How hypocritical is the laughter at the banquet at this moment!

"I would rather my lord give me a large army and die in battle than bow to a foreign race." Jushou said.

"If you can keep Jizhou if you die in battle, I'm afraid the lord is willing to go first." Tian Feng said.

Ju Shou had no doubts about this, so he was so depressed that he took a sip of the wine.

"This is Yangzhou's fine wine." Ju Shou said, "My lord has spent a lot of money."

Ju Shou sighed. During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, natural disasters continued, people were displaced, production stagnated, and countless people starved to death.

However, in just a few years, the Marquis of Dongyang increased the grain production dozens of times!

The grain produced in Yangzhou alone is enough to feed the people of the whole country.

How extravagant it is to make wine with grain, but in Yangzhou, grain is the cheapest commodity.

Every household has food in stock!

As for the Yangzhou government treasury, let alone.

The horror of Dongyang Hou lies in this.

And Yuan Shao's ability is just to fool a leader of a foreign race, this is the gap.

Chapter five hundred and ninety second courting death

Due to Yuan Shao's strategy of fortifying the wall and clearing the field, Liu Ke traveled unimpeded and did not encounter any resistance.

Except for the fact that the scouts still fought each other, everything was calm.

"The scouts came to report that Wuhuan King Qiu Liju led an army of [-] to support Yuan Shao. At this moment, there are a total of [-] enemy troops stationed in Yecheng." Guo Jia said.

Sure enough, what Yuan Shao was waiting for was a foreign army!

The Yangzhou army has the most cavalry among the princes of the Central Plains.However, facing Wuhuan, the number is still insufficient.

Everyone in Wuhuan is a cavalry soldier!

In other words, Qiu Liju brought [-] cavalry.

Yecheng is close to the Zhang River, with abundant water sources and convenient transportation. It has always been an important town in the north.

The name "Ye" originated from the place where Daye, the granddaughter of Zhuanxu, the grandson of the Yellow Emperor, and the son of Nvxiu first lived.


Yuan Shao intends to stick to this place and fight Liu Ke.

Now with the help of [-] foreign cavalry, even Liu Ke cannot take it lightly.

What was originally a matter of easy grasp, did not expect to become so complicated.

"Actually, there is one more important thing to report to the lord." Guo Jia said with a serious expression.

"Tell me about it." Liu Ke said.

"Recently, there have been a lot of news that Wuhuan slaughtered the people. If I'm not wrong, it should be Yuan Shao's work." Guo Jia said.

"Yuan Benchu ​​has a good plan. In order to divert my attention, he even made such a bad plan. Let the alien race slaughter the common people..." Liu Ke read a few words silently.

Even knowing that this was Yuan Shao's conspiracy, Liu Ke did not intend to let Wuhuan go.

Wuhuan must be taught a lesson!

"My lord, we might as well use our strategy and attack the most difficult alien cavalry." Guo Jia said.

It was exactly what Liu Ke wanted.

Next, Guo Jia and Liu Ke discussed some details, and after they were perfected, Liu Ke called Lu Bu.

"My lord, what can I order?" Lu Bu asked.

"You go to provoke Qiu Liju, and you must lure him out." Liu Ke said.

"It's not easy." Lu Bu vowed.

The prairie cavalry are all fierce and aggressive. As long as they are provoked a little, they are not afraid that they will not fight under the impatience.

Lu Bu picked out five thousand fine horsemen, and came to Qiu Liju's camp to curse them.

"A mere foreign race, dare to come to the Central Plains to play wild? I don't take pictures of myself, how many catties and taels do I have!"

"Who dares to fight me? Are they all like turtles? When did the grassland people become so cowardly?"

Under a series of provocations, the guards were furious, and hurriedly informed Tadun who was guarding the camp.

Originally, foreign races didn't have fixed camps, but Yuan Shao was very thoughtful and had already tailored them for them, making them comfortable to live in.

"Who is your Excellency, shouting here?" Ta Dun shouted.

"Which doll are you? Let Qiu Liju out, you are not my opponent." Lu Bu said.

Ta Dun was furious and raised his knife to fight, but was stopped.If it is an ordinary person, Ta Dun doesn't need to give face at all, but this person is Yuan Shang.

"General, please calm down. This person is Lu Bu, a general under the Marquis of Dongyang. His martial arts skills are outstanding, and he is among the top ten in Yangzhou." Yuan Shang said.

"It's just a person who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. What's there to be afraid of? Let me teach him a lesson." Ta Dun insisted.

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