It's a pity that Yuan Xi didn't live up to it.

The father and son went out together to boost morale, and the effect was remarkable.

At this time, Jizhou is united, and even if it faces the Yangzhou army, it dares to fight.

This is the effect Yuan Shao wanted, and finally his efforts were not in vain.

Afterwards, Yuan Shao resumed the north and south camps, commanded by Feng Ji and Shen Pei, each commanding an army of [-], defending the banks of the Yellow River.

In the direction of Youzhou, Yuan Shao only gave Yuan Tan some miscellaneous soldiers and ordered him to hold the line of defense.

Yuan Shang was a little unhappy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The defense of the north has been handed over to Yuan Tan, what should I do?

This is Yuan Shang's cry from the heart. In terms of military affairs, Yuan Shang has the confidence to overwhelm Yuan Tan.

Therefore, he took it for granted that the arduous task of resisting Chen Deng should be entrusted to him, not Yuan Tan.

Now, Yuan Shao handed over the military power to Yuan Tan in front of Yuan Shang, Yuan Shang felt very uncomfortable.

This is a war about the life and death of Jizhou!

Can we just wait silently?

Yuan Shang was not reconciled.

However, he dared not go against Yuan Shao.

As a father, Yuan Shao is quite majestic.What he said cannot be doubted.

If Yuan Shang dared to question Yuan Shao on the spot, even if he was favored again, he would be punished.

So Yuan Shang changed his mind and said:

"Father, please give the child an army. The child is willing to fight to the death for you!"

Yuan Xi on the side was ready to move, now is the time to show his loyalty, so he also said the same thing.

As a result, Yuan Shaobai glanced at Yuan Xi, and the latter flinched.

Seeing that Yuan Shao didn't mean to give military power, Yuan Tan smiled slightly, and finally overwhelmed his younger brother.As long as he performed well in this battle, he would definitely win his father's favor.

"Xiansi and Xianyi, you both step down first." Yuan Shao said, leaving Yuan Shang alone.

Before leaving, Yuan Tan glanced at Yuan Shang, with complicated emotions: Father really still prefers Yuan Shang, what is there that the eldest son can't know?

Yuan Shang, who was the person involved, felt his heart skip a beat. Could it be that his father discovered his little thoughts?

It turned out that I was thinking too much.

How could Yuan Shao still have the mood to ponder these things at the moment? If his son doesn't believe it, how can he protect Jizhou.

"Xianfu, I have an important task for you." Yuan Shao said with a heavy heart.

It's not a good thing to see at a glance.

However, Yuan Shang would not back down at this moment, saying: "Father, please just give orders."

"Okay, maintaining Chicheng's disposition like this will help you in the future," Yuan Shao said.


Does it refer to the position of the heir?

Yuan Shang was overjoyed, but he didn't show it, and felt worried at the same time.

Dongyang Hou came at the wrong time.

If you give him ten years, he will definitely be able to catch up with Yangzhou.

Yuan Shang has such confidence.

However, I still think about how to protect myself.

"It's like this. With Jizhou alone, it is difficult to defeat the Marquis of Dongyang, so we must ask for reinforcements." Yuan Shao said.


Yuan Shang thought about it, who else among them could be an ally?Who else can rely on?

Yuan Shang couldn't imagine how there could be such a person.

"I hope you will go secretly to the west of Liaoning, contact Qiu Liju, and send troops to Youzhou. If you can do it, you can break the situation." Yuan Shao said.

Yuan Shang was taken aback, it turned out to be a foreign race!

Are you not afraid of getting a bad reputation?

But after thinking about it again, if he can't even pass the hurdle of Dongyanghou, what's the reputation and the future?

"If we want to win, we must be eclectic and break the rules." Yuan Shao said.

"Father is wise." Yuan Shang said.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the leaders of the Karasuma Department of the various counties proclaimed themselves kings.

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