The ruthless war demon is because Batman wears a helmet made by Ares, the god of war, which magnifies his spiritual power a hundred times, and the inner darkness is also magnified a hundred times. Faith can no longer suppress the inner darkness, and finally turns into a ruthless war demon, Lost were the enemies he had spared, the heroes who had disobeyed him, even the gods of Olympus.

The Red Death is the product of Batman's capture of the power of the Flash, becoming the fastest man in the universe, and the power exerted by his clever brain is infinitely stronger than the Flash. .

Dark Batman Dawnbreaker, Batman put on the green light ring, powerful spiritual power over the Green Lantern Corps, but this power corrupted him, making him the most powerful Green Lantern in the universe, threatening the entire universe .

The Killing Machine is Batman's AI butler merging with Batman to become a ruthless, destructive killing machine version of Batman that easily defeats the Justice League and takes over the world..."

Listening to Yang Jian's introduction, everyone felt a chill all over, and looked at Batman with a little more guard. Could it be that Batman will really become what the other party said in the future?

"Dad, what you just said is the Batman in other timelines, not the Batman in our world, right? Even if the future Batman will really become what you said, the problem is that it has not yet Happened, you can’t use what hasn’t happened to convict him, can you?”

"Even if it doesn't happen, you have to be a little bit prepared. At least you can't leak your information to him. Otherwise, if you let him grasp your weakness, he can make a targeted plan and kill you at any time."

"It seems to make sense." Arthur actually began to agree with Yang Jian, but then he felt something was wrong, and quickly realized, "No, Dad, I let you lead me astray, and I came to you this time because of Daxai Germany. How did it involve Batman?"

"Okay, then tell me first, what happened to Darkseid again." Since the last time Darkseid invaded, he was taught a lesson by Yang Jian, and there has been no news from him for a long time, no Do you know what conspiracy is there this time?

"Yesterday, we received an entrustment from the government to help investigate the intrusion of a secret laboratory. We didn't expect that the research in that laboratory turned out to be Doomsday." Arthur began not to talk about what happened.

Since Doomsday was defeated, his body has been accepted by the US government. The government will certainly not let go of the power from aliens, especially the forced existence of Doomsday, and hopes to research the enhancement from Doomsday. The method of the strength of the earth people.

It's just that Doomsday evolved from General Zod's body transformation, which contains the most advanced technology from Krypton, which is too high-end. With the current technology of the earth, it is impossible to crack the mystery, so Doomsday's body is was temporarily stored.

But not long ago, someone broke into the laboratory and stole the body of Doomsday. After investigation, the superheroes of the Justice League finally concluded that the body was stolen by the people from Apocalypse, and they also found Dozing off marks.

Yang Jian's face also became serious, and carefully recalled the plots about DC that he had seen before, and some vague thoughts came to his mind, "For a corpse, Daxet actually shot it himself, it seems that Doomsday is not good for him. It's really important, what can Doomsday be used for? Does he want to resurrect Doomsday? No, the ability of Doomsday is too perverted. Even after resurrection, he may not be able to control it. Doomsday is like a demon. They are all biological weapons,! Wait, I seem to understand."

"Dad, you know the reason, tell me quickly, what's going on." Arthur became excited in his heart, as expected, he was indeed worthy of his father, if he encountered a problem that he didn't understand, he should go to him.

The other superheroes also lifted their spirits, pricked up their ears and listened carefully, for fear of missing something.

"Doomsday and demons are both biological weapons. They each have their own advantages. Doomsday is very powerful, but it is very difficult to successfully manufacture it. It can even be said that the Doomsday transformed and evolved by General Zod is the only one. The advantage of demons is that they are inexhaustible in number, but their strength is not very good, but what if the advantages of the two can be combined? Use the genes of Doomsday to strengthen a class of demons, even if it does not reach the level of Doomsday , as long as you can maintain 1/10 of the combat power, imagine what kind of situation it will be like with the endless number of demons of this strength?"

The superheroes at the Justice League headquarters glanced at each other, and they all broke out in a cold sweat. They all understood the seriousness of the matter, because even the strongest Superman and Arthur among them couldn't deal with that level. Although their strength has increased a lot over the years, they can deal with 100, 1000, or even more monsters, but if there are [-], they will eventually have the share of hatred on the spot. No one knows exactly how many demons there are, but millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions or even more.

Batman's face was a little flustered, "No, we can't sit still, Darkseid suffered a big loss on Earth, and with his temperament, he will definitely come back with revenge. We must be prepared."

The Flash said in despair: "How to prepare? If the devils really use Doomsday's genes to strengthen them, then they are strong enough to withstand nuclear bombs. Is there any Wuxi on earth that can hurt them?"

"Maybe we can take the initiative to launch an attack on Apocalypse." At this time, Superman made an amazing suggestion.

Wonder Woman's eyes lit up, and she agreed with Superman's words very much. Although she is a woman, she is more bold than a man. It is a blessing for the multiverse to be completely destroyed."

"It seems to be really feasible, but we alone are definitely not enough. It is best to explain the situation to the governments of various countries immediately, let them understand the seriousness of the matter, and get their help."

"There are other superheroes on the earth. It's best to count the villains. No matter how hateful they are, they are still earthlings. I don't think they will compete to see the earth fall into crisis."

"Do you really want to do this? Directly attack the enemy's base camp? Would it be too risky? That's Darkseid, the overlord of the multiverse, or let's think about it in the long run."

