Yang Jian slowly opened his eyes, and the two rays of light disappeared in a flash. Thanos who was attacking seemed to be intimidated, and his mind was shocked. He couldn't help but stop the movements in his hands, and took three steps back before stopping.

Yang Jian didn't care about Thanos, raised his hands and clenched his fists, feeling the endless power in his body, with a satisfied smile on his face, "This is the power to break the limiter, there is a feeling of freedom, but this is just breaking the single At the level of the bulk universe limiter, still at the limit of the multiverse, but that's not enough anymore."

"You...you really succeeded?" Thanos looked at Yang Jian in horror and asked

"Of course, I'm now... huh?" Yang Jian suddenly felt something wrong while talking. His eyesight was too strong at this time, and he could see his own image through the eyes of Thanos. Why did Yang Jian feel that he was seeing? What about a shelled egg?

Yang Jian's complexion changed drastically, and he stretched out his hand to touch his head. It was indeed bald, and the flowing hair had disappeared.

"Wow!" Yang Jian burst into tears, "Hair, my hair is gone. How could this be? Is it really a curse? Even if you become bald, you become stronger. Can't you break this law?"

The corner of Thanos' mouth twitched, is this necessary?If the hair is gone, it will be gone. In comparison, strength is more important, just like Thanos doesn't have hair, what did you say?

Master Gu Yi also thought the same way. She didn't even care that she was a bald head. Yang Jian is a big man. Is it necessary?what

Thanos and Gu Yi couldn't understand Yang Jian's obsession with hair, just like no one could understand Teacher Qiyu.

It took a while for Yang Jian to raise his head again, looking at Thanos with red eyes, and roared, "It's all your fault, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be forced to break the limiter, and I wouldn't lose my hair either. I am going to kill you!"

Danger!Danger!Danger!A voice from the bottom of Thanos' heart reminded him frantically, making him retreat instinctively. Unfortunately, compared with Yang Jian at this time, his speed was like a turtle crawling, and he was caught up in an instant.

Thanos instinctively raised his arm, and at the same time stimulated the energy resistance of the five gems.

"Ordinary punch!"

Yang Jian yelled and threw out a punch, which looked ordinary, but instantly dispersed the energy emitted by the five gemstones. The speed almost exceeded the limit that Thanos' eyes could accept, and a fist quickly magnified in front of his eyes.

Thanos only felt a slap in the head, he was hit straight, his body was thrown high involuntarily, and the violent force pushed him into the sky, flying higher and higher, rubbing against the air, like a bird with a long red tail swaying The rocket, soon bursting out of the atmosphere, went straight into outer space.

At this time, Yang Jian bowed slightly, and then kicked his feet hard, the ground was crushed directly, countless cracks spread out, forming a big pit, and the whole person also shot up into the sky, chasing towards Thanos, and soon More than Thanos.

Although he was in a universe without air, Yang Jian was not affected at all, he could move freely, and soon fell on the path of Thanos, clenched his fists again and blasted out, "Consecutive ordinary punches!"

In a hurry, Thanos used the infinite gems to form a barrier, but it was useless at all, it was smashed in an instant, thousands of fist shadows filled the world, and with a series of roars, Thanos couldn't remember himself No matter how many punches I received, I just remembered that I was hit continuously, and my whole body was blasted into the atmosphere from the universe, like a meteorite with a long red tail swaying, and fell heavily back to the ground.

boom! !

A deep pit was smashed out on the ground, and the sand was flying. All the superheroes and alien troops who were fighting were affected, and many people were thrown out.

"Seriously punch!!"

Yang Jian had just entered the atmosphere at this time, and then immediately started to accelerate, aiming at the place where Thanos fell, and punched down hard.

Do not!I can't die, my goal has not been achieved, absolutely can't die!

At this time, Thanos barely regained a sliver of consciousness. Seeing Yang Jian, who was falling from the sky like a meteorite, Thanos roared in his heart, forcibly pulled up a bit of strength, and used the reality gem to transform into a clone to stay in place, while he himself carried out space transfer.


Yang Jian's fist finally came down, and the desert was pierced through a bottomless hole by a shock wave with strong penetrating power, and the figure of Thanos appeared thousands of meters away.

