Yang Jian thought about his plan carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was feasible, but it was not so easy to enter the underworld. There were bull heads and horse heads guarding the entrance of the underworld, and these two monsters could be resurrected infinitely. They can be sealed, but when the gate of the underworld is opened, a strange light will be emitted, and anyone who is illuminated will be petrified. In the original plot, a large group of monsters under Naluo was killed inexplicably. Yang Jian is not sure that he can resist that kind of weirdness of light.

In this case, we have to change the way. In the beginning, Inuyasha was able to enter the underworld and get the iron broken teeth from his father's corpse because the black pearl sealed in his eyes opened a passage to the underworld, but now the energy of the black pearl has been exhausted. It is obviously impossible to open it a second time, unless you find Baoxiangui who made the black pearl and ask him to make another one, but Yang Jian doesn't know where he is, and Baoxiangui is already very old if you count the time. , the deadline is approaching, and it is not certain whether black pearls can be made again.

In addition, in the plot of Inuyasha, there is also a monster iron chicken that swallowed a lot of human blood. After her head was cut off, her blood flowed out, forming a blood river. The endless soul and resentment entering the underworld will also open a channel, but Yang Jiancai, as a human being, even if he is now reincarnated as a half-demon, still maintains a human heart, and he really cannot do such a thing of killing human beings.

After much deliberation, Yang Jian found that there was only one last way left, which was the dying moon in the underworld, a skill that could directly open the passage to the underworld.

There are two people who can use Mingdao Wanyuepo, one is Sesshomaru, and the other is Shinigami Oni, killing me relies on the natural teeth in my hand, Shinigami Ghost uses his own power, to be exact The natural tooth was also able to cast the dying moon breaking after Dou Ya captured the power of the god of death and ghost.

The strength of Shinigami Ghost is definitely at the level of a big monster. In addition, his whereabouts are very mysterious and rarely appear in the eyes of the world. Even if Yang Jian uses his power to inquire, he may not be able to find his whereabouts. But Sesshomaru, recently He has been very active for a while, and has been moving around. It is easier to find him, as long as he can grab the natural tooth, no, or there is no need to grab it, Yang Jian still prefers the equivalent exchange, and then make a deal for him and borrow the natural tooth. Teeth will do.

Yang Jian made a decision in his heart, so he went to look for Sesshomaru after a while, and hoped that this noble young master would be more sensible, otherwise Yang Jian would not mind using some violent means. Of course, the most important thing now is to solve the immediate matter first. Knowing how Izumo, Tsukino, and Yanlong are doing?What happened to make them take the initiative to contact me?

Yang Jian was so anxious that he slapped the horse's butt hard, and Yanti let out a mournful cry, and the speed increased again, which was already his limit.

At this time, Inuyasha and the others finally had a result, and the result was wrong. To be precise, the three of them were escaping. Kikyo left directly on the grounds of investigating the truth of what happened back then. It sounded reasonable, but the panic when leaving His expression was not convincing no matter how you looked at it.

And Inuyasha didn't stop it. At this time, he really didn't know how to deal with the complicated relationship between the three of them. In the end, he decided to delay it for a day, and wait for the sister to find out the truth of the year. The final result.

If Yang Jian was here, he would definitely find a way to make a fool of himself, find a way to embarrass them, and let Inuyasha make a decision. Unfortunately, Yang Jian has already left, and there is only one Qibao left.

Inuyasha and Kagome were going back to Kaede Village first, but Kikyo discovered a problem at this time. His bicycle was actually taken away by Yang Jian. In desperation, Inuyasha could only let Inuyasha carry it.

"Qibao, what's in your arms? Wait, this is a video camera, and it's the most advanced model. In our world, it might be worth hundreds of thousands of yen. Why do you have this thing?"

Kagome and Inuyasha, who were about to go on the road, stopped again. Kagome was surprised to see what Qibao was holding. Anyone would be surprised that such a high-tech thing appeared in the primitive Warring States Period.

"Yang Jian gave it to me. He asked me to record the beautiful pictures of the three of you communicating and hand them to him when we meet next time. He also promised me ten boxes of fried chicken." Qibao didn't worry about it at all. Yang Jian said directly what he wanted to keep secret.

"What! That black-bellied guy!" Kagome gritted his teeth angrily, snatched the camera with his hands, and deleted all the images stored in it after some operations.

Qibao couldn't help being a little anxious, "Kawei, be careful, don't break it, I will have to rely on it to exchange fried chicken with Yang Jian next time."

"You still want to eat fried chicken. A child actually does this kind of thing. I tell you that the fried chicken is gone, and I also confiscated this camera. That guy Yang Jian stole my bicycle, so use a camera instead. Now this is mine."

Kagome directly took the camera as her own, and she wasn't ashamed at all about it. She had to be a little shameless when facing Yang Jian, a black-bellied guy. Although the value gap between the bicycle and the camera was a bit big, at least it was an exchange , As for whether it is your wish or not, it is not certain, just Kagome intends to use a camera to record the beautiful scenery of the Warring States period, and bring it back to your mother, grandpa, and Sota to see.

"Kagome, how can you do this, return it to me quickly, I want fried chicken instead,"

"This is your punishment, accept it honestly."

"Damn, is my fried chicken really gone? By the way, Yang Jian also left me a book, which he said was for Inuyasha. You give me the one called the video camera, how about I give you the book?" ?” At this time, Qibao thought of the book Yang Jian left before he left, and a ray of hope rose in his heart, maybe he could exchange the book for the camera, held the book in his hand, and looked at Kagome expectantly.