"No, the longer it takes, the worse it will be for us. Who knows how many demons they can strengthen during this time?"

"Yes, not only can we not procrastinate, but we have to act as soon as possible. We are right. I can also seek help from other forces in the universe, such as the Green Lantern Corps. If I explain the situation to them, I will definitely not sit idly by. After all, Kesaid's threat is already big enough, if he is allowed to obtain another demon-like army strengthened with the Doomsday gene, who else will be his opponent?"

"Very well, that's the decision. We have three days to prepare. No matter what the result is, we will launch a general attack in three days."

After discussions, the superheroes finally made a decision and took action one after another.

Originally, Arthur's mission was to go to Atlantis and discuss with Mera to let the Atlantis army join the war against Apocalypse, but he was forced by Yang Jian to send him back to the lighthouse to visit him first. Son, otherwise he will be brought back directly by hand, Arthur can only return honestly, and first appease his father and son.

Chapter 652 Meeting Satan

Although his heart was full of urgency, Arthur shuddered at the thought of the consequences of disobeying his father's orders. In the end, he chose to return to the lighthouse again, and performed a filial piety with Yang Jian, and spent half a day with Caesar. The game continued until he was so tired that he fell asleep.

Since the birth of his son, Arthur felt that his status in the family had been greatly reduced. Now he has developed into the overlord of the family, and he has to let him do everything. In the name of training, he made himself bruised and swollen, so that Arthur was afraid to go home. Why he always hides in the Justice League headquarters on weekdays is not because he is afraid of being beaten.

Fortunately, Arthur had a legitimate reason this time. He didn't stay at home for a long time. After coaxing his son to sleep, he left the lighthouse and went straight into the sea, heading for Atlantis.

Others are working hard to save the earth, and they are too busy to touch the ground, but Yang Jian is heartless, eating and drinking, without the slightest nervousness.

Atlanna, who was a little flustered at first, was not in a hurry when she saw Yang Jian's appearance. After getting along for a few years, she already knew Yang Jian very well. What cards did Jane have, but since she wasn't panicking at all, there must be a way to fight Darkseid.

After the leaders of more countries on the earth received the news from the Justice League, they panicked one by one, and immediately agreed to the Justice League's proposal to counterattack the Apocalypse at all costs, otherwise the earth may be destroyed in a short time , in order to increase the chances of winning, countries all over the world mobilized together, like a machine running crazily, not recruiting superheroes, and using various methods to force a super villain to join, otherwise just kill this time, they are The ruthless hands were really used, and those super villains deeply and truly realized the horror of the full mobilization of each country.

In addition, good news came from the Green Lantern. After discussion, the Guardians of the Universe decided to send a Green Lantern Corps to join the expedition, because they also knew that after Darkseid's demon-like army was strengthened, , They will definitely be attacked. At that time, they really don't have much chance of winning. It is best to strike first and get rid of the opponent first.

In addition, the guardians set up a bridge to build some other powerful forces in the universe, and persuaded them to help deal with Darkseid together.

It was less than a day before the agreed time to attack Apocalypse, and when others were making final preparations, Yang Jian came to a mysterious room waiting for him, put on a long-distance running suit to cover his body, and finally wore a mask.After pushing open a door, I walked in, but came to a strange bar. In the bar, there are all kinds of strange creatures, vampires, werewolves, these are all pediatrics, and there are even demons, angels, elves, monsters, etc. weird creatures.

No one paid attention to Yang Jian's arrival, because there were too many weird creatures here, Yang Jian just dressed a little strangely, it was nothing at all.

Yang Jian went to the back, walked up the stairs, and soon came to the top floor of the bar, and then walked into a luxurious room. A man was wearing a black tuxedo with a blood-red rose pinned to his chest, barefoot The middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa, with his legs crossed, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, sipping it one mouthful at a time.

Seeing Yang Jian coming, the middle-aged man smiled and said: "It's really rare, Mr. Yang finally has time to drink with me. Speaking of which, this is your bar. As the host, you don't see anyone all day long, but let me, the guest You have a big enough heart to run a bar."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, there are too many things at home, and I'm too busy, so I have to ask Mr. Satan to do it, but you didn't do it for nothing. You can drink and eat whatever you want here, and I said before , you don’t need your body to come, you just need to divide the projection at will, I didn’t expect you to save face and come directly to the body.”

If anyone heard the conversation between Yang Jian and the middle-aged man, their jaws would drop in shock. This middle-aged man is actually the famous Satan, the king of hell, and he is here to help Yang Jian manage the bar.

"I can't help it. It's because you have too many delicious things here, which makes me linger." Satan said, draining the wine in his glass and putting it beside him.

"You are joking, you are the king of hell! What kind of delicacy have you never tasted? How could you covet something like me?" Yang Jian said, licking his face.

"Don't underestimate yourself. Some of your things here, even if they don't exist in the entire universe, or even in the multiverse, belong to the only one. For example, your pagoda that can be transformed into a bar, this artifact... In your words, it should be Call it a magic weapon. The power of law contained in it is very unique. It is different from the laws of our world. It is a completely different system, which can resist the assimilation of the power of chaos and void. I can't see its power, but here it is outside the universe, in the gap of the multiverse, but it can play a magical effect, it is worth studying."

If you go outside at this time, you will find that the bar is actually in the shape of a pagoda, divided into nine floors, and it is in the void of chaos at this time.

"Is it so magical? This is just a magic weapon given to me by the boss behind me. Although it is precious, it is not so powerful."

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