And the human side is only [-] to [-] at full count. It's not that the earthlings can't reinforce more troops, or that ordinary people are basically cannon fodder when they come here, so they are stopped.

Everyone's heart is heavy, but no one flinches, and no one is willing to read the 1/2 chance, let alone this is a war that concerns the entire universe.

Yang Jian took a few steps forward and stood at the front. Everyone acquiesced that Yang Jian was the leader, and no one objected.

Seeing the enemy's marching formation, Yang Jian did not immediately order an attack, but just waited with peace of mind.

Not long after, the alien troops separated left and right, revealing a passage, and the tall figure of Thanos came out, looked at Yang Jian who was standing at the front, and said, "Don't you want to say something?"

Yang Jian shook his head, "There's nothing to talk about. There's no right or wrong between us. There's only a dispute of ideas. No one can convince anyone. If that's the case, it's better to have a good time and speak directly based on strength."

Thanos looked at Yang Jian seriously for a while, then nodded and said: "Indeed, it's useless to say more, we all have our own persistence, and it's impossible to convince with a few words."

"Get out!" Thanos waved his hand!The alien army behind him rushed out immediately.

"Kill!!" Yang Jian no longer hesitated, and with an order, a group of superheroes behind him also led the human army to kill.

Captain America yelled, and his body began to swell, turning into a giant more than [-] meters high. Unlike before, pieces of transparent crystals appeared on the surface of the body, forming a suit of armor on the surface of the body, effectively enhancing the defense.

Next to the captain is an ant-man who is as high as him. The two giants rushed to the front with their stature, and they were the first to meet the enemy. Each of them punched a Chitauritian troop carrier. The armored dragon was smashed through with a bang and fell to the ground.

Followed by Thor, the King of Thunder, Vision, and Hela, the Goddess of Death, these three are all heavenly father-level powerhouses, and they opened up as soon as they came up.

Thor swung the storm ax directly in his hand, and the sky suddenly thundered and thundered, and lightning struck down one after another, turning thousands of aliens into coke.

Phantom clasped his hands together, and used a small nuclear explosion. The blood-red energy exploded. From a distance, it looked like an upside-down bowl, covering a range of hundreds of meters. The aliens were all reduced to ashes.

As for the goddess of death, Hela, although she was severely injured when she fought against Thanos before, and even her power of death was greatly reduced, she still maintained her talent-level strength. body piercing.

Next are Iron Man, Skye, Wanda, Quicksilver, Thor Jane, Loki and others, each with their own unique skills, and the efficiency of killing enemies is not bad at all.

Iron Man's energy cannons, tracking missiles fired again and again, bombarded indiscriminately, Skye Shockwave punched down a large area, Wanda's red energy directly gathered dozens of aliens and squeezed it hard, blood and flesh were scattered everywhere, Quicksilver turned into a silver light, with a shocking golden scimitar in his hand, and the place he passed was a bloodbath. Loki's freezing magic froze everything, especially with the blessing of the Frost Treasure Box, the killing efficiency can be compared with Suo I compare.

War Machine, Ivan, Meow, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Star Lord, Destroyer, Winter Soldier, Rocket Groot, Yondu...Although these people seem to be a little bit worse, it depends on who they are with In fact, their strength is not weak at all.

Soon, the armies of both sides were intertwined, and the battle was inextricably linked. The aliens had a numerical advantage, but the earthlings were not bad either. The earthlings had an advantage in high-end combat power. With the leadership of these superpowers, Divide the enemy apart, and then strangle slowly without losing the wind.

Chapter 648 The Ultimate Battle

The battle on the ground is in full swing, and the battle in the sky is not bad. The super iron giant driven by Nick Fury and the three-headed dragon Ghidorah join forces to fight against Thanos' super battleship Temple II.

Nick Fury's Transformers has added a lot of external weapons, such as a super-large reactor hanging on the chest, which is produced by the Stark Group at a glance. There is a device on the left arm. After inputting energy, it forms An energy shield with a diameter of more than 150 meters, and a [-]-meter-long super sword in his right hand!

The Transformers flapped their steel wings, flew above the Temple No. [-], and then landed on it against the artillery fire, slashing wildly with a big sword in their hands and began to destroy it.

And Ghidorah spewed out golden gravitational light, blasting Temple Two into big holes, and the sound of explosions continued.

However, the battleship No. [-] of the Temple is not simple. As the super car of Thanos, it is also loaded with a large number of weapons and begins to fight back frantically.

Boom boom boom!

With the roar of artillery fire, one of Transformers' wings was blown off, Ghidorah was covered in scars, and one of his heads was blown to pieces, but fortunately, when Transformers chose to land on the top of Temple No. Holding the plan of succeeding or succeeding, the wings will be gone. As for Ghidorah, the regeneration ability came into play, and the head quickly grew out.

