
Two figures flickered in the air at high speed. Although Yuenv's attack is mainly fierce and she likes to go straight, it doesn't mean she can only chop and slash. Under Yang Jian's teaching, she simplified and integrated various exquisite moves into one , When he attacked, there was a lot of storms, and his swordsmanship had definitely reached the level of a sword master in this world.

But Sesshomaru is not bad, the whip technique is extremely superb, the light whip is like a spirit snake in his hands, it can be attacked and defended, it is extremely weird, barely resisted Yue Nu's storm-like attack.

"Rainblade Storm!"

Yuenv suddenly spun, and the two big knives danced faster and faster, and the cold light flickered.

"Light Whip Shield!" Sesshomaru also shouted when the light whip in his hand exploded, Huanrao formed a non-stop rotating shield around his body, resisting the attacks of the two big knives.


The rapidly rotating broadsword collided with the shield formed by the light whip, and the air was instantly rubbed to produce countless sparks. It was because the impurities inside were ignited by the intertwined sword energy, and the shield continued to sag and recover. The demon power was consumed rapidly, and his face turned pale.

Yang Jian carefully observed Sesshomaru, and quickly discovered many unusual things. Sesshoumaru has not really entered the level of the big monster, but his monster power is more powerful than that of the big monster. Otherwise, he would not be able to hold on for such a long time. You must know that the two super big swords in Yueshou's hand are also extraordinary. Yang Jian took a lot of effort to make it. The advantage is that it is strong and not easy to damage, otherwise it would not be able to withstand the toss of Yuenu, and only with the strange power of Yuenu can it play the greatest role. Sesshomaru has persisted until now with slightly inferior strength. It's already a miracle, and Yang Jian's technique of using the demon power looks more and more like he created it himself.

Yang Jian couldn't help but wonder, could it be that his cultivation technique was leaked out, who could it be?But the problem is that the only ones taught by Yang Jian are Izumo, Yuenu, and Yanlong. They don't have their own permission for their middle brother, and they will never spread it. Who else but them?

Later, Yang Jian found that the use of skills of Sesshomaru was still a bit unfamiliar, and the exercises for cultivation should only be part of it. It only made his demon power more concentrated and his physical fitness stronger. He lacked corresponding tricks, which should have been acquired recently. , perhaps it is precisely because of this that Yuenv was awakened, because the fighting skills on Yuenv were also taught by Yang Jian, and it can be said that they were born from the same source. , helps to increase strength.

"Then the only problem is to find out where Sesshomaru's technique came from. I definitely haven't taught it, and Izumo and the others can't possibly betray me. Besides, only Inuyasha has received my creation. The method of practice, could it be that Inuyasha gave Sesshomaru the exercises I taught him? It is impossible that the relationship between the two brothers is extremely bad. It would be good if they get together and don’t fight to the death. To Sesshomaru? And with the pride of Sesshoumaru, it is impossible to ask for Inuyasha's things, no matter, anyway, I need to borrow Sesshoumaru's natural teeth, and take this opportunity to investigate everything clearly."

Boom boom boom!

The big knife in Yuenu's hand became heavier and heavier, and the place where it passed was a mess. When it touched the surrounding land, trees, boulders, etc., there was a roar immediately, like a high explosive explosion, which can be described as earth-shattering.

The light edge in Sesshomaru's hand recovered faster and faster, and he tried his best to resist the surroundings, but as the saying goes, you will lose if you keep it for a long time. on the back of the house.


Sesshomaru only felt that a mouthful of blood was about to spurt, but he pressed down forcibly, forced the mouthful of fresh blood back, and the light whip in his hand twitched violently, forcing Yue Nu back slightly, and a cloud of air rose under his feet , Flying directly into the sky, looking down at Yue Nu, even though she was defeated, she was still so calm, and said with a cold face: "This time I lost again, I will come here again, next time you want to beat me It won't be that easy."

