"It's nothing. There are skeletons everywhere, and the bones are piled up into mountains. The strength of those skeletons is not very good. With the strength of the three of you, there is no danger. However, the underworld is full of death. If you stay for too long, If you are infected by the breath of the underworld, you will also die. In short, I will not talk nonsense. If there is a chance in the future, I can take you to the underworld. Now I have a very important task for you, help me collect some materials, the sooner The better."

Yang Jian asked someone to take a piece of paper, and began to record the materials he needed to set up the formation. There were dozens of them in total. It would take a lot of effort to collect them by Yang Jian alone. Fortunately, Yang Jian If you have your own power, you just need to hand it over to your subordinates.

Izumo and the others acted immediately and began to collect the required materials, while Yang Jian found a quiet place to retreat and continued to study the natural teeth in his hands.It is necessary to master the ability to open the passage to the underworld as soon as possible, at least to ensure that you can enter and exit at will without natural teeth.

Fortunately, Yang Jian has the inheritance from clones in other worlds, and his understanding of the laws of space has been extremely in-depth, so it didn't take long. After two days, he has mastered the ability to enter and exit the underworld, and he can tear the space at will. Go freely.

After Yang Jian left the customs, Izumo and the others also prepared the materials Yang Jian needed, which fully reflected the benefits of having people under his command.

Yang Jian intends to refine some formation disks, which can be formed into formations as long as they are placed in the underworld, but Yang Jian did not start immediately, but first put a material into the gourd with him, and then gave it to Izumo, Yuenv And each of Yanlong has a bead, which seals a trace of Yang Jian's demon power and can be used as a space coordinate. If necessary, Yang Jian can be sent to them immediately through the underworld.

After dealing with the affairs here, Yang Jian handed over the natural teeth to Yuenu and asked her to pass on the killing pill. Originally, Yang Jian should have come here by himself, but now Yang Jian has devoted all his attention to the soul training circle. Above, trivial things like natural teeth are ignored, and they are directly handed over to Yue Nu.

Yang Jian returned to the city, buried a few space coordinates, and went to the cheap mother's place to get in touch with his mother and younger brother. Of course, he didn't forget to bury a few space coordinates there, just in case. .

A few days later, Yang Jian went straight to Penglai Island on Yanhoof. When Yang Jian passed through the barrier of Penglai Island and came to the edge of the island, a beautiful figure was already waiting there. His monsters can sense each other as long as they get close to each other. When Yang Jian came to Penglai Island, Zuo Ji immediately noticed it, put down his work and came to greet him.

Yang Jian jumped down from Yanti's back, opened his hands to Zou Ji and said: I'm back!

Zuo Ji immediately threw herself into Yang Jian's arms, enjoying Yang Jian's solid chest. The two hugged for a moment, and then Zuo Ji raised her head with a blushing face and asked, "Why did you come back so soon?"

"I miss you, can't I? Are you unhappy?"

Zuo Ji rolled her eyes and said, "If you really just miss me and come back to find me, I'm of course happy, but based on what I know about you, it's definitely not that simple, and it's probably because of other things."

"Uh..." Yang Jian smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say next, "Okay, there is indeed a small matter, but this is not the main thing, the most important thing is to come and see you."

"Do you think I will believe this? Well, let's get straight to the point. Tell me, what's the matter this time?"

"That... I want to use the melting furnace to refine something."

"Hmph! I knew it would be like this, and I figured it out after I tried it." Zuo Ji pouted angrily, looking like a little woman, how can I let other half-monsters on the island see her absolutely They will stare, when will their always cold and noble Zou Ji Miko look like this.

Of course, only in front of Yang Jian will Zuo Ji look like a little woman. In front of outsiders, she will always be that heroic, cold and holy, confident witch.

"Okay, don't be angry, I will come to see you often in the future, even if you let me come every day."

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

"It's true, I've found a solution, look at this." Yang Jian said as he took out a bead and put it in Zuo Ji's hand.

"What is this?" Zuo Ji asked suspiciously.

"This is a gadget I made. It seals a trace of my power. It can be used as a spatial coordinate. I can feel it no matter how far away it is. Then I can use the underworld as a transfer station to open a space channel to arrive here." Yang Jian As he spoke, he demonstrated for Zuo Ji, and with a grasp of Void, the space was torn apart, forming a passage leading to the underworld.

"There is the breath of the dead on the other side of the passage. It really is the underworld. You can actually enter the underworld directly." As a witch, Zuo Ji is extremely sensitive to the power of death.

"I have spent a lot of effort. With the underworld as a transfer station, as long as I set the space coordinates in advance, I can reach any place in a short time." Yang Jian explained the principle of the shuttle space he traveled in a simple way. Fan.

