"I'm afraid I will disappoint you. I have already defeated the Four Gods. Although they are still alive, it is definitely worse than death. I am imprisoned on Penglai Island to suffer, and I have to be responsible for protecting the safety of Penglai Island."

"So that's how it is." Sesshomaru couldn't help guessing about Yang Jian's strength to a higher level. Even the Four Fighting Gods, whom his father was afraid of, could defeat him. His strength might not be inferior to his father's.

"Okay, don't forget to pick up the knife in three days, I'm leaving first." After Yang Jian finished speaking, he raised the cloud and flew to the sky to return to the camp.

Seeing the direction in which Yang Jian disappeared, Sesshomaru fell into deep thought. Why hadn't he heard of such a powerful strength before?Sesshomaru couldn't figure it out after much deliberation, so he could only give up in the end.

When Yang Jian returned to the camp, the three Izumo immediately greeted him, and Yue Nu asked eagerly: "Master, how is it? How is the one called Sesshomaru?"

In comparison, Izumo was more careful. Seeing the natural tooth in Yang Jian's hand, his heart moved. He remembered that this knife had been hanging on Sesshomaru's waist, but now it was in Yang Jian's hands.

"This is the demon sword of Sesshomaru, right? It's just that for some reason, he didn't use the sword when he fought Yuenu before. Now that this knife has fallen into your hands, could it be said that Sesshoumaru has been killed by you? In this way But be careful of West Dog Country, they will definitely not let it go, we have to be prepared."

Yang Jian glared at Izumo angrily, and reprimanded: "Don't think about it, Sesshomaru is doing well, I didn't kill him, he is doing well, as for this knife, I traded it with Sesshomaru Yes, I plan to study it, and he will come to pick it up in three days, but you don't have to worry about him making trouble again, I have already solved the problem."

Yue Nu pouted and said, "What, I didn't kill that annoying guy."

"Okay, Yue Nu, don't be angry, although I didn't kill him, but he was taught a lesson by me, so don't be angry, now find me a quiet place, I want to study this knife carefully. "

Yan Long immediately suggested: "You can go to the back camp where it is more open."

"Okay then, let's go to the back camp."

The four of them left the camp together and headed straight for the back camp. On the way, Izumo asked curiously, "My lord, is there anything special about this knife? It's worth your painstaking efforts to make a deal with Sesshomaru."

"This is the sword of heaven, one of the three swords of heaven, earth and man in the hands of King Douya. It is called Tianshengya. This is a healing knife that can bring people back from the dead." Yang Jian pulled out the natural tooth a little bit, and the blade exuded white light. , giving a sense of holiness.

"Back to life." x3

Yuenv, Yanlong, and Izumo screamed at the same time. There are indeed treasures that bring the dead back to life, but they are very rare. I didn’t expect to see them today. Some monsters also have similar abilities, but these abilities are all flawed. , I just don't know if this knife is the same, but in any case, just the ability to bring the dead back to life, this knife cannot be taken lightly.

Yang Jian continued: "You should know that after a person dies, the soul will be caught by the messengers and brought into the underworld, and the person who holds this knife can see the messengers, and after killing those messengers, they can be released That death raises the dead."

Yang Jian looked around as he spoke, but unfortunately there were no dead people here, and naturally there would be no seductive envoys appearing.

Yan Long looked at the natural tooth, and felt the urge to touch it, but finally gave up, thought for a while and then asked: "I remember you once said that the stronger the strength, the greater the price. I think this kind of resurrection from death should have corresponding restrictions, it can’t be that simple, right?”

"Yes, if you want to resurrect with natural teeth, you must first die for too long. If your soul has been completely taken away, you cannot be resurrected even if you have natural teeth. In addition, you must ensure that the entity is relatively complete. The last point is that this kind of resurrection can only Use it once, if you die a second time, you won’t be able to resurrect.”

Hearing Yang Jian's words, Izumo and the others breathed a sigh of relief. If this knife can really be resurrected infinitely, it would be too abnormal, and it is normal to have these defects.

Chapter 696 Returning to Penglai Island

"Are there so many restrictions? Can you revive infinitely!" Yue Nu said with some dissatisfaction.

Izumo shook his head, "Be content, if it can be resurrected infinitely, then this knife can be called the strongest artifact in the world, and even with many restrictions, it is enough to make people risk their lives."

