Under normal circumstances, the first round of shooting is often the strongest, so Liu Ke deployed a large number of shield soldiers, and when he landed, he could also participate in the defense.

Seeing that the arrow rain was almost ineffective, Feng Ji couldn't help thinking of quitting.

If there is no victory, there is no need to stay here and die.

If he lost the [-] horses, without Yuan Shao skinning them, Feng Ji would slay himself in shame.

In view of this, Fengji shot a few more waves of arrows to prevent the Yangzhou army from landing, and after a quarter of an hour, he reluctantly called for gold to withdraw the troops.

In order to cover the retreat of the army, Feng Ji personally led the army to break the rear, the army was well-organized, and it did not look like a rout.

After Gao Shun caught up, he was shocked that Feng Ji was so decisive!

"The general will inform you of his name!" Feng Ji said.

"Gao Shun."

Those two simple words made Feng Ji fall into memories.Gao Shun is a veteran who followed Dongyang Hou. He has been famous all over the world since the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Feng Ji thinks that he is not worse than Gao Shun, but what the general trend is.

Dongyang Hou is too powerful!

"See you by fate." Feng Ji said.

How could Gao Shun let Feng Ji retreat calmly?Chasing and fighting behind.

The Jizhou army left a lot of corpses.

By the time Zhao Yun came ashore, the battle was drawing to a close.

However, Zhao Yun chased after him and beat the dog in the water.

With the joint efforts of Gao Shun and Zhao Yun, although Feng Ji lost his troops, his intention to retreat has been achieved.

Suddenly, Tianji killed a large army, flying the flag of Jizhou, the number was about [-].

Gao Shun and Zhao Yun combined, they had already chased tens of miles, and there were only [-] soldiers around them, so there was no need to take risks, so they chose to let Feng Ji go.

Feng Ji breathed a sigh of relief when the Yangzhou Army retreated.

In the vicinity, there can be so many troops, who else but trial and match?

Sure enough.

"Yuan Tu, how did you lose so quickly?" Shen Pei was puzzled, he came all the way here, afraid of missing the battle.

As a result, it was really over as soon as it came.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is powerful, and he dispatched the trapped camp to cross the river in advance, which was hidden from my eyes and ears. Continue to fight and suffer heavy losses." Feng Ji explained.

The judge sighed.

"Zhengnan, why are you here?" Feng Ji asked in surprise.

"I used tricks to lure Lu Bu away, and then I was able to send troops to support, but I didn't expect..." The examiner sighed.

Use tricks?

Although Lu Bu is brave and intrepid, Yangzhou does not lack counselors.

"No, you and I can't go back to the camp." Feng Ji suddenly turned pale with shock.

"Why?" The judge asked puzzled.

"I'm afraid the second battalion has been lost, and they will be ambushed when they go back," Feng Ji said.

"How is it possible! Under our painstaking management, the Second Battalion is impenetrable." The judge didn't believe it.

"I've already withdrawn all my troops, and the camp's defenses are empty. I'm afraid it has already been taken by the Yangzhou army. And you, Zhengnan...may have been taken advantage of by a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain." Feng Ji sighed.

Feng Ji's thinking was very clear, but without seeing it with his own eyes, the judge couldn't believe it.

So, they retreated together all the way, and were dispatched to the barracks to inquire about the news.

When the scout saw the flag of the camp, it turned into the flag of the Yangzhou Army, and next to it was the eye-catching "Lv" flag, so he hurriedly reported to the judge.

After the judge found out, he was silent for a while.

Then the men sent by Fengji also came back and got the same information.

"Now that the second battalion has been lost, we must march as soon as possible to join the lord, otherwise there will be changes." Feng Ji said.

As for retreating to a city and waiting for Yuan Shao's reinforcements, Feng Ji had thought about it, but it was easy to be defeated one by one.

Facts have proved that Feng Ji's judgment is correct.

"That's the only way to go." The judge said helplessly.

On the way, they gathered the remnants of the army without much loss, and maintained a nearly complete force.

Even if Liu Ke's army was fully prepared, it still took a day to cross the river.

By the time the river crossing was over, the sky had already dimmed.

Doomed to do nothing today.

After learning that Lu Bu had seized the second battalion, Liu Ke informed the whole army of this exciting news.

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