"Bastard, don't leave if you have the ability. Let's continue to fight for 300 rounds, and see if I can't beat you to death!" Yue Nu yelled angrily, and it happened every time. Her biggest weakness is that she can't fly. Soon, but after all, it was far worse than those who could fly, and could only watch Sesshomaru fly higher and higher, and finally disappeared into the sky.

At this time, Yang Jian secretly told Izumo and the others to continue to do their own things. Yang Jian quietly left the camp, and after hiding himself, secretly followed Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru flew a few kilometers, and couldn't help opening his mouth to protrude a mouthful of blood. The slap from the woman's big knife was really not light, and it's not bad to be able to endure it until now, but Sesshomaru is not worried, as the fighting tooth king and Immortal Fairy Lingyue is the blood of the two big monsters, and his recovery ability is extremely strong, and this injury will heal soon.

Because of the injuries on his body, Sesshomaru's flying speed was not fast, Yang Jian easily caught up and hung behind leisurely.

Sesshomaru flew tens of kilometers away, and fell into a valley. A monster holding a human-headed staff led a two-headed monster out to meet Sesshomaru, but it was Sesshoumaru's retainer, Xiejian, and his mount, Moo. .

"Sesshomaru, you are back, young master." Xie Jian immediately greeted respectfully.

Sesshomaru didn't talk nonsense, just nodded, walked directly to a nearby stone and sat down, and began to promote the movement of the demon power in the body to recover from the injury.

Xie Jian has long been familiar with Sesshomaru's reaction, and he is not angry. He honestly stands by and guards Sesshomaru. Xie Jian is indeed a loyal retainer.

About half an hour later, Sesshomaru suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. Most of his injuries had recovered, and his pale face was a little more rosy.

Xiejian was slightly worried when he saw Sesshomaru vomiting blood. Although it was not the first time, he was still a little worried. Ever since he met that violent woman, Xiejian felt that his Master Sesshomaru had become a little strange, as if It's like being possessed, and always likes to fight with that woman.

But that woman is really terrifying, every time Sesshomaru will be injured, some are mild and some are severe, but the wrong view also faintly feels that the power emanating from Sesshomaru is getting stronger and stronger, sometimes just standing beside him will hurt a lot. A feeling of dread.

After spitting out the blood, Sesshomaru felt much more comfortable. He reached out and took out a few pieces of paper from his bosom, and looked at them carefully.

Sesshomaru didn't know, but Yang Jian was holding a telescope in his hand and was observing carefully in the clouds in the sky. With the high-precision telescope in his hand, Yang Jian could see everything below clearly, including the one in Sesshomaru's hand. Written on several pieces of paper.

"It's really the skill I taught to Inuyasha back then, but this skill is incomplete, and it's not suitable for the cultivation of a complete monster like Sesshomaru. After all, it is specially prepared for half-monsters. Sesshomaru can only choose among them. Part of his practice helps him purify his demon power and enhance his physical fitness, but why would Inuyasha dedicate his skills? Could it be that the two brothers reconciled? How is this possible? It would be better to say that the sun brought out the west , or Sesshomaru got it by accident."

At this time, Sesshomaru looked at the content recorded on those pages, and frowned, obviously encountering a difficult problem.

Yang Jian's guess was right, this skill was not given to Sesshomaru by Inuyasha on his own initiative, but lost by accident.

As soon as Yang Jian came out, he taught Inuyasha Yiyun's practice skills suitable for half-demons to Inuyasha, but Inuyasha was caught in a dilemma, because there are three options for this set of exercises, one of which is to combine demon power and spiritual power like Yang Jian. Keep the two powers in balance all night, transforming each other, advancing hand in hand, and at the same time develop your own blood of humans and monsters, and finally fully control your own power. You can freely change between the three forms of humans, monsters and half-demons, but this choice is right. The xinxing requirements are relatively high, and Inuyasha lacks confidence in himself.

