After all, there are nearly [-] troops guarding Jizhou.

"My lord, Yuan Shao lost Youzhou, and the number of troops is too large. Once he attacks Bingzhou, he will definitely fight to the death. When the time comes, his life will be ruined. I'm afraid it's not the lord's original intention." Guo Jia analyzed.

"When we attack Jizhou, our lives will be ruined, and we can't be kind in everything." Xun You said.

When Zhang Liao attacked Xu County at the beginning, he was also restrained, worried that he would hurt the people, so he couldn't use it.

It is a pity to give up things that are beneficial to Yangzhou now because of "the loss of life".

In Xun You's view, it is in Yangzhou's interest to let Yuan Shao and Cao Cao fight.

"Don't worry, Gongda, our army doesn't hurt innocent people." Liu Ke said, he was not benevolent enough not to kill the enemy.

The enemy is always the enemy, as long as the lives of Yangzhou soldiers are threatened, the people can also be the enemy.

"My lord is wise! We can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight." Xun You said, clasping his hands.

Guo Jia's suggestion is more in line with Liu Ke's thoughts, but Xun You also has many supporters.

It is not that everyone is timid to fight, but to choose a method that is in line with the interests of Yangzhou.

The counterattack of the [-] troops is not a joke. If it can consume some, it will be beneficial to Yangzhou.

"What do you think of Kong Ming?" Liu Ke asked.

In such a scene where big shots gathered, Liu Ke personally asked Zhuge Liang for his opinion, which flattered the latter.

However, Zhuge Liang quickly adjusted and said calmly: "Master, for us, no matter which plan we choose, we can easily benefit from it. However, there is one thing worth paying attention to."

"Continue." Liu Ke said.

"If Yuan Shao's conditions are agreed, then Youzhou will become an enclave, which is not good for our rule." Zhuge Liang said.

It has to be said that Zhuge Liang considers the problem very comprehensively.

Liu Ke can indeed send blood to Youzhou from the sea, but in people's deep-rooted beliefs, the territory needs a land connection.

Most of the material transportation from Jiaozhou to Yangzhou relies on sea ships. However, Jiaozhou and Yangzhou are connected by roads on land.

This official road was specially built by Liu Ke in order to strengthen the connection of Jiaozhou.

Lelang County is an extremely special existence, just a county, a Bohai Fleet, enough to maintain contact.

However, how many Bohai Fleets does a big state need?

"Kong Ming is right." Liu Ke said, and then looked at Xun You.

Xun You bowed his hands to Liu Xing and did not continue to speak.Although he was still not convinced, Zhuge Liang's words were not without reason.

Liu Ke's territory can't be divided into east and west.

After taking Jizhou, you can connect to Youzhou, and even reach Lelang County by land.

"Youzhou is the border. Although Wuhuan has been very honest these two years, he has to guard against it." Zhuge Liang said.

"Okay, our military policy remains unchanged, with the goal of attacking Jizhou." Liu Ke said.

Xun You sighed, he didn't speak for Xun Chen, he just chose the way that best suits the interests of Yangzhou.

After the meeting, Liu Ke asked Xun You to stay.

"Gongda, I know your loyalty, so you don't have to worry about it." Liu Ke said in relief.

Xun You has been here for so many years, how could Liu Ke not trust him.

"Thank you, my lord!" Xun You said excitedly, the lord actually noticed his worry.

"This battle is very important to Yangzhou, so go prepare." Liu Ke said.

"Obey!" Xun You resigned.

The next day, Xun Chen was driven out of Qingzhou.

Such a favorable condition, Dongyang Hou actually refused!

It seems that this time, the determination of Jizhou, where the Marquis of Dongyang perished, is very firm. He must go back as soon as possible and tell the news to the lord!

Xun Chen hurried on his way, returned to Jizhou safe and sound, and reported the matter to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao was silent for a quarter of an hour, and said, "Is it true that there is no room left?"

"My lord, please get ready." Xun Chen said.

Yuan Shao sneered inwardly, preparing, how could he prepare?

Is [-] troops not enough?

Jizhou has fallen, these courtiers can still find another way out, but what about the Yuan family?

I'm afraid he will follow in Yuan Shu's footsteps.

"Thinking of me, Yuan Shao, who was born in a family of four generations and three fathers, there would be such embarrassing moments." Yuan Shao sighed.

My lord, the Marquis of Dongyang is a clan member of the Han family!

Xun Chen didn't dare to speak out, for fear of being liquidated by Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao then held a meeting to discuss the matter.

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