Ju Shou hesitated to speak.

"Just say what you have to say, will I still eat you?" Yuan Shao said angrily.

Jushou summoned up his courage and said:

"My lord, you might as well acknowledge Dongyanghou's rule over Youzhou and submit to Dongyanghou."

Yuan Shao's face turned green!

Youzhou was won with great difficulty, and if you lost Youzhou, Yuan Shao would lose half of his territory, which would cause a chain reaction.

One of them includes that the army cannot be supported.

In order to win this battle, Yuan Shao spared no effort and frantically recruited troops, bringing the number of troops to [-].

Only in Jizhou, even if all the gentry support them, they cannot afford to support so many troops.

What's more, Yuan Shao loves face, so he is not reconciled to being subordinate to Liu Ke.

How will the world evaluate him?

However, under the intimidation of the [-] Yangzhou army, Yuan Shao lowered his proud head and said: "Go and try it, find someone who is smarter and go secretly."

"My lord, we will take back what is lost," Ju Shou said.

"En." Yuan Shao said plainly, no matter what, let's get over the difficulties in front of him first.

As for how to go next, I will slowly explore in the future. What is needed now is survival.

It has to be said that Liu Ke's plan is very clever.Let Cao Cao and Yuan Shao sever ties, who will cooperate with Cao Cao in the future?

Unknowingly, Cao Cao lost his only reliance and prestige, and no one would listen to him at all.

The princes are fighting each other, and Liu Ke is not afraid of any power at all.

In the end, Jizhou sent Xun Chen as an envoy. He was from the Xun family in Yingchuan and was Xun You's uncle.It is precisely because of this relationship that he has been sent to Yangzhou as an envoy more than once.

Speaking of Yingchuan, it can be said that there are many talents, the most famous of which are the four major families.

Zhong Hao, Xun Shu, Han Shao, and Chen Shi were called the four elders of Yingchuan very early on. The descendants of these four families correspond to Zhong Yao, Xun Yu, Han Fu, Chen Qun and others respectively.

Xun Chen's reputation is not as famous as Xun Yu and Xun You, but it should not be underestimated.

As soon as he arrived in Qingzhou, Xun Chen was received by Liu Ke.

"Meet the Marquis of Dongyang!" Xun Chen said respectfully.

"Yuan Shao sent you here, what's the matter?" Liu Ke said.

Xun Chen also simply said:

"My lord doesn't want to be an enemy of the Marquis of Dongyang."

Liu Ke couldn't help but laugh. It seems that Cao Cao's case reminded Yuan Shao.

"Cao Mengde has already severed his relationship with the lord. The lord has been angry for many days. It is impossible to unite with Cao Cao in the future, so he will not threaten Dongyanghou's supremacy." Xun Chen continued.

If it was before, Liu Ke would at most let Yuan Shao lose money, but now it is different, since he wants to unify the world, he must clear the obstacles.

Yuan Shao is undoubtedly one of the obstacles.

Seeing Liu Ke's expression, Xun Chen knew something was wrong, and quickly increased his stake, saying: "My lord will attack Bingzhou again, and punish Cao Mengde for turning black and white."

This point was Xun Chen's own consideration, and he did not report it to Yuan Shao.

However, this condition is still very attractive.

Since the Marquis of Dongyang wants to check and balance the princes, he must be happy to see the princes who are second and third in strength fight.

The proposal was good, but it was a pity that Xun Chen didn't grasp Liu Ke's mind at all when he met Liu Ke.

How many people will die when Yuan Shao and Cao Cao fight?

If Liu Ke's strength is not strong enough to suppress the two, of course driving tigers and devouring wolves is the best way.

However, Liu Ke is confident that he can hang them, and there is no need to add additional casualties.

Sweat broke out on Xun Chen's forehead, and he said, "My lord is still willing to recognize Dongyanghou's rule in Youzhou and express his surrender to Dongyanghou!"

Xun Chen had already handed over his cards, so he raised his head and looked at Liu Ke.

It is true that Xun Chen's conditions were enough to save Yuan Shao's life.

However, Liu Ke didn't rush to make a decision, saying: "I'll think about it again."

Dongyang Hou just hesitated!

What else do you want me to do?

Xun Chen felt that it was too difficult for him.

This mission is suspended.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yuan Shao has softened, what do you think?" Liu Ke asked.

Yuan Shao did offer generous terms, and Liu Ke continued to attack Jizhou without much effort.

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