Xun Chen's mission is still a secret, and many people don't know it.

So everyone was shocked when they heard the news.

"We have no retreat, or my Yuan family has no retreat." Yuan Shao said coldly.

"My lord, we will advance and retreat with you, no matter what the result is!" Ju Shou said.

"Yes, my lord, we still have an army of [-]. If the Marquis of Dongyang wants to persecute us, he must show his true skills!" Gao Gan said.

Gao Gan is Yuan Shao's nephew, a well-known "reckless man" in Hebei, loyal to Yuan Shao, and is called "four sons" by Yuan Shao.

So Yuan Shao had no doubts about what the senior officials said, but it was difficult for others to say.

Each has ghosts.

Today Yuan Shao just beat these people at the same time in order to defraud these people.Otherwise, if they colluded with Dongyang Hou, Yuan Shao would simply surrender!

However, these ghosts and monsters were very cautious and did not show their feet.

This is also why they haven't had a chance to contact Dongyanghou yet.

Yuan Shao could not be more clear about the disposition of the aristocratic family.

In front of everyone expressing their loyalty, Yuan Shao remained expressionless.

After the meeting, Yuan Shao called his three sons, Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang.

"Youzhou is lost for no reason!" Yuan Shao said.

Yuan Xi immediately trembled and lowered his head.

"If you lose it, you lose it, and there is no point in pursuing it now. Next, you must unite as one to survive this calamity." Yuan Shao said.

"Yes, Father!" The three said in unison.

Although the brothers have different ideas, they dare not go against Yuan Shao's will.

"Xiansi, you are the oldest, you have to take good care of your younger brother." Yuan Shao said to Yuan Tan.

Yuan Tan glanced at Yuan Shang, and quickly said, "Yes."

"Xianfu, you are the youngest, but you are the most reassuring to me. You will work harder in the future." Yuan Shao said.

"Father! My son will definitely help you defeat the Marquis of Dongyang!" Yuan Shanglang said.

"Good job!" Yuan Shao was very pleased.

At this time, he only cared about pleasing his father!

Yuan Tan was very disdainful.

Yuan Shang also looked down on his irresponsible elder brother.

Soon after, the Yangzhou army began to mobilize and prepare ships for crossing the river.

It stands to reason that they had already crossed the river last time, and there should be enough ships, but this time there were too many troops.

In order to speed up the river crossing, of course, the more boats the better.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yangzhou is aggressive.

Liu Ke is aggressive.

Yuan Shao has no way out, and at this moment, he is facing a desperate situation.

However, he has no intention of giving up.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is determined to destroy me. He has rejected peace. In this case, we can only fight with him." Yuan Shaolang said.

"My lord, as long as we are united in Jizhou, there may not be no chance." Tian Feng said.

"That's right, I, Yuan Benchu, was kicked out of Luoyang by Dong Zhuo. At the beginning of the army, there were only a few thousand troops, but they grew stronger and drove Dong Zhuo to Chang'an in humiliation. Now that I have [-] troops, is it still afraid that a Dongyang Marquis will fail?" Yuan Shao road.

"Our army and the Marquis of Dongyang are inseparable!" Everyone said in unison.

"I have tried to fight for peace, but the Marquis of Dongyang is arrogant and does not take our Jizhou seriously. The Marquis of Dongyang is strong, but our Jizhou is not weak. I, Yuan Benchu, am not a timid person. How about you guys? ?” Yuan Shao said.

"We are willing to follow the lord and fight Dongyang Hou!" Everyone shouted.

"Very good, I hope you agree with each other. Ladies and gentlemen, we are not without a future. As long as we defeat the Marquis of Dongyang, use this power to retake Youzhou, send troops out of Liaodong, and take over a vast territory, we will have strategic depth. It has the capital for a protracted war with the Marquis of Dongyang." Yuan Shao said.

Yuan Shao has already planned the future path, of course, the premise is to defeat Liu Ke, otherwise everything will be empty talk.

The reason why Yuan Shao said this was to strengthen the confidence of his subordinates.

The monarch has the belief to move towards the future, don't his subordinates not?

After finishing the ideological work of the generals and officials, Yuan Shao held a mobilization meeting.

"Soldiers! The Marquis of Dongyang is here! He keeps saying to protect the people, but he started a war!" Yuan Shao said.

Even if Liu Ke was present, it would be difficult to refute this point.

"Runan made an appointment, Cao Cao's army suffered tens of thousands of casualties, and Dongyang Hou suffered tens of thousands of casualties, but he still refused to give up. In the eyes of Dongyang Hou, soldiers are not ordinary people, they are poor creatures who can sacrifice at any time!

Because Dongyang Hou insisted on launching a war, countless soldiers died in battle, just to satisfy his desire to kill.

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