At this time, Thanos already understood that he was not Yang Jian's opponent at all. The opponent used only ordinary attacks just now, but every time he made himself unable to deal with it, and the opponent easily cracked his own attacks and defenses.

call out!

Soon Yang Jian found out that Thanos had tricked him with the Reality Gem. He felt a little annoyed, so he immediately chased after him and punched him out again.

Thanos can use the space gem to escape, but he also knows that if he misses today's opportunity, it will be basically impossible to collect infinite gems in the future, because there are too many powerful existences in the universe, which will definitely stop his plan. The best way is to quickly collect six gems and snap the fingers of fate before the other strong men react.

So Thanos will not escape even if he knows he is dead. This is his belief. If he can't achieve his goal, then he will die here.

Thanos raised his left hand high, poured his strength into the infinite gauntlet, gritted his teeth and punched Yang Jian's fist with all his might.

Thanos used the time gem to control the flow of time around him, and gave himself enough time to prepare. The other gems cooperated with each other, and the power continued to superimpose, and soon reached a terrifying level.

At the same time, Thanos used the power of death to stimulate his body, the powerful body unique to the Eternal Clan, and stimulate the potential of life. At the moment when he could hardly control himself and was about to collapse, he blasted out his body that could almost destroy the planet. With one blow, he pushed towards Yang Jian fiercely.

Seeing Thanos and Yang Jian's attack with all their strength, Master Gu Yi yelled that it was not good, and dense roots burst out of the ground in an instant, and dozens of large and small defensive magic circles were spread around in an instant, and all the magic circles lit up at the same time. Get up and surround the two people in the center.

boom! !

The two fists collided, and a strong ray of light rose up, instantly overshadowing the brilliance of the sun. The powerful energy was concentrated at one point, and then burst out suddenly.

In the desert, a beam of light shoots up into the sky, penetrates the atmosphere and rushes towards the starry universe, until the distant star field. All the stars that block this beam of light are pierced through a big hole, and even smaller asteroids are directly turned into dust , perish in deep space.

This energy lasted for a full half a minute before it gradually dissipated. The magic circle that Master Gu Yi had hurriedly set up also ran out of energy, and all the roots were broken.

Thanos was out of breath and fell to the ground, his whole body trembling, the strength in his body was exhausted, and the Infinity Gauntlet on his left hand had already appeared dense cracks, which might break at any time.

Thanos forcibly lifted his spirits and used the time gem to recover a little physical strength. Then he stood up staggeringly, looked up at a ravine ahead, and the surrounding area was still filled with dust. Because of mobilizing the power of the time gem, the cracks in the infinite glove increased again. A few, from this we can know that the wireless glove has reached its limit.

Thanos frowned, if it was someone else, Thanos would definitely think that the other party had been wiped out, but if it was Yang Jian, he didn't have the slightest confidence.

Sure enough, a figure came out of the flying dust, except for some tattered clothes, without any injuries, which made Thanos extremely bitter.

Yang Jian stood in mid-air, looking at Thanos who was barely standing, looking haggard due to overdrawing his life potential, sighed before saying: "You are a good opponent, but it's over now, you have already lost."

"Yes, I lost, let's do it, it's not humiliating to die in the hands of a strong man like you." Thanos did not feel the fear of his imminent death.

At this time, the two sides had stopped fighting, and the troops from the earth side gathered towards Yang Jian and Thanos. As for the alien army, after seeing Thanos' defeat, they returned to their spaceships and fled in a hurry, making up their minds , Never come to the earth again, someone can actually defeat Thanos head-on, where is the earth a backward planet?

Captain America, Iron Man, Saul and others looked at Thanos who was surrounded and remained unchanged, with complicated emotions. They both hated and admired Thanos. At this time, they already believed that Thanos really wanted to protect the universe. balance, but does not approve of his means,

"Is there anything else you want to say before you die?" Yang Jian raised his hand as he spoke, as if he was about to make a move.

Thanos thought for a while, took off the Infinity Gauntlet, and directly buckled the five gems, and the Infinity Gauntlet shattered.

Thanos threw the five gems to Yang Jian, and said in puzzled eyes: "My daughter Gamora, I hope you can revive her, as long as you go to the planet Vormir, return the soul gems, and reverse time back By the end of the day, I will be able to bring the rescue back!"

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