Yuan Xi was taken aback, what happened?

Is the whole Youzhou paralyzed?

Why is there no wind at all? !

In fact, this is not to blame other people.

It's just because Liu Ke's prestige is too strong.

Back then, Liu Ke was still a small prince. At the most critical moment in Youzhou, he ran thousands of miles to pacify his judgment and expelled Wuhuan.

The local people sang praises to Liu Ke.

Moreover, under Liu Yu's subtle influence, the people here have a natural intimacy with the clansmen of the Han family, and they yearn for stability.

After Liu Yu's death, this land was occupied by Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan led troops to fight well, but when it comes to internal affairs, how could he be better than Liu Yu.

In the era of Yuan Shao's rule, the status of the people remained unchanged, and even became poorer.


Yuan Shao was also forced to do nothing, and Liu Ke put too much pressure on him.

Therefore, even though Liu Yu has been dead for so many years, the common people still remember him!

The person Liu Yu admired the most was Liu Ke.

Therefore, wherever Chen Deng's army went, the people of Youzhou lined up to welcome them.

Who still has the mind to tip off the news?

Over the years, it is not that Yuan Xi has not cultivated a direct descendant, but with the help of the common people, Chen Deng conquered every place he went, like a broken bamboo.

There was no time to report up.

"Damn Yuan Xi!" Chen Deng said viciously.

Along the way, Chen Deng saw what it means to be defenseless. It is unbelievable that there is not a single elite soldier stationed in the huge Youzhou.

Chen Deng couldn't imagine what would happen if a foreign race suddenly attacked at this time.

Wuhuan is a real grassland nation, they live in killing and plundering.

It is completely different from Baekje and Goryeo.

"For the sake of the people of Youzhou, Yuan Xi must be eliminated!" Liu Ye said.

The opinions of the two are very consistent.

This is the frontier!

Yuan Shao spared no effort to fight the civil war.

The aliens don't need to be on guard.

In fact, it wasn't Yuan Shao, it was Yuan Xi who spared Youzhou's troops to support his father in order to show off.

Originally Yuan Shao was still hesitant, but Yuan Xi patted his chest and expressed that he would be optimistic about Youzhou.

Due to the lack of troops, Yuan Shao didn't think about it in the end.

In order to take down Ji County, Chen Deng selected some elite soldiers and galloped his horses without stopping.

He actually arrived in Ji County before Yuan Xi's intelligence force.

It is embarrassing.

"What happened to the city gate?" Yuan Xi asked angrily.

"Not lost yet." The guard replied.

I haven't lost it yet, that is to say, I'm about to lose it, right? !

Yuan Xi quickly ordered Zhang Nan to mobilize the defenders, and must guard the city gate to prevent the enemy from entering.

At this time, Ji County, with [-] defenders, is the last force in Youzhou.

It is also the root of Yuan Xi's persistence.

After Zhang Nan took the order, he quickly led a large army to support the city gate. Looking from a distance, he almost vomited blood.

This shit called the city gate not lost?

Then why are there enemy troops standing everywhere in the city!

Regardless of thinking, Zhang Nan hurriedly led the army forward to fight with the enemy.

The strange thing is that the enemy still hangs the flag of the Yangzhou Army.

"It's a bluff, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Zhang Nan said disdainfully.

After fighting for a quarter of an hour, Zhang Nan gradually realized something was wrong. These people have excellent armor, where can Liaodong produce it?

In the poor place of Gongsundu, it is impossible for soldiers to have so many armors.

Zhang Nan was extremely puzzled.

Confused in his heart, Zhang Nan naturally did not dare to go forward, but only encouraged the soldiers to fight the enemy bravely.

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