The three of Izumo felt this evil spirit, not only were they not angry, but their faces showed excitement.Because they were too familiar with this evil spirit, they immediately walked out of the tent and waited outside.

Not long after, a flame appeared in the distance and fell like a meteor. With a bang, the air wave rolled back, and a large hole was smashed into the ground. When the surrounding smoke and dust cleared, a figure riding a white horse was revealed.

Yang Jian saw Izumo, Yuenu and Yanlong were all there, and they were not injured. In addition, the camp was in order, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly restrained his momentum, those who were pressed lay on the ground The soldier finally stood up, with a look of horror on his face.

Yang Jian asked with a strange face: "What happened that made you so eager to use the last means of emergency contact? Is there a powerful enemy that you can't resist, or something unimaginable happened? The enemy is it a lot?"

"This..." The three of Izumo glanced at each other, and finally Izumo said awkwardly: "Actually, since there are not many, there is only one."

"One!?" Yang Jian yelled directly, seeing the expressions of indisputable anger on the faces of the three of them, he said angrily, "There are so many of you who can't even handle one person, don't call me over in a hurry , Is he very strong? What stage is he in? The peak of the big monster?"

Izumo was even more embarrassed, even a little ashamed. He lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Yang Jian. The same was true for Yuenv and Yanlong. Izumo said in a mosquito-like humming voice: "It's not a big monster, it's just a top monster peak distance. The big monster is even worse."

Yang Jian couldn't help digging his ears, as if he had an auditory hallucination, "This is because I didn't wake up from a dream, or I heard it wrong, you can't deal with a top-level monster, you know, the three of you all have the strength of a big monster , working hard and even being able to leapfrog the challenge, can it be said that the three subordinates I have trained are useless."

Izumo's three heads were even lower, wishing there was a gap in the ground for them to get in, "He is indeed a top-level monster, and his strength is not very strong. Any of the three of us can defeat him, even if he is beheaded. Killing can also be done, but the key is his special status, so we dare not act rashly."

"Special status? Who is it? Tell me clearly, er, don't give me sloppy eyes." Yang Jian finally understood what was going on,

"He is the eldest son of the demon dog country. I am worried that if he is here, it will cause a conflict between our half demon country and the demon dog country. At that time, both sides will suffer and the fisherman will benefit."

"Young Master of the Dog Demon Kingdom, you mean Sesshomaru?"

"Master Yang Jian, so you know, yes, it is Sesshomaru."

"Why did you meet Sesshomaru?" Yang Jian was not angry when he heard it was Sesshomaru, but rather happy. He was planning to find him, but he didn't expect him to come to his door.

"A few days ago, when Yuenv was out on patrol, she encountered Sesshomaru by accident. At that time, Yuenv was in a bad mood and was trying to find someone to vent her anger on, so she did it without talking nonsense. The two had a big fight, and Sesshomaru was killed Yue Nv was injured, but he still ran away. I thought it was over like this. Who knows what happened to Sesshomaru? It seems that she has identified Yue Nv. After more than a dozen times, she was severely injured by Yue Nu every time, but she would come to her again after a while, as if she was deliberately abused."

After Yang Jian said the story, he was also a little confused. He didn't understand what happened to Sesshomaru, and he actually got into a fight with Yuenu, a violent woman. Shouldn't he think of a way to create a broken iron at this time? A stronger weapon?

"Could it be that he fell in love with the moon girl?" Yang Jian muttered to himself, or after Sesshomaru was defeated by the moon girl, he awakened some special attributes, but what about his future true destiny, Xiaoling? ?

The Yang family murmured to themselves in a low voice, but none of the people present had good ears and eyes, and the moon girl exploded on the spot, "What! That cold-faced man at Sesshomaru has unreasonable thoughts about my old lady, no, I'm going to kill her!" He! My wife doesn't like that kind of man pretending to be B."

The female Yuenu was about to run away on the spot, but when she was talking, she kept looking at Yang Jian, for fear that Yang Jian would misunderstand.

Izumo thought about it for a while, shook his head and said, "No, it is absolutely impossible for Sesshomaru to have a crush on Tsukiyo."

Yuenv was worried that Yang Jian would misunderstand, but now she heard Izumo's words and became a little angry. Could it be that the old lady is not beautiful enough?So it is really difficult to understand the mind of a woman.

"When Sesshomaru fought with Yue Nu, he didn't show mercy at all. He was desperate. Those who didn't know thought there was a deep hatred between them. If they really looked at Yue Nu, they would definitely not be so cruel. "

"That's it, what's the reason?" Yang Jian couldn't figure it out after much deliberation, and finally asked Yue Nu: "Yue Nu, these days, do you feel that going to Sesshomaru is any different from before?"

"It's no different. If I have to say it, his strength seems to be much stronger. In the first fight, I easily beat him and escaped with serious injuries. Now I have to spend a lot of money."

