"Kill ten people, reward one hundred gold!"

One hundred gold is enough for an ordinary family to live frugally for more than ten years.

The Youzhou soldiers' salaries were low, but when they heard that there was a hundred gold reward, they immediately screamed.

Seeing this, Chen Deng knew something was wrong, so he quickly revealed his identity and said: "This is Chen Yuanlong, the prefect of Lelang County personally appointed by the Marquis of Dongyang, everyone, don't help the evildoers!"

Marquis of Dongyang!

These three words have a remarkable effect.

The movements of the defenders in Ji County unexpectedly slowed down.

"It turned out to be the Marquis of Dongyang!"

"Everyone, don't believe his nonsense, how could Dongyanghou's army appear here? They are Gongsunjia in disguise!"

For a moment, the soldiers didn't know which side to obey.

Fortunately, Chen Deng has won precious time.

The army rushed in, all with Yangzhou flags.

Seeing this, Zhang Nan knew something was wrong.If it is said that Gongsundu has some armor made in Yangzhou, it is reasonable to say, but the whole army does, it is a bit unreasonable, right?

If there is no problem anymore, Zhang Nan doesn't have to mess around anymore.

Therefore, he handed over the command to the deputy general, and then sneaked away. The reason was of course to rescue the soldiers, but in fact he was reporting to Yuan Xi.

"Young master, we were fooled! It's really Dongyanghou's army, the number is about [-]!" Zhang Nan said.

This news made Yuan Xi feel cold.

Yuan Xi couldn't understand what the defenders in the city were like.It is impossible for them to resist the attack of the Yangzhou army.

Even if the enemy is only the local troops in Yangzhou.

"You're not going to command the battle, what are you doing here?" Yuan Xi scolded.

"The subordinates are worried about the safety of the young master, so they came here to report the news, but the young master should leave first." Zhang Nan suggested.

This is what you've been waiting for!

Yuan Xi heaved a sigh of relief, and said: "Ji County can't be kept anymore, so we can only keep it useful, and we can take it back someday."

After speaking, Yuan Xi left with his personal guards.

The defenders were not notified at all.

"Young master, we should retreat together." Zhang Nan said, no matter how you say it, there are only [-] troops, and it will be useful to keep them in the future.

"Why? Why don't you stay and resist the Yangzhou army!" Yuan Xi snorted coldly.

Zhang Nan sighed.

In this way, the war has just begun, and the Jixian garrison has no commander.

Chen Deng took Jixian in one go.

So far, most of Youzhou has fallen into his hands.

Simply not too simple!

These credits, as if they were picked up, made Chen Deng feel like a dream.

Yuan Xi fled all the way, entered Jizhou, and told his elder brother Yuan Tan the news.

After Yuan Tan learned about it, he was stunned.

Do you know what you're talking about?

That's a big state, and you'll lose it in a few days!

Brother, you have a face!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Youzhou is really lost? Brother, you didn't lie to me?" Yuan Tan confirmed again.

When Yuan Shao was on the expedition, he originally intended to hand over the affairs of the base camp to Yuan Shang.

But with the efforts of Guo Tu and Xin Ping, Yuan Tan was able to take charge.

For Yuan Tan, this is an opportunity to impress Yuan Shao.

So Yuan Tan worked very hard, no matter how big or small, he forgot to sleep and eat, just to take care of the territory.

All along, Yuan Shao prefers his youngest son, Yuan Shang.Because Yuan Shang was good-looking and his mother was also beautiful, Yuan Shao loved him deeply.

Apart from being the eldest son, Yuan Tan has no advantages.

If it wasn't for Guo Tu and Xin Ping's begging, and persuading Yuan Shao with reasons such as setting up the elders instead of the young, Yuan Tan would have no chance at all.

After finally waiting for this opportunity, there was such a problem.

Youzhou is lost!

You know, Yuan Shao's painstaking management is nothing more than owning the land of two states.Now that half of the territory is lost, how can I explain it to my father?

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