Higurashi Kagome was in a bit of a dilemma, not because he deliberately avoided it, but because he had never experienced such a thing before, so he gritted his teeth and said, "This...Mr. Yang Jian, what should I do, can't you?"

"Of course I'm fine, but are you sure you want me to do it?" Yang Jian raised his hand as he spoke, aiming at Kikyo's chest, ready to press down.

"Wait a minute, get your hands away! It's more suitable for Kagome to do this kind of thing. Come on." Seeing the position of Yang Jian's palm, Inuyasha became anxious, quickly blocked Yang Jian's salty hand, and turned to look at Kagome , with a hint of pleading on his face.

Kagome didn't know why there seemed to be a trace of anger and jealousy in her heart, but she also knew that this was not the time to play her temper, so she honestly came to Kikyo's side, pressed her hand on her chest and began to inject spiritual power.

Yang Jian smacked his mouth, and withdrew his hand, seemingly disappointed.

As the reincarnation of Kikyo, Kagome is born with powerful spiritual power. Although it can only be used superficially now, it is no problem to simply inject it. The spiritual power of the two is from the same root and origin. Kikyo can easily accept this power. He started to recover and slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, the memory of Kikyo still remained at the moment when she was knocked out by Yang Jian. After waking up, she instinctively wanted to get up and fight, but it was a little more uncoordinated than when she was transferred to a new body just now. Involuntarily want to fall down.

Kagome immediately reached out to support him, and comforted him with a gentle voice: "Kankyo, don't worry, it's okay, you should take a rest first."

Seeing that it was Kagome, Kikyo relaxed a little, felt the condition of his body carefully, and soon found something unusual, the familiar temperature, the strong heartbeat, he was really resurrected.

But then Kikyo remembered what Yang Jian said before to transfer her soul to a new body, and then control it, uh, she was startled again, and when she checked more carefully, she soon found that her body was intact. Any strangeness, what Yang Jian said just now is obviously nonsense.

"I'm really resurrected? How is this possible? How is this possible?" Kikyo moved his body, stood up slowly with Kagome's support, and after repeated confirmation, he finally believed in his own resurrection.

"Nothing is impossible, you have to believe that there are miracles in this world." Yang Jian said with a smile.

"What you said just now was lying to me. You didn't mean to control me at all."

"That's right, they all lied to you, but you can't blame me. All of this is Inuyasha's idea. He deliberately asked me to lie to you, and he also planned to ask me to help with a play. I pretended to be a big villain who wanted to kidnap you and control you, but He came to a hero to save the beauty, so you were moved and made a promise with your body, and included you and Kagome at the same time, how about it, do you feel that he is a scum, do you want to kick him away and throw him into my arms Come." Yang Jian said more and more outrageous, and finally directly exposed his ambition.

"Bastard, you are talking nonsense, I didn't." Inuyasha was worried that Kikyo would misunderstand, so he threw his fist at Yang Jian.

Yang Jian grabbed Inuyasha's arm, threw him out with his backhand, and continued: "Look, after Inuyasha was exposed by me, he still wanted to kill people to silence him, but you can't blame him, you can only blame you for being too charming, in order to get you It’s really unscrupulous.”

"Kankyo, don't believe his words, he lied." Inuyasha was almost mad.

"I'm talking nonsense, don't you think Kikyo is not beautiful enough? You don't like him at all, that's great, come and give him to me, and I'll just accept it." Yang Jian took it for granted, then In his tone, he regarded the bellflower as a commodity.

"Shut up! I will never let you starve Kikyo away." Inuyasha blocked Kikyo behind him and looked at Yang Jian with a wary face. His appearance was like guarding against thieves, even though Yang Jian had just revived Kikyo.

"Kido is not good, so let's replace it with Kagome, Kagome is just as beautiful anyway."

The more Yang Jian said, the more outrageous it became, which made Kikyo and Kagome very angry, not only angry with Yang Jian, but also with Inuyasha, you just made a decision like this, have you asked our opinion?

"Kagome, no, neither Kikyo nor Kagome can be with you bastard!"

Regarding Kagome Inuyasha obviously hesitated for a while. At this stage, his feelings for Kagome are a little hazy, but he just instinctively wants to keep her by his side.

"I can't do this, I can't do that, you are too lenient, free love, can you stop it? Which of the two of them do you like, and who will you choose? If you have the ability to make it clear, you can't kill two birds with one stone, It’s too greedy to ask for both together? You have to tell the truth today if you choose one of the two.”

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he stepped back to the side, with a smirk on his face, ready to watch Inuyasha's Shura field next.

Chapter 692 Yang Jian's Bad Taste

Yang Jian retreated on purpose, leaving the venue to the three of Inuyasha, and took Qibao away when he passed by Qibao, lest he stay here as a light bulb and spoil the atmosphere.

Originally, Qibao was not willing to resist, but after Yang Jian stuffed a five-spice chicken leg into his mouth, Qibao immediately got down from the teacher, even if he was being carried, he didn't care, grabbed the chicken leg and gnawed, as for Inuyasha or something has been left behind.

