Who is Mera? This is the eldest princess of the Xebel Kingdom. She was trained completely according to the queen. She handles state affairs with ease. The only flaw is that she is a bit weak in strength. Supporting, and giving her the titan Muto as a pet, there is no need for Mera to act personally. If anyone dares to disrespect her, the titan will understand, this is a super fierce beast that can rival the sea monster Karason in the sea Beast, and this is not the area it is good at, it is best at air combat, otherwise you think its wings are decorations.

Mera is very handy in handling domestic government affairs. In Arthur's view, Mera can easily solve the headaches. This makes Arthur heave a sigh of relief and simply hand over all the political affairs of Atlantis to her. , if it was in the ancient feudal society, Arthur would be the proper behavior of the emperor, and Mera would be the harem meddling in politics, which would bring disaster to the country and the people, maybe it would be the template of Empress Dowager Cixi, Wu Zetian, and Lu Zhi.

Fortunately, Atlantis does not exclude the queen from being in power. Isn't Arthur's mother, Atlanta, the same way before? As long as you have the ability, a woman can also be a king, let alone he is only a queen.

But Mera is a woman after all. The biggest difference between a woman and a man is that she has the task of bearing offspring. Therefore, when Mera is pregnant, someone needs to replace her to complete the work. Some things must be fought by the supreme ruler himself. .

Now that Arthur's hard life is coming, he can only bite the bullet and take on his responsibilities as a king, but Arthur, who has never done such a thing, made a lot of troubles in a short time, almost causing Chaos among the nations of the sea.

In desperation, Mera had no choice but to take over the government affairs of Atlantis again with her stomach full, and was busy until late even on the day the child was born.

As a husband, Arthur is really dereliction of duty, and after a woman has a child, there will be a period of weakness, and it is impossible to handle government affairs. Arthur can only bite the bullet and assume the responsibility of the king for the second time. It was his darkest period. Even with the lessons learned from the past, Mera prepared a lot of capable people to help him. Arthur interfered as little as possible. With her body recovering, Mei La quit, left Atlantis, returned to land, joined the Justice League, and used the excuse of protecting the earth to go to Atlantis as little as possible.

"Dad, Dad! I want Dad!" Little Caesar cried out at this moment, looking at Yang Jian and Atlanta with watery eyes.

Yang Jian and Atlanta were immediately turned into cutesy. Since the grandson wants to find a father, it goes without saying that of course he must listen to the grandson. A son is not as important as a grandson.

Atlanta quickly picked up the little guy, "Anyway, let Arthur come back and see the child, or his son won't even know her."

"That's right, it's time for him to come back. I'll call right away."

Yang Jian had just picked up the phone, and before it could be broadcasted, the phone rang, and the name displayed happened to be from Arthur.

Yang Jian immediately chose to answer, "I said Arthur, are you still my son? This is because I haven't called back for a long time. I thought my son was lost."

On the other side, Arthur's embarrassing voice immediately came to mind, "Father, I'm sorry, I've been too busy recently, too many villains have appeared on Earth recently, I don't have time to go back to see you and mom, don't be offended.

"Damn it, how dare I, you are Aquaman, you are a superhero, a member of the famous Justice League."

"Father, why do you speak in a strange way, I feel as if you are mocking me."

"Please, you are my son, have some confidence in yourself, okay? If you remove the word feeling, I'm just mocking you."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Arthur was choking and coughing, crying secretly in his heart. His father seemed to be angry, and he wondered if he would punish him when he went back?

"God, don't be angry, I promise to go home to see you and mom immediately after I finish my work this time."

"Your mother and I don't need you to be a light bulb, it's Caesar who misses you, get out of here immediately!"

"Caesar is back!" Arthur on the opposite side was silent, and Yang Jian's tone was already very severe. It stands to reason that Arthur should hurry back to Yang Jian, lest his father find a chance to beat him up. But this time unexpectedly did not do so.

After a while, Arthur said in a low voice: "Say sorry to Caesar for me, something really happened on our side, and it has something to do with Darkseid, a bad thing may really lead to the destruction of the earth, so This time you must help."

"Dakseid, it's none of my business. The sky is big and the earth is big. My grandson is the oldest. If Caesar wants to find his father, you just get out of here obediently." If it was before, Yang Jian was a little afraid of Darkseid, but It is completely unnecessary now, it is really impossible to directly break the limiter and destroy him in minutes.

Chapter 651 Traces of Darkseid

Arthur was stunned for a moment, and finally said dumbfoundingly, "Don't be self-willed, Dad, okay? This is related to the safety of the entire universe, and you know how terrible Darkseid is..."

"Stop, don't talk about these nice things, let me ask you first, is that old bastard Batman next to you?"

