"Yes, my lord!" Xi Zhicai said.

After Yuan Shao got Cao Cao's warrant, the army moved directly without stopping for a moment, fearing that if it was a second late, Jizhou would be gone.

Fortunately, Chen Deng had no intention of going south.

After Yuan Shang led an army of [-] to defend the border of Jizhou, the situation stabilized temporarily.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jizhou has temporarily stabilized and is in a state of confrontation, and Yanzhou has begun to panic.

There is a news everywhere that Prime Minister Cao has betrayed his relatives and no princes are willing to help him.

Waiting to perish!

This news, like growing wings, caused a lot of noise.

Even if Cao Cao was in charge, he couldn't suppress it.

"It's so hateful, Dongyanghou can only know such low tricks!" Xu Huang said angrily.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the speed at which rumors spread is not normal.

And Yangzhou didn't do this once or twice.

It is to hit the morale of Cao Cao's army. The method is simple and the effect is remarkable.

"My lord, we have to fight back, we can't let Marquis Dongyang do whatever he wants," Cao Hong said.

"How to fight back, you have an idea." Cao Cao said angrily.

"Isn't there all the military advisers here?" Cao Hong said awkwardly.

Now Cao Cao has only one thought in mind, that is to abandon Yanzhou and retreat to Luoyang.

I don't know if Dongyang Hou will let him go because of this...

Cao Cao cares about gains and losses. Compared with rumors, Cao Cao cares more about how to fight future battles.

Completely clueless.

The current situation couldn't be worse.

Later, the personal guards came to report, and Lu Bu came to fight.

"Damn it, this Lu Fengxian has been screaming for seven days in a row, and his words are ugly." Xu Huang said in a muffled voice. If he hadn't been injured, he really wanted to meet Lu Bu.

"Don't worry about him," Cao Cao said.

To fight now is to kill oneself.

Morale has been low enough after the rumors, and the reputation of being timid is nothing.

Cao Cao made up his mind not to leave the station, and Lu Bu had no choice but to retreat.

The face is sullen.

"What's wrong?" Liu Ke asked.

"Alas, this Cao Mengde has been shy for a long time, so he doesn't plan to come out." Lu Bu said.

"Don't worry, Cao Cao won't be jumping for long." Liu Ke said confidently.

"What's the master plan?" Lu Bu asked curiously.

"There is no clever plan, but Ma Mengqi sent troops." Liu Ke said.

"Hey, now not only is Yuan Shao's butt on fire, Cao Mengde has not had a good day either." Lu Bu laughed.

Originally, Liu Ke and Ma Chao had an agreement that Yangzhou was responsible for containing the main force of Cao Cao's army, while Ma Chao waited for the opportunity and was always ready to attack Chang'an.

Just yesterday, Ma Teng sent out a letter saying that they had already prepared a careful plan to rescue Emperor Xian and needed Liu Ke's cooperation.

In fact, that is to ask Liu Ke to hold Cao Cao back and prevent him from returning to Chang'an.

"We will tentatively attack Chen Liu tomorrow," Liu Ke said.

Both sides suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Runan. After that, Liu Ke did not launch another war.

After hearing the news, Lu Bu was happy, and finally had a big fight!

Although it was a probing attack, the number of troops dispatched was as high as [-].

After several fights, Cao Cao was exhausted, how could he care about the rear?

However, Ma Teng's so-called careful plan was just to find a substitute to replace Emperor Xian.

Emperor Xian did escape from the palace unharmed, but the maid still found the abnormality of the fake Emperor Xian.As Cao Cao's eyeliner, he naturally reported the matter.

Cao Ren is the highest person in charge of Chang'an. He got the news immediately and immediately ordered the city gate to be blocked.

As a result, Emperor Xian was trapped in the city.

Ma Teng gritted his teeth, gathered three hundred dead soldiers at night, stormed the city gate, and led Xiandi out of Chang'an.

Things went smoothly, but something went wrong in the details!

In order not to startle the enemy, Ma Chao just sent a thousand troops to support him.The thousand men were scattered into more than a dozen teams to hide.

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