But the strange thing is that he can change the flow of time around him, but once it is applied to Yang Jian, it will naturally lose its effect.

boom! ! !

The energy and blood on Yang Jian's body became more vigorous. It seemed that there was a bloody flame burning and erupting crazily. A sorcerer used the basis to condense the arena and directly shattered, and the roots broke one after another, but fortunately, the ancient one can control enough roots, and soon more roots will grow out, barely maintaining the arena, so that they will not fall and hurt other people.

"How could this be?" Thanos was shocked, and immediately used the space gem to seal off the area where Yang Jian was located. He clenched his fist and squeezed continuously, trying to squeeze Yang Jian to death.

"Drink!" Yang Jian suddenly yelled, his body shook, and more violent energy burst out, just like detonating gunpowder in a small space, the boiling energy washed away in all directions, and the locked space barrier could no longer hold on , instantly shattered.

Thanos' body shook violently for a moment, and he couldn't stand steadily. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Jian threw a punch in the air, and the violent punch hit Thanos' body in an instant.

boom! !

Thanos vomited blood from his mouth, and flew upside down in the air, about to fly out of the ring, when he was about to fall, a few root hands formed a net to catch him, and sent him back to the ring.

This is naturally the masterpiece of Master Gu Yi, not because he wants to save Thanos, but because he is worried that the battlefield between Yang Jian and Thanos will be transferred to the ground, causing damage to the earth.

Thanos gritted his teeth tightly, so that he would not fall down while standing there. He could feel that the punch in the air just now directly caused serious damage to his internal organs, and the surging force almost shattered his internal organs. If it weren't for the extremely strong self-healing ability, it would have died long ago.

"How is this possible? How could pure power reach this level?" Thanos stared at Yang Jian and asked in disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible, as long as the strength is strong enough, until it is strong enough to break the limiter, this can be done." Yang Jian stretched out his hand to touch his head, and the hair on his head showed no signs of falling out. , couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Limiter?" Thanos was full of doubts. As a survivor of the Eternal Titans, he had endless knowledge in his mind, but he didn't understand what the limiter Yang Jian was talking about.

"The limiter, to be precise, is the limiter of the universe. It is a limit made by the universe to prevent the forest from being too powerful. But if there is a force that is strong enough to break this limit all the time, what kind of force would it be? What's the situation?" Yang Jian said with a playful expression at the end, as if he had thought of something interesting.

"What! Have you broken the limiter?" Thanos couldn't help feeling a ray of despair. If Yang Jian really reached that point, even if he collected all six infinite gems, it would be useless.

Yang Jian shook his head, "Not really, but I have some clues, I think you should have discovered that my power, my power law has begun to undergo some qualitative changes, if I can maintain this change, maybe I can really break the limit device."

Yang Jian's words made Thanos feel a little relieved, but he didn't relax because of this, because even if he didn't completely break the limiter with the universe, with Yang Jian's current strength, the hope of winning was very slim.

Thanos' eyes flickered for a while, and he finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind. He reached out and pressed his heart, and directly untied a seal. A strong force of death emerged from him, his body turned purple-black, and his momentum continued to grow. His aura was several times stronger than before, and with the five infinity gems in his hand, he even surpassed Yang Jian at this time.

Yang Jian naturally noticed the change in Thanos, and his face became serious, "This is the power that death bestows on you, but I think you should be clear that if you directly bear this power of death with your body, even you will pay a heavy price." price."

Thanos' expression didn't change at all, and he said coldly: "It doesn't matter, as long as I can accomplish my goal, even if it is death, I have no regrets."

"I'm afraid it's not just as simple as death. After that, your soul doesn't even belong to you anymore. Is it worth it?"

"It's worth it, no matter how much you pay for this universe, it's worth it."

"Well, I admire your belief, but I won't let you succeed. It was just an appetizer, and the next thing is the real show."

Yang Jian took a deep breath, and directly sent a signal to Ke Xin who was still in the fantasy technology building at this time, "Do it, follow the plan!"

In a mysterious room in the fantasy science and technology building, the moment Kexin received Yang Jian's signal, she immediately reached out and grabbed her chest, and a white light cluster was pulled out.

Looking at the ball of light in her hand, Kexin said in her crisp voice: "New York, it's up to you next, I don't think I need to remind you what to do."