The second choice is to cultivate spiritual power mainly, supplemented by beneficial cultivation, and use the human heart to control the demon power. It is relatively simple to choose this path, and the spiritual power will not be as violent as the demon power, so you don’t have to worry about losing your mind. Strength growth is relatively slow.

The third option is of course to focus on monster power, supplemented by spiritual power, use monsters to strengthen their own strength, develop blood, and one day can completely transform into a real monster body. The growth of strength is definitely faster than imagined. The demon power erodes the mind, maybe one day it will become an irrational monster.

Each of the three choices has its own advantages and disadvantages. Inuyasha didn't know what to do, and finally chose to record the three practice plans. During that time, he stared at the three choices every night, but he always Can't make up my mind.

Inuyasha struggled for a long time until Sesshomaru struck, and the two brothers fought in the tomb of King Douya. In the end, Inuyasha relied on the aura of the protagonist to win by luck, and cut off a paw of Sesshomaru with his iron broken teeth However, Inuyasha also knew that he was lucky to win. In terms of real strength, he was far from Sesshomaru's opponent. He had to increase his strength as soon as possible, so he chose the third plan, focusing on developing his own monster blood.

What happened afterwards also proved that Inuyasha's choice was right. He found that Tieshaya could actually kill monsters and absorb their evil energy for his own use. .

It's just that when Inuyasha was fighting Sesshomaru, he kept carrying a few pieces of paper recording his practice skills and lost them, but was picked up by evil views.

The evil view is loyal to Sesshomaru, seeing that Inuyasha cut off his master's hand, of course it is impossible to return the thing to Inuyasha and secretly hid it, and then it naturally fell into Sesshomaru's hands.

Originally, Sesshomaru didn't care about a few pieces of paper, but after seeing the content on it, he was shocked, and found that it was a very clever cultivation method, although most of them were not suitable for his own use, but those who purified the essence alone, The secret technique to strengthen the body is already a priceless treasure.

From then on, Inuyasha began to carefully study the content on those pages, because Inuyasha only recorded a part, which was not complete, and it was different from the orthodox monster cultivation method in Inuyasha's world, but some basic things lacked corresponding application skills, so It's like there is no matching trick for the inner strength and mentality of the martial arts world.

Sesshomaru can only choose a part, and make supplements and modifications according to his own understanding to make it suitable for his own practice, but it takes too long, and Sesshomaru can't let it go. He asked Inuyasha for advice, and he just kept procrastinating.

Sesshomaru has been troubled for several days, but he unexpectedly met Yue Nv. In the beginning, the two fought because of a misunderstanding. However, Sesshomaru found that learning Yue Nv's combat skills secretly helped him practice his skills. Every time there is a harvest in the battle, Sesshomaru can feel that in just ten days, the growth of his own strength is better than the previous ten years of cultivation, so it is like an addiction, and he has been fighting with Yuenv during this time.

Yang Jian looked at the killing pill below, and decided to show up formally, talk to him, use his natural teeth, immediately release his invisibility, and fall from the sky.

Sesshomaru was busy studying the practice methods on the few pages in his hand, and was fascinated by it, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from above, he was startled, and without thinking, he stuffed those pages into his arms At the same time, he jumped up, stretched out his paws, covered with a layer of poisonous mist, grabbed it by feeling like above, and at the same time yelled: "Wuhua Poisonous Claws!"

Yang Jian looked at the sharp claws coming towards him without changing his face, and also greeted him with five fingers formed into claws. The palms were covered with a layer of black substance, claws came to claws, and said in a playful tone: "What a vicious guy! , When you come up, you will be cruel, it seems that you have to teach you a good lesson for the facial paralysis, so that you don't know the heights of the world, and don't think that everyone is giving face to King Dou Ya."


When the two claws collided, Sesshomaru found that his sharp claws could not pierce the opponent's skin, but was hurt by the opponent's real palm, the nails were broken, and even the poisonous mist attached to the hand lost its effect .

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