Just when Thanos was sitting on the throne with his eyes closed, there was a sound of hurried footsteps, and the cheetah opened his eyes, and just like that, an alien under his command rushed over and shouted in horror: " Lord Thanos is not well, just now the life signals of the five Lords of Ebony Maw disappeared."

Thanos was startled, and then asked angrily: "The life signal has disappeared! What do you mean? Tell me clearly!"

The alien was trembling with fright, but Zhizhi did not dare to hide it, and said bravely. "The disappearance of the life signal is either because the distance is too far to receive the signal, or it is an accidental death. The five adults went to the earth to carry out the mission." , we are not very far from the earth, and we can receive the signal completely, since the life signal has disappeared now, it can only be said that they have encountered an accident, and I am afraid they will never come back."

"I can't come back, I can't come back! Why is this happening?" Thanos muttered to himself, his anger growing.

Speaking of Thanos has a firm belief and has his own unique charm, but few people agree with his point of view, so there are very few strong people who follow him, and the five-star will be a rare talent under him, and he has always been loyal to him , followed him in the universe for many years, and made great contributions through life and death, but he didn't expect to be damaged on this backward planet, the earth.

"Okay, okay!" Thanos gritted his teeth, anyone could hear him saying irony, "If you dare to hurt my subordinates, you have to pay the price, the earth is really an interesting place, I want to see you What can I use to bear my anger, pass on the order, Temple II will start to go to Earth, I want them to learn from it."

Thanos gave an order, and the super battleship was launched, heading towards the earth, and the real crisis of the earth is coming.

Thanos!The Temple II is one of the most advanced super battleships in the universe. It took less than an hour to enter the earth's atmosphere, and Thanos has no hidden meaning at all. The target refers to New York. After all, this is where the five stars will fall. place.

The satellites observed everything early on, and the leaders of all countries on the earth immediately received the news.

The huge shadow of Temple No. [-] enveloped most of the city. This sudden scene frightened everyone in New York. The civilians in New York want to cry but have no tears, can't you change the city to be a scourge?

Then there was an even more shocking scene. Temple Two opened the hatch, Thanos walked out first, looked down at the earth from a high position, and then flew out a series of small battleships, including the last time the Chitauris invaded. The iron-clad monster in the shape of a flying dragon that appeared before made everyone immediately understand that the black hand behind the last Kirita star invasion should be this purple potato-like guy in front of them, which shocked and angered all the people on Earth. When this black hand behind the scenes comes to the earth, he will definitely set off another bloodbath. Will the earth be able to resist this time?

Chapter 647 The Battle Begins

When Thanos arrived on Earth, he had calmed down. He was no longer as angry as he was at the beginning when he heard the death of the five-star general. He felt that the people on Earth should be given a chance. Of course, this is what he thought.

Thanos landed on the ground, gently grasped the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand, the soul gem lit up, and an invisible voice was transmitted to the soul of every creature.Voice

"Listen people on earth, I am not an invader, nor a destroyer, I am just a balancer of the universe. This planet and the entire universe have been overwhelmed, and someone needs to maintain it. Now I shoulder this responsibility. Unfortunately, it is finished. My plan needs something, and it's on Earth, but you don't need to worry too much, I've done this kind of thing many times, so please hand over the mind stone, and then I will do it, erase it randomly Half of the population of this universe will not have any pain. When everything is over, everyone remaining will have twice as many resources as before. There will be no poverty, no hunger, and everyone will be free Living under the sky..."

Listening to Thanos' plan, everyone has a creepy feeling. The whole earth is not calm anymore. If half of the people are randomly erased, it means that no matter how powerful resources and forces you have, even if you are a high-ranking national leader People, like beggars on the side of the road, have half the possibility of dying. For those who have status and status, it is a disaster, and they simply cannot accept it.

Fairness never really exists in this world, not because there is none, but because some people are unwilling to let it appear. The more resources in hand, the more harm fairness will do to them.Now facing this kind of absolute fairness, those who hide behind the scenes and control the whole world have gone crazy.

The President of the United States immediately ordered the launch of the nuclear bomb. This time, there was no obstruction. A heavyweight nuclear bomb was launched directly without any verification procedures, and the target was New York.

However, the nuclear bomb, the strongest weapon of mankind at this stage, barely played any role in the bread. When the nuclear bomb just arrived over New York, a dark blue wormhole appeared, and disappeared in the next second. Finally, through the signal, it was detected The nuclear bomb has reached outer space and turned into a bright firework.

People all over the world have fallen into a state of dead silence. The enemy's strength is too strong. This crushing situation fills their hearts with despair.

Thanos didn't care about the nuclear bombs launched by the earthlings to attack him just now. He raised his head and looked in the direction of the fantasy technology building. After collecting five infinite gems, he was able to sense the location of the last soul gem by virtue of the connection between the infinite gems. It stands to reason that he can kill directly and grab the soul gem, but Thanos chose this time-wasting method. Maybe he still hasn't completely let go of the five-star will be killed in his heart, so he wants to take the opportunity to make a big fuss Let's vent the anger in my heart.

At this time, Yang Jian was standing on the top floor of the fantasy technology building, looking at the direction of Thanos through the glass. The eyes of the two seemed to be intertwined through many barriers.

It took a while for Yang Jian to look away, turned around, looked at Doctor Strange who had just arrived, and asked, "Are you ready?"

Doctor Strange nodded and said: "Yes, all of our Karma Taj mages have been dispatched, and they have spread all over the major cities on the earth at this time. As long as they receive a signal, they will immediately open the space door and send people to the predetermined place. The coordinates, this is a war that concerns the entire earth... No! It should be a war for the entire universe, I think no one will back down from all of him."

