Sesshomaru was slightly startled, knowing that the opponent was not weak, he didn't dare to be careless, he quickly backed up a few steps, a gust of wind gradually blew up around him, blowing up the surrounding gravel, vegetation, and whirled around him with the gust of wind.

Sesshomaru's eyes suddenly became as bright red as blood, and the human figure of his whole body was also gradually changing. When Sesshomaru's face suddenly became longer, his whole body suddenly disappeared in place, turning into a strange ball The cherry-colored light beads flew around in mid-air and then hit the ground heavily. After the smoke and dust cleared, a huge dog monster stood on the spot, and its huge ferocious red eyes stared straight at Yang Jian.

Yang Jian looked at this giant dog, which was very powerful and beautiful, but the only incongruity was that it only had three legs.

"I realized that my strength is insufficient, so I chose to optimize directly? But do you think this is useful? The strength between us is not so easy to make up for."


Hearing Yang Jian's words, Sesshomaru became angry immediately, who is he!The eldest son of the dog demon country, who dares to talk to him like that, let out a roar, jumped up, and patted Yang Jian directly with a sharp claw.

Chapter 695 Trading

When Yang Jian was about to turn the Shashengwan into a demon, a sneer appeared on his face, and he pulled out the demon sword hanging from his waist, but instead of using the demon sword of his own destiny, Hei Ya, he chose Si Ling Ya, because the power of the black tooth was too powerful. Strong, Yang Jian was afraid that he would accidentally kill Seshengwan.

With a sound of swiping, with the injection of Yang Jian's monster power, the four spirit teeth, which were originally in the shape of an ordinary samurai sword, turned into a demon sword nearly two meters long. !"

Boom! !

The earth boiled and rolled continuously like sea waves. After a burst of milk holes, the ground swelled high and turned into a huge stone turtle with thorns emerging from its shell. With a roar, it stood in front of Yang Jian.


The giant white dog painted by Sesshomaru slapped its paw on the back of the giant tortoise, making a bang, and the next thing came was the bark of the giant dog, because its paw happened to hit one of the sharp ends. Stab it and pierce the claws directly.

The giant dog quickly withdrew its paws and jumped away, looking warily at Yang Jian who was standing under the giant tortoise. After these two fights, Sesshomaru was sure that the person in front of him was far stronger than him, so he continued to fight. If you go on, you can only bring yourself humiliation, let's get the ice cubes first and then talk about the other party's purpose.

Yang Jian put away the four spirit teeth, and the huge stone turtle quickly turned into mud and scattered, Yang Jian looked at Sesshomaru and said, "Okay, let's call it a day, I'm not here to fight you, I'd better sit down and slow down." It's better to talk slowly."

Sesshomaru began to shrink physically and mentally, and slowly turned into a human form, returning to the appearance of that noble son, but he did not relax his guard, looked at Yang Jian and asked, "Who are you? What is the purpose of looking for me?"

"My name is Yang Jian. Maybe you haven't heard of my name, but not long ago, you just fought a battle with my subordinates. As for the purpose of coming to you, I just want to see that you are stealing from me. To what extent have you cultivated your skills?" Da,

"Your subordinate? Yue Nu! You are the city of the half-demon, no, you should be the lord of the country of the half-demon now, but what did you mean when you said that I secretly learned your attack method?"

Sesshomaru is also inquiring about Yuenu's situation these days, and knows that she is the female general of the half-demon city. Now that the half-demon city has expanded its territory and established a half-demon country, Sesshomaru naturally knows something about it. But he didn't expect to meet Yang Jian, the ruler of the half-demon country here, but he didn't understand why Yang Jian said that he secretly learned his skills.

"The exercises you are practicing now are very incomplete, and they are not suitable for you at all. They can only help you purify your demon power and strengthen your body. You should have obtained them from Inuyasha. Unfortunately, Inuyasha's exercises were taught to you by me. He, do you think you are secretly learning my exercises?"

Sesshomaru fell silent immediately after hearing the words. Indeed, as Yang Jian said, his behavior was indeed learning other people's skills secretly.

"Bold! You are just a mere half-demon, yet you dare to be so rude to Master Sesshomaru!" Seeing Sesshomaru's embarrassment, Xie Jian immediately opened his mouth to talk to a young master.

"Wrong view, step back!" Sesshomaru took the initiative to yell at the wrong view. He is a daring person. Although it is a coincidence to practice Yang Jian's kung fu, he is a proud person. Facts are facts and will not be shirked because of this responsibility.

"What do you want, if you need any compensation, you can just ask, as long as I can do it, I will definitely satisfy you."

"Okay, it's indeed a killing pill." Yang Jian slapped her hands and said approvingly, "Actually, you don't have to be nervous. My request is not difficult. I just want to make a deal with you."

"Deal! What deal?"

"It's very simple. I can teach you a set of exercises that are really suitable for you to practice, instead of the incomplete exercises you got from Inuyasha before, and you have to pay one thing." Yang Jian said, looking at The natural teeth hanging on Sesshomaru's waist.

