On the contrary, Chen Deng was a little complacent because he easily won Youzhou.

This must be changed!

Qiu Liju's army drove straight in. Although he had restrained them, there were still looting happenings.

Occasionally, villages are slaughtered.

"I'm really sorry, my subordinates couldn't help it when they saw the money." Qiu Liju apologized to Yuan Shang, but there was no sign of remorse between the words.

Yuan Shang didn't take it seriously, and said: "It's okay, the Central Plains has a vast land and resources, and a large population, but hundreds of people died, so there is nothing worth caring about."

"That's good, haha!" Qiu Liju laughed heartily. He would never punish his subordinates for this. After all, this is the law of survival in the grassland, and he can only blame him at most.

They couldn't go around killing, they were restrained enough, Qiu Liju felt that if he hadn't spoken out, at least thousands of people would have died.

In comparison, the lives of hundreds of people are nothing.

Yuan Shang also has his own considerations. Isn't Dongyanghou the patron saint of the people?

What would Wuhuan do when he knew that he had massacred innocent people?

The attention must be shifted to Wuhuan.

It is in Jizhou's interest to let Wuhuan act as the main force against Dongyang Hou.

Yuan Shang knows this well.

The [-] alien army is running in Jizhou. It has been a few years since there was nothing to do.

Even during the most turbulent period of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the foreign race did not cross Youzhou.

Even if the people of Jizhou supported the Yuan family, they couldn't help but retreat at this moment.

That's a foreign race, a foreign race that kills without blinking an eye, a foreign race that can't help but snatch money when it sees money, a foreign race that even snatches a big cooking pot!

For a while, the foreign race didn't even spare pottery urinals!

Yuan Shao is no different from seeking skin from a tiger, but he has no choice but to do so.

Don't lose Jizhou!

At this moment, Yuan Shao only has this belief left, so all other considerations must give way to it.

"The Marquis of Dongyang forced me to do everything!" Yuan Shao comforted himself.

To show respect, Yuan Shao went out of the city thirty miles to meet Qiu Liju.

This kind of treatment is unique, and even Yuan Shang was taken aback because he didn't get any news at all.

"Father, why are you here?" Yuan Shang asked curiously.

However, Yuan Shao just nodded, his gaze was always on Qiu Liju.

"Worthy of being King Wuhuan, your body is still healthy and healthy. With a hero like you in the grassland, why not worry about it? Even if it restores the glory of the Maodun Chanyu period, it is not a bad idea." Yuan Shao said, taking a picture as soon as he came up Flattery.

Qiu Liju felt light in an instant.

Grassland people, who doesn't miss Maodun?

Everyone wants to make a difference.

When Yuan Shao said this, it could be said that he was raising the ambitions of others and destroying his own prestige.

However, now is the time to use Qiu Liju, even if Yuan Shao feels disdainful, he can only say such things against his conscience.

"Master Zhou Mu is not bad either! When the time comes, we will rule the world one by one from the south to the north!" Qiu Liju said.

"Haha, that's why I invited King Wuhuan to come here. As long as I defeat the Marquis of Dongyang, no one can stop me. At that time, if you want anything, just say it. As long as I have it, I won't Be stingy!" Yuan Shao said with a hearty smile.

Qiu Liju's eyes were blazing, everyone knew that the Central Plains was rich and prosperous, if it was as Yuan Shao said, this favor must be done!

"I have already ordered people to prepare the food and wine, and I will invite King Wuhuan to go to the city to talk about it." Yuan Shao said.

"Okay, Ben Shanyu is a little tired from the long-distance raid." Qiu Liju said.

Compared with King Wuhuan, Qiu Liju still prefers to be called "Shanyu", because this is the supreme glory of the grassland.

Yuan Shao caught this point, and began to change his words, saying: "Chan Yu, this way please!"

Qiu Liju was instantly elated.

A distance of thirty miles is nothing to war horses.

Yuan Shao arranged a grand welcome ceremony at the gate of the city, and Qiu Liju seemed to feel the scene of Mao Dun Shanyu being treated courteously by the Han emperor.

That's called scenery!

All the officials in the city attended the banquet and congratulated Qiu Liju.

Of course, there are also people who are not happy with Qiu Liju, including Jushou.He sighed, not knowing what to say.

Seeing this scene, Tian Feng said: "Why are you so discouraged, the Lord has invited reinforcements, it's a good thing."

"Yuan Hao, do you really think so?" Ju Shou asked back, "Throughout the ages, those who lure other races into the Central Plains have never had a good end. Those who are not my race must have different hearts!"

"This problem needs to be resolved after Dongyang Hou is expelled, or after the lord seizes the world, and then sweeps Wuhuan, there will always be a solution." Tian Feng said.

It seems that everyone is just taking advantage of it.

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