surrounding space, like a broken mirror, surrounding Thanos in the middle.

At the same time, Modu, Casillas, and the Mage King also made a move. A red belt was condensed in the hands of Modu and the Mage King, and they flicked vigorously. Fist, Casillas' magic shield spun and sliced ​​towards Thanos' neck.

"What are you, Thanos, without the power of the Infinity Stones."

Thanos had a sneer on his face, "Without the Infinity Stones, I am still the overlord of the universe. I have been in the universe for countless years, what do you think we are fighting for?"

Thanos said that with both hands, he forcibly grabbed the two red belts. The Mage King and Modu were thrown into the air by him, and they smashed at Casillas at the same time.

Casillas was taken aback, and immediately withdrew his magic shield, and at the same time stepped back, because if he continued to attack, he would definitely cut his two companions in two.


Master Wang and Modu fell to the ground, their whole bodies seemed to be falling apart, but fortunately, Kama Taj's mage has always been a master of both magic and martial arts, and his physical fitness is good, so the injury is not too serious.

After Thanos repelled the three mages, the surrounding mirrors were less than half a meter away. Thanos clenched his fist, and the space gem on the Infinity Gauntlet flashed, and the mirror space immediately shattered.

"It's such a boring little trick. You mages really have a deep understanding of space, but what use is it to me who has infinite gems?"

As Thanos said, he raised his hand and aimed at Doctor Strange, ready to take it down. He had already seen the Eye of Agamotto hanging on Dr. Strange's neck, and he could feel that there was hidden in it what he was looking forward to. Time gem.

But at this moment, a red belt was wrapped around his neck, and it shrank rapidly, tightly locking Thanos' throat, but it was Casillas who walked around behind him and took the opportunity to shoot.

bang bang bang...

Doctor Strange's eyes lit up, and he immediately rushed forward to hit Thanos with a series of heavy punches, knocking him to the ground.

"Huh! Courting death!" Thanos yelled angrily, grabbed the red belt around his neck with his right hand, dragged Casillas over with one hand, and then punched him in the chest, Casillas mouth He vomited blood and flew out.

Then Thanos's tall figure jumped up like a carp, raised his hand to block the kick given by Doctor Strange, and then the power gem condensed a ball of energy, and directly blasted over.

It's just strange that the energy ball actually penetrated Doctor Strange directly, and exploded after falling tens of meters behind. This Doctor Strange was actually just a phantom.

"What an annoying wizard, it seems that it takes a lot of effort."

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