The reputation of the Chongbu Battalion has already been established, and after this battle, it will definitely become famous all over the world.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Allied tactics were slow, but still effective.

The heavy infantry was exhausted, and the offensive advance had slowed down.

Fortunately, today is cloudy and there is no strong sunlight, otherwise the Yangzhou army would not be able to last for so long.

"They are dying." Cao Cao said excitedly.

Zhou Yu couldn't be happier, after all, they lost tens of thousands of horses in exchange for such a result.

Dongyang Hou is really scary!

Obviously only [-] troops, but like a tortoise shell, no matter how you attack, the effect will not be great.

"The heavy infantry is at the end of its strength, and it's time for Yangzhou's cavalry to dispatch." Zhou Yu said.

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, Zhang He's heavy cavalry charged.

The sound of the horn is loud and broad, as if to conquer this battlefield.

Cao Cao's face darkened, and he ordered Cao Chun to lead the tiger and leopard cavalry into battle.

It's hard to maintain this situation, and it can't be destroyed!

The cavalry in Yangzhou waited for work at leisure, as did the [-] Allied troops.

If there is no fight, it is hard to say the outcome.

Cao Chun gritted his teeth and continued to fight.

The tiger and leopard cavalry were the elite of Cao Cao's army, but when they attacked the heavy infantry, they lost one-third of them.

Now it is time to intercept the heavy cavalry.

It's really hard!

It's not that Cao Chun is timid, but Yangzhou's armor is really bullying.

It is useless for the tiger and leopard to slash the heavy armor with a knife, unless the strength is enough to take the person off the horse.

The heavy cavalry only needs to go on a rampage, and the technical content is relatively low. If they hit a horse, the enemy will be smashed to pieces, or if they carry a long spear, the enemy will be directly strung together.

Heavy cavalry, what they play is domineering!

If in an open place, light cavalry can also use mobility to kill heavy cavalry.

Now is the decisive battle, how to play?

Behind them are the infantry.

This is also the reason why the strategic value of heavy cavalry is not as good as that of light cavalry, but Liu Ke has always kept a heavy cavalry.

It's easy to use, and [-] people are enough.

"Come on, young man!" Zhang He shouted.

The heavy cavalry directly overwhelmed the Allied cavalry, and a double penetration came.

However, the heavy cavalry still kept charging, breaking through the infantry phalanx in an instant.

Of course, there are also many heavy cavalry hanging on the pikemen's spears.

On such a battlefield, falling from the horse means death.

Just as Cao Chun breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Tai Shici leading [-] light cavalry charging over.

I'm really having a hard time!

Cao Chun had no choice but to let the horse sprint and speed up.

If there is no way to avoid it, then fight!

"Kill them all!" Tai Shi said kindly, with a very arrogant tone.

After all, the Yangzhou cavalry under his command is more than three times that of Cao Chun's, and Cao Chun is nothing to worry about under such force suppression.

A wave of impact passed by, and countless people around Cao Chun fell off their horses. He gritted his teeth and walked through without looking back.

In the end, less than [-] people survived under his command.

Maybe Sun Ce's army still has some cavalry, but they are no longer a threat.

Tai Shici did not choose to rush into the formation, but wandered around the periphery. This is the correct way of fighting for the light cavalry, constantly weakening the enemy's periphery, leaving with one touch, taking the initiative, and playing the enemy around.

Of course, there was another reason why Tai Shici didn't choose to charge, and that was Zhang He's assault, which went very smoothly and successfully penetrated the enemy army, making it unstoppable.

With Liu Ke pinning down most of the enemy troops, Tai Shici and Zhang Xi suddenly entered the field, and the effect was remarkable.

Cao Cao could only order the contraction of the two wings to form a dense defense.

Because the Yangzhou Army has no archers, such a decision is very wise.

However, they overlooked one thing, that is, the bows and arrows of the cavalry under Zhang Xi's command may not be as good as the cavalry under Lu Bu's command, but they are equipped with Yuanrong crossbows.

In such a group battle, you can shoot without even aiming.

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