Bad luck.

If he hadn't chosen to support Cao Cao with all his strength, Youzhou would not have been lost. Yuan Shao blamed himself very much at this moment.

But there is still work to be done.

After Yuan Shao got up, he ate something calmly, and his face finally recovered a bit, not so pale anymore.

"Let's go, follow me to see Cao Cao." Yuan Shao said firmly, if he doesn't show his cards right now, should he wait until Jizhou loses it?

When Cao Cao heard of Yuan Shao's visit, he was very enthusiastic and went out to greet him in person.

"Meng De doesn't need to be too polite. This time I came here to say goodbye." Yuan Shao said.

"Farewell? At first, could it be that I didn't entertain you well?" Cao Cao said in astonishment.

Yuan Shao's [-] troops were stationed here. Of course, Cao Cao couldn't take care of everyone, but for Yuan Shao, he spared no effort.

Cao Cao couldn't bear to taste any delicious food, so he asked someone to give it to Yuan Shao.Antique curios, I don't know how much I gave away.

Of course, there are not a few beauties.

Cao Cao wished he could confess Yuan Shao as his father.

Because Yuan Shao did not come alone, but led an army of [-].

With such a powerful strength, no matter where it goes, it is enough to dominate one side.

"No." Yuan Shao shook his head, Cao Cao treated him very well.

Cao Cao even mentioned once that he wanted to marry his daughter, which shocked Yuan Shao a lot.

If it wasn't for fear of being one generation shorter, Yuan Shao would have accepted it.

"At the beginning, we agreed to see the situation first," Cao Cao said.

"The situation cannot be controlled, Meng De, I will not hide it from you. In order to support you, I commanded an army of [-] troops, which resulted in the emptiness of Youzhou's troops, and the villain Gongsun Du took advantage of it." Yuan Shao said.

The reason why Yuan Shao didn't say it was the Yangzhou Army was because he didn't want people to see that his rear had been corrupted.

In front of his friends, Yuan Shao still wants to save face.

"Gongsun Du!" Cao Cao gritted his teeth in hatred.

Right at this time!

"Meng De, I urgently need a boat to cross the river, please help me." Yuan Shao said.

Cao Cao was silent, he didn't want to agree, but he couldn't refuse.

After all, Yuan Shao was his ally, not his subordinate, so it was impossible for him to shout around.

"Is it possible to leave [-] soldiers and horses at the beginning?" Cao Cao tentatively asked, fighting for a little.

"Meng De doesn't know something, but Qingzhou has already received the news that we are under attack from the rear." Yuan Shao sighed.

The situation is so serious? !

Cao Cao also wanted to say "It's okay to keep a hundred thousand horses", but it was a bit like bargaining and lost his grace.

It gives people the feeling that without Yuan Shao, Cao Cao would be dead.

"At the beginning of this trip, I am powerless against Dongyang Hou, I'm afraid..." Cao Cao couldn't help lowering his gaze.

"Meng De, you must believe that there is no unparalleled road!" Yuan Shao said.

Cao Cao could only sigh back.

After Sun Ce's defeat, he returned to Jingzhou to recuperate, and now Yuan Shao is leaving too.

Cao Cao's allies only had Zhang Xiu left, and they couldn't help him at all.

Can Yanzhou still hold on?

"At the beginning, the journey is smooth." Cao Cao agreed to the matter, and ordered people to prepare documents and hand them over to the navy to assist Yuan Shaojun in crossing the river.

"Meng De is really righteous!" Yuan Shao cupped his hands and said, "When I stabilize the situation, I will definitely come back!"

"Okay! Wait for the good news!" Cao Cao said.

Seeing Yuan Shao leave in a hurry, Cao Cao felt very uncomfortable.

Is there any chance to fight side by side in the future?

I'm afraid Marquis Dongyang won't give this chance.

Chen Liu only has Cao Cao's headquarters. How can he resist Yangzhou's full-scale attack?

"My lord, don't be discouraged, we will definitely get out of the predicament, ahem..." Xi Zhicai said.

"Zhicai, how is your health?" Cao Cao asked with concern, because Xi Zhicai's body couldn't bear it after many days of military life.

Xi Zhicai's body is already weak, but now he is ill, getting weaker every day.

"My lord, I'm fine!"

Unlucky things happened one after another, Cao Cao didn't know what to say.

"Go down and rest first, and leave the unimportant matters to others." Cao Cao instructed.

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