What was surprising was that the light group actually spoke, "Don't worry, that bastard Yang Jian has been preparing for this for so many years, and quietly told me hundreds of times, how could he make a mistake?"

New York, or should be called the spirit of New York, is a little bit of spirituality in the city of New York. Yang Jian cultivated it slowly with secret methods. Yang Jian cultivated her for another purpose.

The white light cluster called New York disappeared quickly, while Kexin looked at the setting sun outside the window, and murmured: "I hope everything goes well."

The sun radiates high temperature all the time, and no matter what it gets close to, it will be turned into ashes, but no one expected that there is actually an unimaginably huge tree growing at the core of the sun. The tree seems to come alive, slowly stretching its branches and leaves, many of which hold dark time and space channels.

What is even more surprising is that a woman's face slowly emerged on the trunk of the big tree. If someone saw it, they would find that this face was exactly the same as Ke Xin.

That face looked at the surrounding situation, and when his gaze swept across the space-time channel supported by the leaves, there was a hint of envy in his eyes.

"What a huge amount of energy! There are hundreds of parallel spaces, and at least tens of thousands of stars in each parallel space have been planted with sacred trees, and the energy is transmitted through quantum channels. When the spirit is upgraded to the spirit of the universe, or even the spirit of the multiverse, I will no longer be New York, but Noah. Unfortunately, these energies do not belong to me at all. Why doesn't that damn bastard Yang Jian die? Leaving a prohibition in my body makes it impossible to resist his orders."

New York cursed, but kept moving, controlling the body of the sacred tree, and began to absorb the energy transmitted from the time-space channel. After transformation, it was directly transmitted to the earth through the barrier of heavy space. There is a seed buried in Yang Jian's body. , and then transmitted to all parts of Yang Jian's body.

Chapter 649 Thanos Becomes Shepherd

On the earth, looking at Thanos who regained his confidence and strode over, Yang Jian suddenly smiled, "Thanos, do you want to see what it looks like after breaking the limiter?"

Thanos was stunned for a moment, and asked with some confusion: "What do you mean by that?"

"You'll see soon enough."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, she stretched out a finger and clicked on her watch, and a gold-shocking needle popped out of the watch. Serum is injected into the body.

With the flow of blood, the serum covered every corner of the body, and at the same time, the endless energy transmitted to Yang Jian's body combined with the serum and began to exert its effect.

After Yang Jian got the seed of the divine tree, he planted it at the core of the sun. With sufficient energy, the divine tree grew extremely fast, and it grew completely in just a few years. Tens of millions of seeds have been cultivated on the Internet, and then they want to plant them in other stars, but even so, Yang Jian is still not satisfied, thinking of parallel universes, Pym particles obtained from Dr. Hank, and researching quantum The channel traverses through hundreds of parallel spaces one after another, leaving a clone in each parallel space, planting divine trees in different parallel spaces, transmitting energy through quantum channels, and collecting energy equivalent to thousands of stars. For today, Break the limiter completely.


The aura on Yang Jian's body began to grow crazily, every breath shook the ground, and the ring under his feet collapsed directly. Master Gu Yi continued to use the root system to repair, but this time the speed of repair could not keep up with the speed of destruction, and this is still Yang Jian It was caused by the power that Jane unintentionally radiated.


With a roar, Thanos raised his left hand and the five gems flickered at the same time, shooting a beam of colorful light towards Yang Jian.


It's a pity that it's useless, Yang Jian's body is in the stage of evolution, and a layer of barrier is formed on the surface of the body, and the power condensed by the five infinite gems can't break through.

Thanos was not reconciled to failure, and kept trying new methods, space shattering, soul crit, reality blurring, time reverse flow, power explosion, all kinds of methods showed up one by one, but it was a pity that he still couldn't break through the layer on the surface of Yang Jian's body. barrier.

At this time, Yang Jian felt that every cell in his body was cheering, nourished by the serum, and the energy constantly passed on was evolving rapidly, and the next second would be stronger than the last.

Because Yang Jian has used the venom to conduct countless deduction, and also has the help provided by the main body of the chaotic space and the avatar, so this evolution is very smooth, it only took more than [-] seconds to complete, without any accidents.

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