Yang Jian's eyes lit up, and he suddenly had a guess, "The strength has increased? So that's it, I understand. He deliberately used you as a whetstone to hone himself and develop his potential under your pressure. He didn't know that he Will you come again?"

Yan Long immediately said affirmatively: "I will come, Sesshomaru is like clocking in every day these few days, it must come every day."

Said that Cao Cao would be there, when there was a rush of footsteps outside, a half-demon with rabbit ears came in and said: "Master Yuenu, that Sesshomaru is here to challenge you again."

"It's endless, isn't it? I won't be merciful anymore, this time I have to kill him." Yue Nu was furious, jumped up, reached out to pick up two big knives from the side, and walked out.

"Wait!" Yang Jian suddenly called Yue Nu to stop at this time.

"Master, what are your orders?"

If it was someone else, Yue Nu would ignore her, but Yang Jian was different. Yue Nu respected this master very much, she could be said to be obedient, and would never disobey Yang Jian's orders.

"You fight against Sesshomaru as usual, don't kill him, just beat him away, let me observe first." With Yang Jian's strength, it is easy to kill this Sesshomaru, but Yang Jian does not intend to do so, Just wanted to investigate some situations.

"Okay, since the master is in trouble, I will save his life."

Yuenv walked out of the camp, and soon saw a head of silver-white long hair on the opposite side, with a moon ring on her forehead, two red demon lines on her left and right cheeks, several cherry blossoms floating on her white kimono, her golden eyes were shining, and she was very luxurious. His noble son is Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru, die!"

Yuenv grabbed two big swords and rushed out. In fact, Xing Xing was going to kill Sesshomaru, and Sesshoumaru was already prepared. His left arm was cut off by Inuyasha, leaving only one right hand to lift up. Formed into a light whip, he flicked hard to meet him.

The two have fought dozens of times, and they know each other well, so they didn't say a word of nonsense, just started fighting, and gave their best as soon as they came up.

Beep! !Clap! !Boom! !

The big knife in Yuenu's hand hit the light whip, the light whip entangled the big knife, and pulled it hard, one of the knife was dragged and collided with the other knife, and suddenly lost its aim, the two big knives fell on the ground, and then With a roar, two huge cracks were cut out of the ground.

Sesshomaru took the opportunity to retract the light whip, and then whipped it towards Yuenv's face.

Yuenv's reaction was quick enough, she immediately took back a big sword to pawn, let the big sword be entangled by the light whip, and cut the other big sword towards Sesshomaru's body.

Sesshomaru immediately retreated back, gave up the big knife that was entangled, and swung the light whip in his hand imperviously, hitting the big knife continuously to relieve his strength, and fought with Yuenv.

Generally speaking, women have inherent disadvantages compared to men in terms of strength, endurance, speed, etc., so it is best for women to use softness to overcome rigidity when fighting to make up for their physical deficiencies.

But Yuenv is completely different. Her fighting style is open and close, she is completely head-on, more masculine than a man, and as a male Sesshomaru, she dare not confront head-on under Yuenv's stormy attack. With the help of the flexible resistance of the light edge, he retreated in succession.

Sesshomaru is also full of depression. As the descendant of Fighting Tooth King and Lingyue Xianji, his blood is noble, and he can be said to be the most perfect monster. Of course, his physical fitness is nothing to say, and the demon power in his body is also pure and powerful. Compared to a human woman, I don't know what the opposite woman ate to grow up. The strength is unimaginable. Sesshomaru has no doubt that if he is cut by that knife, he will definitely be split in half. Women are simply monsters.

If Yang Jian knew the idea of ​​Sesshomaru, he would definitely raise his thumbs up and say that the hero sees the same thing.

That's right, in Yang Jian's view, Yuenu is a proper monster, not a monster among monsters. Although Yuenu is more than two meters tall, she is not bloated at all, and her body parts are in the best proportions. She is extremely flexible, like a wild cheetah, the sword in her hand is even longer than her body, and weighs hundreds of catties, which would be impossible for another person to pick up, but it looks like two feathers in the hands of Yue Nu, waving From this, one can guess how strong Yuenu's physical fitness is.

At the beginning, Yang Jian checked Yuenv's body before teaching her to practice, and found that every inch of Yuenv's body, every muscle was in the most perfect state, and the toughness was more than ten times that of ordinary humans. The teachings, arduous training, and enhanced physical fitness have produced some kind of strange evolution. In just a dozen years, she has reached the strength of a big monster, and she is not like ordinary witches, mages and other spiritual practitioners. Strength, but pure physical strength, so it is not surprising to crush Sesshomaru.

Few of Yang Jian's subordinates are willing to compete with Yuenu, because fighting her is simply suffering. Every time Yuenu's weapon strikes, they are numb from the shock, and it is normal for them to accidentally lose their limbs. Even if they win in the end, they will have to be in pain for several days, so when Yue Nu is looking for someone to compete with, Izumo and the others will push as soon as they can. It doesn't matter, Yuenv has no place to vent her energy, and she always looks dissatisfied with her desires.

Chapter 694

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