In the letter, Yuan Xi fought wits and courage with Chen Deng of the Yangzhou Army, because Yuan Tan did not find the enemy in time, which led to Yuan Xi's defeat.

When Yuan Xi saw it, he was overjoyed and praised his younger brother endlessly.

"I ask my brother to support me a lot in the future." Yuan Shang laughed.

"Definitely!" Yuan Xi agreed wholeheartedly.

After dismissing Yuan Xi, Yuan Shang's smile stopped, Feng Ji and Shen Pei were not around, and he had no right-hand assistant to discuss.

But if you think about it with your ass, Yuan Tan will definitely push the problem to him.

After all, Yuan Shang was in charge of the military power in Jizhou. When he thought of this, Yuan Shang hated his teeth and rushed to Fengji's garrison.

"Why did you come here?" Feng Ji was shocked.

"Youzhou is lost." Yuan Shang didn't hide anything, he just said it out loud.

"The task of resisting the Yangzhou army will definitely fall on the young master." Feng Ji said with certainty.

"That's why I came to Mr. Yuan to come up with a countermeasure before Yuan Tan's order is issued." Yuan Shang said.

"We can't refuse this order. We are all prosperous, and we are all damaged. Jizhou cannot be lost." Feng Ji said.

How could Yuan Shang not understand, it was just unwilling.

"However, we can get more troops." Feng Ji changed his mind and said, "Yuan Tan dispatches defenders to support the son, or allows the use of the second battalion, and the southern defense is handed over to Yuan Tan."

"Good idea!" Yuan Shang said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yuan Tan had no choice but to discuss with Guo Tu and hand over the command of the [-] defenders to Yuan Shang.

After all, he also hopes that Yuan Shang can organize the Yangzhou army to go south or go north.

Dongyang Hou touched Yuan Shaojun's tail unexpectedly. The current situation is really too difficult for Yuan Tan.

Fortunately, the courier was very helpful, and even delivered the news to Yuan Shao one day in advance.

I heard that two horses ran and died on the road.

"Master, Jizhou urgent report!" Tian Feng walked in hastily.

"Why panic? The sky won't fall." Yuan Shao said calmly, no matter how big the matter was, he couldn't show a flustered look in front of his subordinates.

This is the way of Yuan Shao's control.

"My lord, Youzhou is lost!" Tian Feng said, speaking clearly, afraid that Yuan Shao might have misheard.

"What, what did you say!" Yuan Shao couldn't help raising his voice.

"The Marquis of Dongyang assembled the Liaodong army and attacked Youzhou by surprise. Mr. Yuan Xi's ineffective protection led to the fall of Youzhou." Tian Feng said.

The above is the content of Yuan Tan's letter, and Tian Feng simply recounted it.

Yuan Shao closed his eyes and passed out.

That's Youzhou!

At the beginning, Yuan Shao spent a lot of effort and promised Cao Cao many benefits, so he jointly sent troops, defeated Gongsun Zan, and occupied this land.

How long had he left before Youzhou was lost!

It was as if the heartbleed was gone.

Moreover, Jizhou is also in danger.

Yuan Shao couldn't be more clear about how many troops Jizhou has now, it is less than [-]!

What can this amount do?

If Qingzhou makes another move, Jizhou will lose!

At that time, Yuan Shao will be a homeless child.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shao became anxious, his vision went dark, and he lost consciousness.

"My lord!" Tian Feng turned pale with shock, Yuan Shao couldn't fall down at this moment, so he hurriedly invited the army doctor to rescue him.

Only then did Yuan Shao faintly wake up, as if he had lost all his strength.

"My lord, as long as we have an army of [-], we will not be defeated." Tian Feng said.

Although this sentence is reasonable, Yuan Shao's heart is still empty, very uncomfortable.

However, he stood up firmly and said, "Let's go back to Jizhou, and Jizhou can't be lost again."

Tian Feng's heart sank. If they were concerned about the general situation of the world, they shouldn't have left at this moment and abandoned Cao Cao.

However, Xiaojia is gone. Do you want to make a wedding dress for Cao Cao?


Therefore, returning to defense in Jizhou has become the only option.

"My lord, I'll give you an order now." Tian Feng said, "The boats crossing the river are still in the hands of Cao Mengde, so please come forward and communicate with Cao Mengde, my lord."

When Taishan County was lost before, Yuan Shao had a bad premonition in his heart, and now the premonition has come true.

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