At the Justice League headquarters, Arthur looked back at a kind of superhero present. Everyone from the Justice League had arrived, including Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Constantine...and of course Batman.

"Batman is here, why is there a problem?" Arthur didn't know why his father specifically mentioned Batman?

"Of course there is a problem. That old guy is very insidious. He has been investigating me secretly. Who knows if he will use you to plot against me."

Arthur was a little dumbfounded. He didn't know why his father didn't like Batman so much. He felt that his father was thinking too much. In his opinion, although Batman was a bit gloomy, he was still a good person. Even the Justice League The headquarters was built at his expense.

"Father, don't think about it. I took the initiative to contact you. If Batman and Batman plot against you, I will definitely stop it."

"Pull it down, you are a guy with a brain full of muscles, if Batman plots against me, you can stop it, sometimes you think you are doing what you want to do, but in fact it is completely guided by the other party Who knows what he's planning, if I hadn't tricked him secretly, got him a son, and secretly strengthened his strength, if I found out and investigated me, I would have his son beat him up black and blue, Distracting energy, I may not be his opponent in terms of calculation alone."

Arthur used hands-free to talk to Yang Yangjian, and everyone heard it. Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash and other superheroes blushed from holding back, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.Sometimes they often see Batman's face with an inexplicable fat circle, even if you wear a mask, you can't hide it. They have never figured out what happened, and now the truth seems to be revealed.

Batman gritted his teeth. In fact, he had guessed these things a long time ago, but there was no evidence. Now it has finally been confirmed. His teeth itch with hatred, but there is nothing he can do about it.

Arthur pinched his thigh hard, taking advantage of the pain to finally suppress the urge to laugh, "Ahem... Dad! You misunderstood Batman too much, he is not that kind of person."

"It's not that kind of person, do you really know Batman? Tell you that he is an insecure person. Let me tell you a joke. Superman is worried that one day he will not be able to control himself and destroy the earth. Give Batman a piece of kryptonite to prevent himself from becoming black one day, and Batman can stop himself.

Batman was moved with tears in his eyes, took the kryptonite, and made a strong promise that Superman would not be disappointed.

After Superman left, he threw kryptonite backhand into his safe, and there were all kinds of weapons made of krypton in the safe. Why is there less and less kryptonite on the earth, and it was bought by Batman , Luthor has the most right to speak on this point, he is almost forced to artificial kryptonite. "

When Superman heard this, he couldn't help but look at Batman. Could it be that the kryptonite was really taken away by Fuxia, and even forged into a weapon, but seeing Batman's ruthless face, he didn't mean to panic at all. I felt like I was thinking too much.

"Father, how do you know these things?"

"I observed the timelines of different dimensions, and there are even more exciting ones. For example, in another timeline, he not only regards all supervillains as threats, but also you superheroes. Made a detailed plan to ensure that one day when you really become WeChat, you will be eradicated. As a result, those plans were stolen and sold to super villains, which eventually led to the destruction of the Justice League by the enemy. I bet that if You can definitely see these plans by turning on the computer in his Batcave."

Now all the superheroes are not calm anymore, they all turned to look at Batman with suspicion on their faces, if all this is true, then Batman has really gone too far.

Batman panicked at this moment, he was really afraid that the superheroes would unite and force him to open the computer in the Batcave, because there really was a plan for the superheroes there, so he could only pretend he didn't care as much as possible, It's like I'm in love with you.

Finally, Batman's psychological quality is strong enough, coupled with the cover of the mask, he finally got away with it, and was not seen. Batman was relieved until everyone looked away.

It's just that Batman was too happy too early, only to hear Yang Jian continue: "Batman regards a kind of super villain and superhero as a threat, but how does he know that the biggest threat is not others, but himself."

The superheroes present were full of doubts. In fact, they already knew the true identity of Batman. He was just an ordinary person who had gained a super-strong physique after training. He was far from other heroes with various superpowers. How could he be Batman? What about the biggest threat?

"What? Don't you believe it?" Even across the phone, Yang Jian could guess that the other end must be full of doubts.

"You don't believe it because you don't know the real horror of Batman. His strongest point is not in power, but in his brain. In the dimensions I observed, there are some timelines of Batman's blackening. Laughing Bat, Ruthless War Demon, Red Death, Dark Batman Dawnbreaker, Killing Machine..."

"Wait! Wait! Dad, what are you talking about?" Arthur couldn't bear to listen to it any longer. These names were not good names.

"The Laughing Bat is a villain who absorbed a toxin released from his body after Batman killed the Joker. He possessed both the Joker's chaos and Batman's plan. It only took one day to kill all the members of his family. Members, murdered every superhero with tricks, and concocted three bloody and cruel "Hound Robins", extending their evil black hands to the entire universe, and even the multiverse was almost destroyed by him.

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