"I'm afraid Yuan Xi suspected that it was the Marquis of Liaodong who attacked Youzhou under the guise of the lord." Liu Ye analyzed.

Chen Deng was very speechless at such a divine unfolding.

"In that case, tell me, should I meet the envoy?" Chen Deng said.

"Yuan Xi is afraid of the lord, not the Marquis of Liaodong. We can take advantage of this to achieve a surprise effect." Liu Ye said.

"What does the military division mean, to use the strategy to lower Yuan Xi's vigilance?" Chen Deng said.

Liu Ye nodded.

The two summed it up, discussed the details, and then told Gongsun Kang to receive the envoy.

Gongsun Kang accepted the gift in his father's name, though he asked for more.

The envoy promised that as long as Gongsun Kang withdraws from Youbeiping County, [-] gold will be offered immediately.

Gongsun Kang cheerfully agreed.

After sending the envoys, Gongsun Kang went to report the situation.

"Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life." Gongsun Kang said, and then took out [-] gold.

Under the education of Gongsun Du, Gongsun Kang has become a qualified heir, knowing what to take and what not to take.

If this huge sum of money is taken alone, I am afraid that more benefits will be lost, so I simply take it out generously.

Chen Deng was silent for a while, he did not expect that Yuan Xi would send a gift, let alone that Gongsun Kang would accept it.

Will this break the rules of the Yangzhou Army?

Seeing Chen Deng's uncertain expression, Gongsun Kang's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he did something wrong?

Could it be that Chen Taishou wants to monopolize the money?

Gongsun Kang suddenly realized that he should not take it out blatantly, but gave it secretly.

On the contrary, Chen Deng thought about it. In this case, the Yangzhou Army will not take the money, and said to Gongsun Kang:

"You accepted the money, so it should belong to you, and it should be regarded as a reward for you."

Gongsun Kang was stunned, but he didn't immediately understand what Chen Deng said.


This is a huge sum of one hundred thousand!

"Master Taishou, I can't take it!" Gongsun Kang refused.

"What can't be taken, I have the final say here at this moment, as long as I do things wholeheartedly for the lord, what is a little money?" Chen Deng said solemnly.

Buy people's hearts?

To buy people's hearts with one hundred thousand gold!

Gongsun Kang didn't know what to say. Although Liaodong also had some money, it was all accumulated.

Fortunately, Chen Deng rewarded [-] gold at once.

Gongsun Kang's heart was moved. Ever since he became an enemy of Dongyang Hou and was looted, he hadn't seen such a huge sum of money for a long time.

Sure enough, being friends with Dongyang Hou is a happy thing.

"Thank you, Lord Prefect, if you need it in the future, just tell me." Gongsun Kang clasped his fists and said.

"It's easy to say, everyone will be their own people in the future." Chen Deng said.

When Jian Weiju and Paqi heard about this incident, they were very jealous and lamented Gongsun Kang's good luck.

Why didn't this kind of thing fall on their heads?

While expressing emotion, they are also more concerned about combat, and they must perform well!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The envoy has been away for a long time and will not return. I am afraid something has happened. Just in case, we should notify Jizhou and ask for reinforcements." Yuan Xi said cautiously.

"The young master's words are justified." Zhang Nan agreed.

Just when the two reached a consensus, the personal guard came to report and the envoy returned.

Yuan Xi was overjoyed and ordered someone to bring the envoy.

"Fortunately, the commander of the enemy this time is Gongsun Du's son Gongsun Kang, who has already received one hundred thousand gold." The messenger said.

"Good job!" Yuan Xi clapped his hands.

Although Jizhou is also poor now, some money is still available.

For example, some large households.

If you spend a little money, you can avoid military disasters. How could the rich refuse.

Yuan Xi didn't intend to pay for it himself.

However, just as Yuan Xi was aggressively gathering funds, the city gate guard suddenly sent someone to report.

The enemy's army has appeared below the city!

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