"So that's the case, so you can really come to me anytime, that's good, remember to come more diligently in the future, I welcome you at any time!" Zuo Ji licked her lips deliberately, showing a look The look of temptation.

Yang Jian's heart skipped a beat, feeling hot all over, and finally calmed down, "Of course, even if you don't tell me, I will."

"By the way, you said just now that you want to use the melting furnace to refine something, do you need my help?" Zuo Ji thought that she could meet Yang Jian at any time in the future, she was in a good mood, and offered to help.

"Of course, with your help, I will save a lot of effort."

"Then what do you want to refine this time? Is it a demon sword again? Don't you already have black teeth? With this magic weapon in hand, the other weapons are just toys."

"This time I am not refining weapons, but arrays. I plan to arrange a soul refining array to condense the power of the soul."

"A formation that condenses the power of the soul?" Zuo Jiqi seemed to have thought of something, and turned to look at Yang Jian who broke through the space channel just now. Although it has disappeared, there is still a trace of the breath of the underworld.

"Don't tell me you want to spread the soul refining array in the underworld, and you want to get the idea of ​​those souls, isn't that bad? If you don't let those souls go, if you refine them, those souls will be reincarnated chance."

"Don't worry, although I'm not a good person, I will never be so cruel as to refine the ground cloth of the soul. I have modified the magic circle of refining the rose. It just condenses the remaining soul power that permeates the air, and those souls unintentionally emit The strength is no longer enough, and there will be no harm to their souls and bodies."

Zuo Ji was relieved when she heard Yang Jian say this. After getting along for so long, she already understood Yang Jian as a human being and would not lie about such matters. Moreover, Yang Jian has always been cautious. grasp.

Yang Jian's arrival didn't alarm the others. The two of them hid themselves and sneaked into Zuo Ji's residence. Without Zuo Ji's permission, other half-demons dared not come here. They actually had an affair. The feeling is also a magical experience.

That night, there were ups and downs, and I didn't fall asleep until I was exhausted. After all, we were separated for such a long time, and we were a little passionate.

It wasn't until the next day that the two of them recovered, and they came to the melting furnace of noise together, and began to refine the formation disk that Yang Jian needed.

Because the materials needed to refine the formation plate are relatively simple, and it is easier to melt, but the quantity is relatively large, but neither of them is in a hurry. They refine the formation plate during the day, rest at night, and do what they love. , Every day is very fulfilling.

Time passed unknowingly, and the formation disks used for the formation of the day were finally refined, and there were hundreds of them. After discussing with each other, the two decided to go to the underworld to arrange formations together.

Chapter 697

On a high mountain made of corpses in the underworld, Zuo Ji held a sword to protect Yang Jian. Yang Jian first buried a main formation disk, and then took out hundreds of small formation disks from the gourd chapter, and threw them lightly. Make countless streamers fly in all directions.

It didn't take long for those array disks to fall and embed directly into the ground, and then each array disk began to glow, forming nodes one by one, and these nodes were connected to each other to form a huge magic circle.

The soul-refining magic circle started to operate automatically, and those soul powers floating in the air were attracted, and slowly gathered together, more and more, and finally formed a cloud of black mist, which was finally concentrated on the central array plate, filtered Purified, and finally condensed into drops of liquid, Yang Jian called it soul liquid, and using it to bubble the body can effectively enhance the strength of the soul.

This soul refining circle was simplified by Yang Jian, it will not affect the real soul, but only absorbs the power of free souls, which seems to be insufficient on the surface, but it adds up, even if the power of free souls is astronomical The number, the condensed soul liquid is enough for Yang Jian, Zuo Ji and all his subordinates, which will help to reach a higher level in the future.

With a joyful smile on Yang Jian's face, he said to Zuo Ji, who had been standing beside him all the time, "You're done, the next step is to wait for the harvest. With enough soul liquid, we can even strengthen the soul to the point where it can be materialized." , even if you lose your physical body in the future, it doesn’t matter, in some ways you can become a different kind of god and live forever.”

"Immortality may not be a good thing. If you live too long, you will be lonely, but it's good to have you by your side."

"Thank you, me too, let's stay with each other and keep going."

Yang Jian and Zuo Ji looked at each other, their eyes were full of affection, the two hearts slowly approached, and they were about to merge into one, but at this moment, there was a rumbling sound in the distance, and the son Ji blushed and turned her head away quickly.

Yang Jian was so angry that she looked angrily at the direction of the sound, only to see a figure tens of meters high rushing towards this side. Every step she took was a roar, and as she got closer, The sound is getting louder.

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