"Then my lord, do you want to study this knife because of its resurrection ability? Uh." Yan Long asked curiously.

"That's not true. In fact, I want to go to the underworld. This knife can not only kill the envoy and resurrect the dead, but more importantly, it can break the boundary between life and death. In theory, it should be able to open a passage to the underworld. , Get out of the way, let me try first."

Hearing what Yang Jian said, the three of Chuyun immediately retreated, and Yang Jian injected a little demon power into them, and the natural teeth instantly turned into a huge fang blade, which looked similar to Inuyasha's demonized iron broken teeth.

Yang Jian swung the knife vigorously, and said softly: "The dying moon is broken."


As the natural teeth slid across, Yaojie's power broke through the space and slowly formed a passage, but it can no longer be called the crumbling moon of the underworld, perhaps because Yang Jian used too much force, the passage was almost round.Like a full moon, perhaps it should be directly called Ming Dao Po.

Feeling a cold breath coming from the other side of the passage, Yue Nu and the others couldn't help shivering and showing expressions of disgust on their faces at the same time.

"Is the underworld on the other side of the passage? This feeling is really uncomfortable." Yue Nu said with a stinky face.

Yang Jian nodded, "That's right, the other side is the underworld. It's normal for you to feel uncomfortable. The underworld is a place where death is conceived and used. All life will hate death, so you will instinctively reject it. Just use There is no problem with the demon body protection."

Hearing what Yang Jian said, Izumo, Yanlong and Yuenv immediately activated their own power and circulated it in the body for a few circles, isolating the cold breath outside the body, and their bodies became warmer, and they really felt much more comfortable.

"Okay, you stay here, you stay here, I'll go to the underworld to have a look, and I'll be back soon." Yang Jian said as if walking towards the passage.

"Wait, master, we don't know what's going on outside, why don't I check it out for you first." Yuenu volunteered and said.

"You don't need to rely on my strength. I can deal with any danger. Don't you believe me?"

Yuenv originally wanted to say something, but seeing Yang Jian's serious eyes and believing in Yang Jian's strength, she finally swallowed back the words that came to her lips, and honestly followed Izumo and the others to retreat. From behind, watching Yang Jian walk in, the passage disappeared.

When Yang Jian passed through the passage, he came to a space surrounded by sea valleys, and a huge winged monster wreckage flew over his head. At this time, Yang Jian noticed a mountain-like monster in the distance. bones.

"Douya King?"

Looking at the majestic mountain of bones in front of him, Yang Jian immediately recognized its identity. The body remains of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's father, King Douga, who had been demonized, turned into a big monster after many years. The real posture, one can imagine how powerful it is when alive.

Yang Jian carefully sensed the underworld, and through his own understanding of the laws of space, Zai quickly discovered that this space seemed to have some flaws. He did not know what was going on, suffered some damage, and could only exist in the real world.

Normally, after the death of a life, only the soul will be sucked in here, and the body will remain in the original world, which belongs to the rules of this world, but if the power is strong enough, after death, the boundary between life and death can be forcibly broken, and the body can be brought into this world , Just like the Douya King, and the Baoxian ghost who appeared later in the plot, and even the Baoxian ghost can bring the fragments of the soul jade to the underworld.

Yang Jian took out a few pieces of jade casually, left space coordinates on them, buried them in different places and was about to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly moved, feeling the power of the soul permeating this space, and suddenly Got an idea.

"It seems a little too extravagant to use the underworld as a transfer station for space travel today. The power of the soul is permeating everywhere in this world. If I have more than one soul refining circle, I can collect these soul powers and condense them into The soul liquid that strengthens the soul should be of great help to my practice."

But then Yang Jian hesitated again. Using the soul to refine treasures has already stepped into evil ways.

"Perhaps the soul refining circle can be used. It doesn't need to refine those souls, but only needs to gather the residual soul power that permeates the air. Then it should be no problem."

Yang Jian thought about this plan, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. As long as his soul becomes stronger, it will definitely be of great help to his future practice.

With a decision, Yang Jian immediately acted, slashed out with a knife in his hand, opened the passage again, walked in and quickly returned to Yangshi.

"Master, you are back. What's the situation over there? Is there any danger?" Yuenu immediately stepped forward to ask Yang Jian when she saw Yang Jian's return, and checked carefully to make sure that Yang Jian was not injured, so she relaxed .

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