For every shooting, there are casualties.

Gao Gan really wanted to rush over and catch Lu Bu and beat him up, but Lu Bu didn't give him a chance at all.

Lu Bu's archery is outstanding, which is also killing.

Since we can't attack, how about retreating the assembly?

As soon as the high-ranking officials retreated, Lu Bu led his army to bite him, nibbling away at the high-ranking officials bit by bit.

Gao Gan's face turned green at this moment.

In the world, how can there be such a rogue army!

Lu Bu, aren't you a top iron?Why don't you just come and play this annoying tactic.

Really too bad!

Gao Gan gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was nothing he could do.Fortunately, the location he chose was close to the mountains and forests, so Gao Gan ordered the troops to scatter and flee into the woods.

Lv Bu took advantage of the situation to cover up the attack and defeated the high-ranking army.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the high-ranking army was killed and defeated, Lu Bu had no obstacles and approached the trial and distribution camp.

The judge hates iron but not steel, why is the senior cadre so useless!

Can't even resist for a while.

Well now, Lu Bu is waiting for an opportunity outside the camp, how can the army leave the camp?

Not long after, Lu Bu came to fight and arrogantly challenged [-] people with [-] people.

Fortunately, the trial and match was mature and stable, and there was no battle.

However, with [-] cavalry looking at them outside, it would be difficult for the judge to do anything.

So he sent someone to inform Fengji that he must keep an eye on the south bank of the Yellow River.

Feng Ji is also in a dilemma, without the cooperation of the judge, how can he guard the north shore by himself?

Facing Dongyanghou head-on, he had only one way to die.

Just when Shen Pei and Feng Ji were gloomy, Liu Ke had already ordered to cross the river.

The army was mighty, and the ships covered the river.

The cavalry under Fengji's command were the first to discover the movement and quickly reported to Fengji.

No matter how difficult it was, Feng Ji had no choice but to try.

Hit it halfway!

Only in this way, there is a slight chance of winning.

Cowardly, there is no way to explain to the master!

Therefore, Fengji came out in full force and took the lead in forming an array on the north bank of the Yellow River.

However, for the Yangzhou army, Jizhou's advance formation has no meaning at all.

Liu Ke had been prepared for a long time. According to the plan, the trapped camp would go ashore from another place first, and then provide support.

There are rivers and seas in Jizhou. In the past, this was a natural line of defense.

However, Yangzhou's technology is too advanced. With Liu Ke's help, shipbuilding has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Although it is not yet possible to go to the ocean, but in the offshore area, it is already dominated by the Yangzhou Army.

In the eyes of everyone, Jizhou with its coastline is full of holes.

After Gao Shun landed from another location, he has been in ambush until now, and when Feng Ji's army appeared, he brazenly launched an attack.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly the sound of drums shook the sky.

"No, it's an ambush!"

Feng Ji was shocked and kept staring at the frontal battlefield. Although the flanks had also deployed forces, it was far from enough.

A charge in the trapped camp tore apart the right wing of Fengji's army.

The two sides fought fiercely.

Gao Shun led the army to advance by leaps and bounds, intending to rush into the crossbowmen's position and start killing.

It's a pity that Feng Ji responded calmly and didn't give Gao Shun a chance to break through.

As countless ships moved towards the shore, Feng Ji's heart sank.

Once the Yangzhou army landed, they had no way out.

"Fire the arrows!" Feng Ji ordered.

Countless arrows rained down, sank into the deck, and sank into the cold river water, few people were injured.

Because almost everyone in the Yangzhou Army wore shields, just to resist the first wave of enemy fire.

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