When Inuyasha heard that Yang Jian had left something for him, he was not happy, but showed a trace of vigilance. He had been cheated too much by Yang Jian, so he instinctively took precautions, "That black-bellied guy must have left nothing behind." Good stuff, I don’t want it, throw it away quickly.”

"No, since it was left by Mr. Yang Jian, there must be other intentions, go ahead and get the book." Ge Wei directly snatched the book, which is totally unreasonable.

Kagome looked at the package in his hand, it was perfectly stitched, and he didn't know what books were inside. After thinking about it, he simply gave it to Inuyasha. Since it was given to Inuyasha, of course Inuyasha had to unpack it.

Inuyasha thought for a while, then took the package and opened it carefully, as if he was dismantling a bomb. He asked Qibao while opening the book: "When that guy handed you the book, did he say anything?" ?”

His fried chicken was completely far away from him, and finally resigned to his fate, Qibao was a little disappointed, and said weakly: "Other words? Yes, he said that this book is extensive and profound, and you will use it after you get married. I want you to study it more." a bit."

"Married!?" Kagome blushed suddenly, not knowing what to think of.

Soon, Inuyasha unpacked the package, brought the book over, turned two pages, and immediately met his eyes, then it was very strange, angry, ashamed, and seemed a little embarrassed.

Kagome noticed something was wrong, and immediately walked to Inuyasha and saw the contents of the book, and almost ran away in anger.

The content of the book is very exciting, with rich pictures and texts, and it is a color painting. The most conspicuous one in the picture is a woman with plump buttocks, slender waist, big breasts, and golden wavy curls. She only wears a few pieces of cloth, posing in a seductive With the posture and the words left by Yang Jian, Kagome immediately understood what kind of book it was.

"Inuyasha, you perverted dog! Don't read such shameful books."

"It's not me." Inuyasha quickly threw away the book, but for some reason, there seemed to be a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

"You pervert, uh, remember, you are not allowed to read that kind of book in the future, it's too embarrassing."

"Okay! Okay, this time I was also deceived by that guy Yang Jian, and I won't do it again."

"That's good, I must remember you today..."

Kagome kept teaching Inuyasha a lesson there, but didn't notice that Qibao was curious about what kind of book it was, which made Kagome so angry, and while Inuyasha and Kagome weren't paying attention, he used illusion to deceive them, secretly He picked up the book and hid it.

Chapter 693 Yue Nv vs Sesshomaru

After these days of fighting in the north and south, the city of the half-demon has expanded its territory more than ten times, and has truly become a small country. It respects Yang Jian as its lord, but the problem is that Yang Jian himself doesn't know it. The high-level executives have never even met Yang Jian himself, as if he didn't exist at all, but this country is still well-organized, and people have to admire the government affairs ability of people like Izumo.

Some people even had some thoughts, such as supporting Izumo's ascension to the throne, but unfortunately, those who raised these opinions were directly killed by Izumo. It could have been slapped to death by Yang Jian. Only those who have truly seen Yang Jian's strength know how terrible it is, and it is not something they can fight against.

In a camp on the edge of the newly established half-demon country, Yang Jian's subordinates, Yuenu and Yanlong, the three highest-ranking people gathered in the central army camp, seeming to be arguing about something.


Yuenv re-entered and patted the table, angrily said: "I said Izumo, what are you going to do? If I let go of my hands and feet, I can definitely kill that guy with confidence, but you just said What does it mean to avoid causing disputes between the two countries, procrastinating?"

"Yuenu, calm down, calm down!" Izumo wiped the cold sweat off his head, fearing that the female tyrannosaurus in front of him would make a move, and tried his best to persuade calmly: "Don't be angry, I can't help it, he has a special status, I believe that your strength can completely kill him here, but it really can't. Once you do this, we will inevitably be in an endless situation with the dog demon country. The former dog demon country almost unified the entire demon world. The background is profound, even after the death of King Douya, the power of the Dog Demon Kingdom shrunk to the western territory, but it is still powerful, occupying the most elite land in the West, and now the Dog Demon Kingdom is led by Lingyue Xianji, and there are so many masters, if it is not unintentional If we fight for world hegemony, I'm afraid that the power will become stronger. After all, our half-demon country has too little time. If we fight with them, we really don't have much chance of winning. Even if we win by luck, we will lose both sides, and it is easy to be picked up by other forces."

"Then what should I do? Now that bastard is taking the initiative to find fault and trouble me every day. Do you want me to swallow my anger all the time?"

Yuenv stomped her feet angrily and made a rumbling sound. People who didn't know thought it was an earthquake.

Izumo's face twitched, "Yuenu! Calm down! Calm down, I have already informed Master Yang Jian that I must be rushing this way now, and I will ask him for advice at that time. If it is really necessary, I will directly kill that guy Sesshomaru , go directly to war with the dog monster country..."

"That's right, the knife in my hand is the sharpest spear in Lord Yang Jian's hand, and the point of the sword is the direction I'm going in, and I'll take the lead when the time comes." Yan Long's blood boiled immediately, and he swung the big knife in his hand, A look ready to fight for Yang Jian at any time.

"Yanlong, shut up, you don't have the right to talk here!" Izumo cursed angrily. He was just saying angry words to comfort Yuenu, and he didn't really want to talk to Yuenu. The country of dogs is at war, why are you so passionate?

When the three of them were arguing, they suddenly felt a powerful demonic aura approaching quickly. This demonic aura was so vast that they felt heavy pressure at the same time as they killed them. As for some other soldiers with low strength, they were directly crushed. On the ground, I can't even stand up.

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