While controlling the Transformers to attack the Holy Sword II, Nick Fury regretted it in his heart. If he knew this was the case, he should have sent a message to Captain Marvel in advance and asked her to come back to help. Captain Marvel is best at dealing with this kind of big guy. Unarmed Tearing battleships is her specialty.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now, so I can only bite the bullet and do it myself, and I don't expect Captain Marvel to rush over to help.

Others stood fiercely, while Yang Jian and Thanos, as the core figures of this war, still stood there quietly without making a move.

It's just that all the people who fought instinctively avoided that side, because occasionally a few unlucky ones were directly smashed by an invisible force because they were too close, leaving no bones left. just started.

Thanos clenched his fist, and the five gems on the Infinity Gauntlet flickered. At the same time, a ray of black light appeared and disappeared on his body. It was the power bestowed on him by death among the five creation gods, and it continuously radiated from his body. Press down on Yang Jian.

On the surface, Yang Jian looked normal, but if you looked closely, you would find that there was a little glimmer of light around it. The surface was faint, but it contained infinite power, which just blocked the power emitted by Thanos.

The forces emanating from the two collided continuously, becoming more and more intense. There seemed to be countless wrinkles in the space, and even small dark cracks appeared, but then they were smoothed out by invisible forces.

As time goes by, the area affected by the power of the two is getting bigger and bigger, more and more people are involved, and they are turned into powder before they even scream. If this continues, there will be many innocent people Die because of it.

Boom! !

A piece of land with a radius of hundreds of meters under the feet of Yang Jian and Thanos was suddenly shaken, and then lifted up. At this time, everyone realized that roots like tentacles emerged and gathered together to form a pair of huge palms. It will hold up that piece of ground, and it looks like it has formed an aerial arena.

Needless to say, Gu Yi was the one who made the move at this time. She had been hiding in the dark and didn't make a move. Thor, Hela, Vision, these powerful men with the Heavenly Father Rune, if they let go of their power completely, any one of them can destroy the earth.

In order to protect the earth, Master Gu Yi directly hid his roots in the ground, formed a defensive circle to hide on the ground, and reinforced the earth to prevent Thanos and Yang Jian from being too powerful and directly destroying the earth.

Even though they were thrown into the air, Thanos and Yang Jian still didn't move. They only had each other in their eyes. They kept accumulating, and their aura became stronger and stronger. Finally, both of them reached their peak aura and shot at the same time.

As soon as Thanos raised his hand, purple energy surged under his skin, making him look extremely terrifying. He blessed himself with the power gem, raised his palm, and swept towards Duke with violent energy like a blade. .

At the same time, the four gems of space, soul, reality, and time flashed together, and the five infinity gems worked together to have the terrifying power of destroying the world with just one blow.

There are five infinite gems, each of which is a manifestation of a complete power of law. Although it is not possible to exert its full strength because it does not belong to Thanos, it should not be underestimated. Although Yang Jian has participated in He understands the power of laws and is proficient in many kinds of laws, but none of these laws is complete. It is very disadvantageous to fight with the power of these incomplete laws, so Yang Jian chose a more direct way.

Looking at the fist exuding five kinds of luster, the corners of Yang Jian's mouth slightly curled up, and he also clenched his fist to meet him. There was no brilliance, and there was no strange phenomenon. It was just such an ordinary punch, but this one But the circle made Thanos face change drastically.

Thanos sensed an unprecedented crisis from Yang Jian's big ordinary fist. He believed in his own feeling very much. This is the fighting instinct acquired after countless battles and countless lives and deaths. Strong power, pure to the extreme physical power, so at that moment, he subconsciously used the space gem to dodge far away, although it was a bit embarrassing.

Yang Jian's fist missed, but the power of the fist did not disappear, and it was fired in a straight line, like a sharp blade sweeping away in all directions. In the void, everything hit by the punch was swept away, and finally came out directly. Atmospheric layer, the dim void is stirred by a ball of brilliance, making it extremely gorgeous.

Thanos stared at the fireworks in the void, terrified in his heart, and couldn't believe that this kind of destructive power was punched out by a person on earth.

Yang Jian didn't care what Thanos was thinking, he jumped up, his whole body was filled with energy and blood, turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Thanos, he clenched his fists and smashed down again, carrying a vast and vast violent force on his body, as if he wanted to cut the space broken.

Thanos can feel the horror of Yang Jian. At his level, he can already see the trajectory of the laws of the universe, and even use infinite gems, and he can completely control the laws for his own use. Now Thanos can clearly see Yang Jian The law of terrifying power and power contained in the body, no!Not only is the law so simple, because the power gem in his hand is the embodiment of the law, but the law on Yang Jian seems to be stronger, which is a completely taboo power.

Thanos gritted his teeth and pushed the green time gem on the Infinity Gauntlet with all his strength. Time began to slow down under the change of Thanos. At the same time, he used the power of time to speed up Yang Jianran's time flow, intending to let him reach the limit of his own lifespan and die naturally.

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