Since Dongyang Hou came out of the mountain, from the massacre of the Yellow Turban to the present, more than one million soldiers have died directly or indirectly in his hands. " Yuan Shao analyzed.

Everyone couldn't help being in an uproar.

I didn't expect Dongyang Hou to be such a person!

In the past, they often heard how the Marquis of Dongyang treated his people well, but they never considered this issue.

Under Yuan Shao's reminder, they suddenly understood that soldiers are human too!

How many people join the army just to make a living.

Isn't it the common people?

Seeing the indignation of the hundreds of thousands of troops in the audience, Yuan Shao was very satisfied.

"The Marquis of Dongyang likes to kill, and every time he fights, he almost rushes to the front, just to satisfy his desire to kill.

I, Yuan Benchu, am not talented, but I will treat you as ordinary people and treat you equally. " Yuan Shao said.

"Long live the lord!" The crowd cheered.

How could there be no entrustment in this kind of speech of hundreds of thousands of people, otherwise it would not be able to bring the atmosphere.

As Tuo shouted, more and more people praised Yuan Shao.

If it was normal, Yuan Shao would have been light and light.However, his complexion is not at all relaxed now, because the Marquis of Dongyang does not retreat, so he has trouble sleeping and eating.

"I have never taken the initiative to be an enemy of Dongyanghou. Now Dongyanghou threatens to destroy me in Jizhou. My Yuan family is soft-spoken, but Dongyanghou treats me like this!" Yuan Shao shouted heartbreakingly, which aroused the sympathy of everyone.

This time, it was indeed Liu Ke who took the initiative to attack.

When Liu Ke attacked Yanzhou, he also published a call to action. Now that he is beating Yuan Shao, he doesn't even bother to find excuses.

"I am incompatible with Dongyanghou, I will fight to the death with Dongyanghou!" Yuan Shao said.

"There are no two sides! Fight to the death!"

At first, only a few people shouted, and then gradually spread to the whole army.

Hearing this deafening shout, Yuan Shao felt at ease like never before.

With such a strong army as a guarantee, he would have a chance to fight Dongyang Hou.

Yuan Shao waved his hands for a full quarter of an hour before his voice gradually stopped.

More people is more troublesome.

However, Yuan Shao is already very satisfied, at least it proves that everyone is willing to obey orders.

In Yuan Shao's imagination, the Yangzhou army might not be able to do this, after all, more than [-] people acted together.

"Everyone, at this critical moment, I need your strength!" Yuan Shao said.

Afterwards, Yuan Shao bowed deeply and said, "Please lend me your strength!"

Everyone couldn't help being in an uproar.

What is the status of the lord, what is their status.

To have achieved this, the lord is really sincere!

"I will go through fire and water for my lord, and I will do whatever I want!"

"I will go through fire and water for my lord, and I will do whatever I want!"

Yuan Shao came down from the high platform, walked through a specific passage, came to a soldier, and said: "Young man is not bad, he is strong, he must be a general in the future!"

The soldier was so excited that he knelt down in front of Yuan Shao on the spot.

Yuan Shao personally helped him up and said, "There is no need to be polite!"

Afterwards, Yuan Shao walked all the way and communicated with the soldiers. Most of them asked how many people in the family, how many acres of land, and whether there was enough food.

In order to imitate the ancients, Yuan Shao gave the younger brother some money and drove the younger brother out of the army camp on the spot.

This is not just one or two cases, but more than [-] people, and Yuan Shao expelled them without hesitation.

It is precisely because of this that Yuan Shao gained a good reputation.

In the next few days, Yuan Shao visited [-] Jizhou soldiers, and almost every soldier could see Yuan Shao from afar.

Some lucky people can even get a small gift from Yuan Shao.

In the past few days, Yuan Shao kept smiling and his face became stiffer, but he still did not give up.

Facing the army of the Marquis of Dongyang, one had to put on all his energy. What was this hard work?

This was not enough, Yuan Shao pulled his three sons and ran around in the barracks.

Yuan Xi complained, and said: "Father is troublesome, what's the use of pleasing these mud legs?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Nan hurriedly stopped, not even caring about etiquette.

After losing Youzhou, Yuan Shao was already disappointed in this son.

Yuan Tan was the eldest son, Yuan Shang was the beloved son, so Yuan Xi seemed insignificant.

If Yuan Xi could resist for a little longer, I'm afraid Yuan Shao would also look at him with admiration.

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