So Tai Shici had a good time outside, assuming that he would never let go of the crossbow and never fight hand-to-hand.

Cao Cao was miserable and looked at Zhou Yu. After all, this time it was a joint battle.

"Marquis Dongyang is too cunning, and his generals are also very slippery," Zhou Yu said.

However, what Cao Cao wanted to hear was not praise for the enemy, but a solution.

There is no solution, everything is imaginary.

From the beginning of the war to the present, Cao Cao has become more and more tired. Why did he fight so aggrieved?

What is the reason?

If the Marquis of Dongyang can easily defeat [-] with an army of more than [-], will they still have a way out?

At this moment, Cao Cao was very confused.

On the contrary, Sun Ce showed firmness in his eyes, and said, "The Marquis of Dongyang once said that to capture the thief, you must first capture the king."

"My lord, it's too risky to go into battle now. We managed to send the heavy infantry..." Zhou Yu wanted to persuade him, but Sun Ce didn't give him a chance.

"We have insufficient cavalry and are at a disadvantage. If we want to save the situation, is there a better way than capturing Dongyanghou?"

This method is simple and crude.

If successful, the victory can be established in one fell swoop.

Cao Cao's eyes lit up, and he said: "This statement is reasonable, but the Marquis of Dongyang is superb in martial arts, and there is a fierce general like Xu Chu by his side, so I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

"Then send more people," Sun Ce said.

Zhou Yu sighed, knowing that Sun Ce had made up his mind.At the same time, he is also very pleased that Sun Ce has grown up.

If in the past, Sun Ce would have rushed up alone, this time he learned to ask for help.

"Cao Hong, Cao Zhen, and Xu Huang listen to the order and assist Marquis Wu Cheng to complete the beheading operation!" Cao Cao said.

"The last general takes orders!" The three said in unison.

On Sun Ce's side, Cheng Pu, Pan Zhang, and Wei Yan were selected to play, plus Sun Ce himself, there were four of them.

A total of seven generals.

"This battle is of great importance and cannot be lost, so I ask you all to help me." Sun Ce said impassionedly.

Needless to say, those in Sun Ce's camp immediately expressed their loyalty.

The three generals of Cao Cao's army also promised:

"Please don't worry Wu Chenghou! I will fight to the death and never retreat!"

Sun Ce, are you buying people's hearts?

This was something that had never happened before, and Cao Cao couldn't help being a little wary, but Cao Cao still had a little confidence in the art of imperial servants.

"When the rebellion of Marquis Dongyang is excluded, the prime minister will definitely go to the imperial court to ask for credit for everyone, and enjoy the glory and wealth, and enjoy it endlessly." Cao Cao said.

"Thank you, Prime Minister!"

The dispatch of the Yangzhou cavalry posed a great threat to the Allied forces, and the Allied forces had to respond.

"Everyone, follow me to break the formation!" Sun Ce shouted, and rushed out first.

There is no doubt that Sun Ce is an activist.

The six generals quickly chased after him, and a big battle was about to start.

"Whether we can win this battle depends on Wu Chenghou's performance." Cao Cao said.

Zhou Yu looked at Cao Cao in surprise. Is this trying to blame him?

If he loses, will Cao Cao put the shit bowl on the lord's head?

With Cao Cao's character, this is worth noting.

But soon Zhou Yu shook his head, now is not the time to think about this.

The Allies were not without a chance, and the situation was not so bad that it could not be recovered.

Chapter five hundred and seventieth one against six

Sun Ce led six generals and went straight to Liu Ke.

Flags were hung high along the way, and the Allied forces retreated one after another.

Liu Ke quickly discovered the abnormality.

"Sun Ce is here, what does he want to do?" Liu Ke thought suspiciously.

Xu Chu also sensed the crisis, and said, "My lord, step back."

"What kind of storm I haven't seen? Don't worry." Liu Ke said.

Xu Chu didn't know how to persuade others, so he took a step forward and blocked Liu Ke behind him.

"Everyone, follow me to break the formation!" Sun Ce shouted, and went straight to the heavy cavalry phalanx.

This is too tiger, right?

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