In Ma Chao's perception, Emperor Xian sneaked out of the city, and [-] people responded, which should be enough.

But the movement of Ma Teng storming the city gate was too great, how could Cao Ren not know about it?

Cao Ren hurriedly led five thousand cavalry in pursuit, and finally caught up with Ma Teng after an hour.

"Ma Teng, my lord has treated you well, why did you rebel!"

"Rebellion? Cao Cao coerced the emperor to command the princes. Everyone in the world knows that he is the biggest traitor!" Ma Teng responded.

It directly tore the skin.

Cao Ren had nothing to say, and quickly ordered an attack.

"Don't hurt Your Majesty!"

After a chaotic fight, Ma Teng was always at a disadvantage.

"Marquis Huaili, you take me away!" Emperor Xian suggested.

"How can His Majesty's daughter be hurt? Absolutely not!" Ma Teng rejected the proposal.

Emperor Xian was very anxious, but he was helpless, he really didn't want to stay in Chang'an any longer.

no future.

Ma Teng fought bloody battles, but Cao Cao had too many soldiers and horses, and he was powerless after all.

Emperor Xian returned to Cao Cao's army.

In order to cover Ma Dai's escape, Ma Teng was also captured.

"Your Majesty, please go back with the general." Cao Ren said, a negligence almost made Emperor Xian run away.

Cao Ren was terrified.

Emperor Xian could only nod his head like a puppet.

After the stragglers fled back, they quickly reported the matter to Ma Chao.

Ma Chao turned pale with fright, and led the army into the territory of Chang'an City, but he was one step too late, and Ma Teng had already been escorted back to Chang'an City.

But it was not without gains, and the lost Ma Dai was found.

"Brother, uncle is in danger this time!" Ma Dai choked up.

Only then did Ma Chao discover that there were many wounds on Ma Dai's body, and he asked the doctor to heal him immediately.

"Don't worry, everything is with me!"

An angry Ma Chao led an army of [-] and directly attacked Chang'an.

"Cao Zixiao, hand over my father, or don't blame me for attacking the city!" Ma Chao shouted.

As for Emperor Xian, Ma Chao knew that Cao Ren would never hand it over, so he didn't mention it at all.

The most important thing is to ensure the safety of the father!

Cao Ren knew Ma Chao's fear, so he was confident and said, "If you attack the city, I will cut off Ma Teng's head."

"How dare you! Aren't you afraid that people from Quan Chang'an will be buried with you?" Ma Chao said.

"Are you going to violate the Autumn Hunting Agreement? The Marquis of Dongyang is on the east side, and you are on the west side. It's true that we can't control you." Cao Ren said.

Seeing Cao Ren's reluctance to enter, Ma Chao couldn't think of any good way for a while, so he could only call for formations every day and try to attack.

This gave Cao Ren time to react, and he quickly reported the matter to Cao Cao. It would be even better if he could get reinforcements.

When the news reached Yanzhou, Cao Cao almost fainted.

It was already miserable, but Ma Chao actually made it worse!

Cao Cao was outraged.

"I wish I could die!"

"My lord, we can't mess up our position now. Zixiao is mature and stable, and he is the best at defending the city. With him, Chang'an is safe. Wen Ze is also playing steadily in Luoyang, and there is no opportunity for Zhang Liao to take advantage of it." Xi Zhicai said.

Cao Cao finally understood that his subordinates were working hard, so why would he give up?

It's not over yet!

not yet!

Cao Cao constantly brainwashed himself and forced himself to calm down. Only in this way can he think of a solution.

"Zhicai, it's lucky to have you by my side!"

"The lord has won the prize!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The war has continued until now, and Cao Cao is physically and mentally exhausted.

Marquis Dongyang's life is so good, with so many generals and counselors loyal to him, he is like a fish in water in the tide of history.

Now Yangzhou is divided into three groups of soldiers and horses. One is led by Zhang Liao to attack Luoyang, and the other is led by Chen Deng to attack Youzhou.

The last road is the main force commanded by Liu Ke himself, confronting Chen Liu.

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