"The thief is powerful, don't attack." Liu Ye advised.

"At this time, the Wuhuan army is still in Youbeiping County, we still have time." Chen Deng said.

As for the time, of course, people will be sent to notify the counties and villages so that the people will be ready.

Just when Chen Deng was hesitating whether to divide his troops to garrison various places, Liu Ye objected again:


"Why?" Chen Deng was puzzled.

"We have allied forces under our command, not pure Yangzhou troops. Is it realistic to use troops from Baekje and Goryeo to guard a city? But once our troops are dispersed and no one suppresses the troops from Baekje and Goryeo, the consequences will be dire. How?" Liu Ye said.

Chen Deng knew that what Liu Ye said was reasonable, but he still took the risk of sending out [-] troops to guard the counties.

Don't seek to retreat the enemy, just protect the people.

Seeing this, Gongsun Kang took the initiative to share Chen Deng's worries and selected several cities to guard.

For this, Chen Deng was very grateful.

As for the Baekje and Goryeo armies, Chen Deng did not move, even though they expressed their willingness to guard one side.

As Wuhuan's army approached, Ji County became more and more crowded, and many people fled here.

If it's just that, it's fine. There are constant conflicts between the people and the Baekje and Goryeo soldiers, always arguing over small things.

At the beginning, Chen Deng was able to cope with it freely, but later the incidents happened more and more frequently.

Chen Deng can't ignore defense and deal with these things exclusively, can he?

However, if he didn't show up, he couldn't suppress the Goryeo and Baekje soldiers at all.

Bacchi and Jane are deliberately restrained, but the culture is different after all, and the language is not clear, so friction is inevitable.

Under Liu Ye's suggestion, the Baekje and Goryeo armies went out of the city to build camps, one on the left and one on the right, and the three sides formed horns with each other, which stabilized the situation.

Chen Deng repeatedly told Ba Qi and Jane to take the place and not to fight, and they both nodded in agreement.

However, when Qiu Liju's disciple, Zi Tadun, led an army of [-] to provoke, Bachi couldn't help showing his strength.

The result is self-evident, Baqi was defeated, and with Chen Deng's rescue, he saved his life.

More than half of Goryeo's army was lost.

Ta Dun was only in charge of monitoring Chen Deng and preventing him from obstructing the march of the army.Seeing that the defense of the Koryo barracks was empty, he tried to provoke him, but Baki was really fooled.

Although Tadun is not well-known, he is known as "Little Maodun", and he still has some skills.

You know, Maodun suppressed the Han Dynasty for many years, and Liu Bang was unable to take revenge until his death.

Ta Dun mocked Jane again, but unfortunately the latter was not fooled, so Ta Dun swaggered away.

Jane breathed a sigh of relief, and reported to Chen Deng that Ta Dun had left.

However, at night, Ta Dun returned suddenly and attacked Baekje's camp.

Seeing the flames, Chen Deng came to the rescue again and brought Jane back.

Tadun laughed and left.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It's too much to bully people!" Jane said cursingly.

However, the fact that he was defeated cannot be concealed.

Chen Deng was also helpless. After all, his troops were all mixed brands. It was too difficult to carry out an effective counterattack.

If it is an ordinary army, they can still fight a battle, but they face the aliens who come and go like the wind.

Chen Deng dismissed the idea.

However, because of this incident, the troops of Goryeo and Baekje were much more stable, basically staying in the barracks.

Blessed by trouble?

Not really.

I'm afraid Liu Ye had bad intentions in letting them leave the city.

However, at such a sensitive moment, Chen Deng would not pursue it.

"Send an envoy to warn the lord," Chen Deng said.

"When the enemy army entered Youbeiping County, I had already dispatched a messenger." Liu Ye said.

Sure enough.

Chen Deng was very impressed.

Then Liu Ye took out a belated letter, Chen Deng opened it, and it turned out that Liu Ke asked them to beware of Wuhuan.

"It turns out that the lord has expected it a long time ago." Chen Deng sighed.

My lord's resourcefulness is not enough for me!

It is not unreasonable to be able to sweep the world.

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