"That's good." Yang Jian spread out his palm, and a yellow gem appeared, the gem of the real soul. Yang Jian tapped it lightly, and the gem sent out a wave of fluctuations that instantly spread to the hearts of everyone on the earth.

"My fellow earthlings, I think you have seen just now that the most critical moment for the earth has come, now please contribute your own strength to protect the earth, whether you are superheroes or super villains, let us come together Protect our homeland. Three minutes later, a space gate will appear in the center of all the cities on the earth. Through the space gate, you can reach the next battlefield. Of course, whether you step into this gate is entirely your own choice , no one will force you, or you can leave everything to fate and gamble on the 1/2 chance, everything is your freedom."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he nodded to Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange understood, and immediately opened a space, and walked in first. Yang Jian followed closely, followed by Skye, Wanda, Kai, and Kuaiyin who had just rushed back!

Kexin still stayed, not because he didn't want to go, but because Yang Jian specifically asked her to stay, and Yang Jian was not sure if he could win this war. It would be fine if it was just Thanos. , Will the death behind him make a move? If death also ends directly, Yang Jian can only use the last hole card, which needs Kexin's help.

Yang Jian came out from the other end of the space door, and Fa Yan had already arrived at a desert. Holding the Soul Gem in his hand, he burst out with all his strength, showing his position to Thanos, "Thanos, want the Soul Gem?" Gems, come on, only the winner is eligible for gems."

After Yang Jian finished these, he took back the gemstone, then waved his hand to open a fist-sized space channel, threw the soul gem into the space, and closed the space channel again.

When Thanos arrived in the desert area, Yang Jian sensed that the Mind Stone had shifted, and he didn't care at first. As long as the Mind Stone was on the earth and still in this universe, he was sure to get it back .

But at the moment when the space channel was closed, Thanos suddenly found that he had lost the perception of the soul gem, which surprised him. It stands to reason that with the five infinite gems in hand, with the induction between the gems, even if the distance is far , should also be aware of it, but why has it completely lost its induction now?Is it no longer in this universe?

At this moment, Thanos regretted it a bit. If he had known this was the case, he shouldn’t be bothered, and just grabbed it. Now it seems that he will spend a lot of money to defeat all his opponents, and then force them to tell the whereabouts of the Soul Gem. , but even so, Thanos is still full of confidence and believes that he will succeed.

Thanos immediately returned to his super battleship, and then flew in the direction of the last position of the Mind Stone that he had sensed just now.

On the empty desert, hundreds of space doors of various sizes appeared behind Yang Jian, superheroes, super villains came out of them, Iron Man, Captain America, Falcon, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Spider Hero!vision...

Needless to say, superheroes, when the earth was in danger, they joined the battle without hesitation, and super villains also let go of their grievances at this time, and villains who were once notorious also appeared on the field, such as the Hand, As the leader, Five Fingers directly brought up all the ninjas in their organization.

Then a super-large space door appeared in the sky, and a helicarrier drilled out. After a sudden change, a steel giant hundreds of meters high appeared, and the one-eyed man, Nick Free Fury, appeared on the stage driving a giant soldier.

Then there was a roar of beasts, more than 300 meters high, three heads, and after the wings spread out, the three-headed dragon Kido was [-] meters high. When the wings flapped slightly, a hurricane blew up.

A ray of colorful brilliance fell from the sky, and after the brilliance dissipated, the current ruler of Asgard, Thor, the King of Thunder, descended on an eight-legged Pegasus, followed by the female Thor Jane, the evil god Loki, and the goddess of death Hela. As well as the three warriors, Sif, this is not over, the colorful beams of light fell again and again, and teams of gold-armored warriors appeared behind Sol, forming a phalanx with tens of thousands of people.

Another army came out of the huge space door on the other side. Now Eric, the king of Wakanda, led all the troops in the country to dispatch. Everyone was armed with shock weapons and armed to the teeth. To the figure of Black Panther and his sister Shu Rui.

In addition, there are also elite fighters sent by various countries. This time, no one is hiding. Superheroes from various countries take the lead and show their best.

Surprisingly, Yang Jian actually saw the Guardians of the Galaxy waving Star-Lord's hands. This is strange. You must know that the Guardians of the Galaxy have no fixed place and have been wandering in the universe. How did the mages of Kama Taj find them?

Taking advantage of Thanos' arrival, Yang Jian waved, called the Guardians of the Galaxy over, and asked, "Why are you here? You seem to be in a bad state. What happened?"

Xingjue and the others really looked terrible, all of them were wounded, as if they had just been tortured.

Xingjue's eyes were red, with a look of grief on his face, and he wanted to say something, but tears flowed down his face, and the situation of the others was similar.

In the end, Yondu explained: "We were caught by Thanos not long ago and forced Gamora to tell the whereabouts of the Soul Stone. Originally, Gamora refused to give in and even wanted to commit suicide to protect the Soul Stone, but Thanos But tortured us in front of Gamora, and in the end, Gamora gave in to protect us."

Nebula added on the side: "Later we escaped and learned that Thanos sacrificed my sister in order to obtain the soul gem. In order to avenge us, we chased along the wormhole opened by Thanos, just in time to hear your words, So we arrived here through a space."

Yang Jian nodded suddenly. It turned out that this was the case. In the end, the Guardians of the Galaxy still caught up with this ultimate battle.

"I'm sorry about Gamora's matter. In this case, let us fight Thanos together and see which side fate is on."

While Yang Jian was talking with Xingjue, the figures of the Thanos fleet appeared in the distance. The Temple No. [-] was surrounded by spaceships of all sizes, suspended in the air, and one after another figures came out of the spaceships. According to a rough estimate of the different aliens, there are hundreds of thousands.

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