"What do I have to pay?" Sesshomaru actually already had a guess, because Yang Jian's eyes that looked like natural teeth were too fiery.

"Natural teeth." Yang Jian didn't hide it either, and directly explained his goal.

Sesshoumaru showed obvious hesitation. To be honest, Sesshoumaru didn't like Tenseiya's knife at all, it could even be said that he hated it. A knife that cannot kill.

He, Sesshomaru, was born with a noble bloodline, destined to walk in the sea of ​​blood, killing everywhere, and never had the idea of ​​curing diseases and saving lives, but his father, King Dou Ya, gave him a healing blade.

Originally, Sesshomaru thought that if necessary, he would throw away his natural teeth without hesitation, but when this day really came, Sesshomaru found that he had a little bit of reluctance.

King Douya has always been the object of worship of Sesshomaru. He is powerful and invincible. He seems to never fall. He is the goal he pursues all his life. It was bad luck, he had fought with Dragon Bone Demon and Leopard Cat one after another, and finally died with a powerful enemy. Although he didn't like this knife, but he pinned his thoughts on his father, so he hesitated.

But Sesshomaru has his own pride, since he won't go back on what he promised, and he also wanted to see the cultivation method that Yang Jian said was suitable for him, so after hesitating for a while, he took off his natural teeth and even Throwing the scabbard at Yang Jian together.

"Fresh! As expected of Sesshomaru, I am open-minded in my work. Since this is the case, I can't be too stingy, then!" Yang Jian flipped his hand, and a ball of light appeared, lightly tossed and flew towards Sesshowan.

After Sesshomaru used the light ball, he was full of doubts. He didn't know what this thing was for, and was about to ask, but Yang Jian had already explained it first.

"The practice method I mentioned is hidden in it. Keep your eyes on the light ball carefully, and use spiritual power to sense it, and it will appear in your mind."

You can follow Sister Yang's method to start sensing Sesshomaru. Sure enough, a set of exercises came to mind. It is indeed very suitable for pure monsters like Sesshomaru to practice. Even Sesshomaru feels like it is tailor-made for yourself.

Yang Jian not only has the memory of the deity's Shu Mountain world, but also the memory of the clone of the Westward Journey world. He has obtained a lot of practice methods from a group of monsters. Yang Jian just took out one or two sets and modified it. In this world, it is a clever practice method. .

The natural tooth has been obtained, and the goal has been achieved. Yang Jian hurriedly went back to study the natural tooth, and said to Seshengwan: "I took the natural tooth away, but you don't have to worry, I just borrow it temporarily, and you can come to the camp after three days Pick."

"No need, now the natural teeth are yours." Sesshomaru shook his head and said, he is a proud person, he felt that he had obtained such a brilliant practice, and he had already taken advantage of the sky, so he decided to give up the natural teeth .

"That's not acceptable. Your father left you your natural teeth. How can I take advantage of others, not to mention that I still owe him a favor."

"You know my father?"

Sesshomaru was surprised now, he didn't understand the relationship between Yang Jian and his father, looking at Yang Jian's young face, he couldn't help guessing secretly: this person only looks young on the surface, but he is actually an old monster.

It's normal for Sesshomaru to have this kind of thinking. It's hard to judge the age of monsters from their appearance. For example, Kanna looks like a little girl, but he is Kagura's older sister, and Toba is the father of Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru. , but if the three of them get together, they are more like brothers!

Yang Jian shook his head and said, "I don't know, but my friend does. You should know about Penglai Island. It's where half-demons gather, and I'm also a half-demon. It's normal to have some relationship with Penglai Island."

Sesshomaru's face showed a hint of stupefaction, and he didn't know what to think, "Penglai Island!? Indeed, my father had received a distress letter from Penglai Island at the beginning, but it was a pity that he had an accident and was unable to rescue him, but he also sent capable men Qi Tian Gui and Hong Xie Gui went there, they also asked me for help, but I was not interested, but since they went to Penglai Island, they lost the news, I don't know what happened afterwards."

"Back then Penglai Island was besieged by a group of demons and ghosts, among which the Four Gods of Fighting were the strongest. At that time, the witch Zouji who was in charge of protecting Penglai Island was defeated and died. After the Red Evil Ghost and Qitian Ghost went to Penglai Island, they fought against the Four Fighting Gods. It’s a pity that they were outnumbered and killed, but we still have the essentials for this kind of favor, since the Natural King Yadouya left it to you, there must be his reasons, and I can’t destroy his wishes.”

"Four fighting gods? If there is a chance in the future, I will kill him!" Sesshomaru's eyes showed a murderous intent. Although he didn't have any feelings for the red evil ghost and Qitian ghost, since the four fighting gods dared to kill them, then he would It is a challenge to the dog monster country, Sesshomaru, as the eldest son of the dog monster country, of course cannot let them go.

However, Sesshomaru has also heard that it is the name of the Four Fighting Gods. Even his father Dou Yawang has a little bit of fear. He is probably not an opponent now, but Sesshomaru believes that he will be able to defeat the Four Fighting Gods when he grows up in the future.

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