Inuyasha, Kikyo and Kagome were left in the field, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward. Originally, Kikyo still had some resentment towards Inuyasha. After all, the truth of the year was not found out, and naturally she did not forgive Inuyasha. If Inuyasha dared to push forward, she would not He hesitated and shot with a sword.

It's just that she didn't expect to be disturbed by Yang Jian, who almost characterized their affairs as a conflict between husband and wife, and after the resurrection, Kikyo was so excited that she couldn't stabilize her emotions, and even most of the resentment towards Inuyasha disappeared. Standing here and looking at Inuyasha from time to time, there is a feeling of meeting an old lover, especially Kagome is next to her, which makes her feel so embarrassed.

Kagome is similar. Originally, her feelings for Inuyasha were a little uncertain even for him, but she had a vague liking. After Kikyo appeared, she had already decided to end the relationship that hadn't started yet, but she didn't expect Being directly pointed out by Yang Jian, he became a mistress inexplicably, and he was a little afraid to face Kikyo.

As for Inuyasha is purely a sequelae of stepping on two boats, he is deeply attached to Kikyo, but he is not without feelings for Riwei. The two have experienced life and death together, so it is too embarrassing for him to choose one of them.

Yang Jian secretly took out a video camera, adjusted the focus, and started to record the scene of Inuyasha's Shura field. Qibao felt very novel and asked this and that while eating chicken legs. After learning that it was something from modern times, he also came interest.

"Hehehe! Record this scene and give it to Inuyasha as a gift. He will definitely appreciate me in the future. This is a precious memory.

Qibao rolled his eyes when he heard it, although he was still a child, he understood what was going on, and thought to himself: Are you sure he is grateful and not hated, if Inuyasha knows what you are doing, he might even kill you I have my heart.

Just when Yang Jian was busy and happy, she suddenly felt a slight clicking sound coming from her pocket. She was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, and quickly put her hand into her pocket, and took out a bead the size of a thumb, a black and transparent bead. In the crystal, there is a strange looking bug inside, which was originally alive, but now it has completely lost its vitality.

"Damn it, how could it be like this? Don't come early, don't come late, but at this time, can't I go to the same famous scene that I went to shoot?" Yang Jian cursed bitterly.

"What's the matter? Did something happen?" Qibao had finished eating the chicken legs, and looked at Yang Jian's curious taste.

"Something happened at home, I have to go back quickly." Yang Jian's brains turned sharply, and suddenly he had an idea, and said to Qibao: "Qibao, now I have a very important task for you, if you can finish it, wait Next time we meet, I will prepare five boxes for you, no, how about ten boxes of fried chicken?"

Hearing the fried chicken Qibao's eyes lit up, he immediately patted his chest and assured him, "What mission? Just say it's on me."

"It's very simple, how to use this camera, you saw it just now, help me record Inuyasha and the others, and give it to me when we meet next time, how can it be done?"

Although I was a little sorry for Inuyasha, Qibao didn't bother to come in order to hurry up, "Of course it's okay for such a small matter, just prepare the fried chicken for me."

"It's a deal. We will deliver the fried chicken first." Yang Jian made a decision on the spot. Anyway, there are still a lot of fried chicken.

After Yang Jian reached an agreement with Qibao, he stood up and was about to leave, but he just took two steps when he suddenly thought of something, took out a package sealed with oiled paper from the gourd, and said, "Besides, this is a book. The content is extensive and profound, remember to give it to Inuyasha for me. Let him study it more, so that he can use it after marriage."

"Book? Does Inuyasha still need this kind of thing? Well, I'll give it to him."

In this way, a dirty deal was concluded between Yang Jian and Qibao. After arranging everything, Yang Jian didn't hesitate any longer, and rode on the scorching hoof and turned into a flame and left.

Yang Jian on the horse looked anxiously at the corpse of the weird bug in the bead, thinking about the troubles encountered in the half-demon city.

This kind of worm is a demon worm bred by Yang Jian using the method of refining Gu. It has no attack power, but there is a special induction between the male and female. If one of them dies, the other will also lose its life. Yang Jian specially Give a bug to Izumo, and specifically explain that if you encounter a powerful enemy or something difficult to solve, you should contact him. I didn't expect an accident to happen so soon. Who will the enemy be?In any case, it must be rushed there as soon as possible.

At this moment, Yang Jian misses the space gate of the Marvel world very much. If there is space, there is no need to bother so much. Just draw a circle to open up the space, and it will happen in an instant. To be honest, Yang Jian has also studied the space law of the Inuyasha world, and it is very profound. Well, it stands to reason that the space gate can be used at all. This world seems to be inherently repulsive to the space gate skill, and it is impossible to use it at all.

"Where is the problem? In the original Inuyasha plot, did space shuttle appear? Kagome and Inuyasha traveled through time and space through the Shikui Well, let's not talk about it. This kind of legend level is too high, and there seems to be no other than that. , eh? Wait, there is quite a few more. In the original plot, when Inuyasha and his party competed with Naraku for the last piece of jade of the four souls, they once entered the underworld. The connection between Bai Tongzi and returning to the original world is also a kind of space shuttle, so can I also use the underworld as a turning point? First enter the underworld, and then open the passage from the underworld to reach other places."

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